Originally posted by Vangelovski
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I have precisely asked what was fraud or malicious in my answer to Julie, you provide nothing.
Is maybe because I said the both resolution are contrary to the Charter of UN and the IA itself because in it's article 5 is calling on exctly those two resolutions and according to article 103 of UN make them null?
You need to learn what SOVEREINGTY means and then have a good think about how that applies to the Macedonian people.
Arguing that we adhere to "laws" developed by an UNELECTED organisation, which has no interest in our political or cultural survival is nothing more than VASSAL politics.
Arguing that we adhere to "laws" developed by an UNELECTED organisation, which has no interest in our political or cultural survival is nothing more than VASSAL politics.
But it was not my choice to decide and measure in which international organisations we could benefit as a members, somebody already decide on our behalf.
Actually, I do agree with your perception of UN.
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