Countries that recognize Macedonia
This is a sticky topic.
I think the sooner the macedonian govt establishes relations with the rest of the world thebetter.The more we are recognized under our constitutional name it would be better for us. I'm sure greece will abandon it's campaign to change the name of rom once we get world recognition.
Originally posted by DedoAleko View PostWe can speculate why this "news" popped out,but it would be EXTREMELY NAIVE to think of this as a step towards name recognition by Germany.
How does it work? We have to sign an official document under our name which the other country states that they recognize our name or can it be done under an official bilateral document between two countries? Thats how Ireland recognized us.
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Originally posted by Bratot View PostOnly within the UN!
Has not Macedonia accepted recognition by USA in 1994 under the "TR" ("Temporary Reference" - "samo za dva meseci") and has not Macedonia in fact COMMITTED to ONLY applying for membership to international organisations under the terms of the "IA" ("Interim Agreement", signed in 1995 but in the pipeline much, much earlier.), which in ALL cases where HR is a member means using the "TR"?
Secondly, has Macedonia not ITSELF accepted recognition by many countries, e.g. Australia, under the "PR"?
Lastly, Macedonia IS ACTUALLY SUING GREECE IN ORDER TO UPHOLD THE PROVISIONS OF THE "IA", WHICH MEANS USING THE (highly offensive and damaging to the Macedonian Nation) "TR" FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS (WHERE GREECE IS A MEMBER)! And that certainly means the use of the "TR" is NOT for "internal UN use only"!
The ICJ Case: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia institutes proceedings against Greece for a violation of Article 11 of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995
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Originally posted by Bratot View PostWhat exactly is your point?
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Originally posted by Prolet View PostGermany and Macedonia sign a bilateral agreement under our name, could this be the first step towards name recognition?
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Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View PostHave you guys checked this out?
I'm not sure if its 100% accurate, but you know wiki's stupidity on accuracy.
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If it's not, you can (and should) correct it.
Odysseas Elytis - Our name is our soul
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Have you guys checked this out?
I'm not sure if its 100% accurate, but you know wiki's stupidity on accuracy.
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Germany and Macedonia sign a bilateral agreement under our name, could this be the first step towards name recognition?
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I will update this list later in the evening, but I think we should start looking at which countries do not recognise Macedonia by its official name, as the list would have to be quite short now one would gather.
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BBS, Greece is denying it and they are accusing us of failing in New York
Tensions are rising
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Great news on Syria, that makes them country 129.
This is another example that we are winning the "name dispute" and grease is slowly losing.
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Rogi, If you got links with Pero Stojanovski im sure he'll tell you.
Here is what i could find, Fiji is on this list.
Macedonia recognised by its constitutional name by the following countries:
Австрија Авганистан Азербејџан Албанија Алжир Андора Антигва и Барбуди,Аргентина Бангладеш Бахреин Белорусија Белизе,Бенин,Босна и Херцеговина Боцвана Бразил Брегот на слоновата коска,Брунеи Дарусалам,Бугарија Бурунди Буркина Фасо Вануату,Виетнам Велика Британија (Кралство),Гамбија Габон Гватемала Гвинеја Бисау,Гвинеја (Екваторијална)Гвајана Дарусалам ДоминикаЕл Салвадор Еритреа,Естонија ,Зеленоротски островиИзраел Индија Индонезија Ирак Иран Ирска Источен Тимор Италија Јамајка Јапонија Јордан ЈеменКамбоџа КазакстанКанада Катар КиргистанКонго, Кореја, Кина Косово Костарика Коморски острови Куба Кувајт Лаос ЛесотоЛибиска Арапска ЏамахиријаЛитванијаЛуксембург Маврициус МавританијаМалезијаМалавиМалдивите,Мадагаскар Мароко Маршалски острови Маурициус Мианмар Мозамбик Молдавија НауруНепал Нигерија Никарагва Нов Зеланд Норвешка Обединети Арапски Емирати Оман Пакистан Парагвај Перу Полска Романија Руанда Русија САДСамоа Сао Томе и Принципе,Србија СловенијаСаудиска Арабија Св.Винсент и Гренадините Св.Луција Свазиленд Сингапур Сиера Леоне Сејшелите СенегалСловачка СомалијаСудан Суринам Тајланд Танзанија Таџикистан Туркменистан Турција ТогоУганда Украина Унгарија Уругвај ,Узбекистан,Филипини Фиџи, ХрватскаХешимитско кралство, Црна Гора,Хаити Хондурас Чад Чешка Република Чиле Џибути Швајцарија Шведска Шри Ланка
Panama and Mexico were originally countries we thought that changed their minds on recognition but this was never the case, they still recognize us and it was confirmed by our MNR.
Oh and we can now add Syria to the list, this is fantastic actually.
This is also a site worth looking at.
Last edited by Prolet; 09-24-2010, 10:23 AM.
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Prolet, can you provide anything to confirm Fiji? As far as I am aware, Macedonia and Fiji are yet to establish diplomatic relations, though I know that is part of the priorities of the Macedonian Embassy in Australia (which would also be the representative to the South Pacific Island Nations).
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Bratot, We are over 130
New Zealand and Fiji were the others to recognize us, there was a few more aswell but MNR refused to mention it, it could be Gruzija.
Lebanon has to be the next country that we establish diplomatic relations with, we got soldiers there.
Македонија воспостави дипломатски односи со Сирија под уставното име
24.09.2010 - 09:55 | Македонија
Република Македонија и Сириската Арапска Република, вчера во Њујорк, за време на 65-тото заседание на Генералното собрание на ООН, воспоставија дипломатски односи на амбасадорско ниво.
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