Letter Mayor Ovcharani
Macedonians in Greece called Macedonian language to become official
In all educational institutions (schools and high schools) in the municipality Meliti (Ovcharani) to learn English language. All topographic names in the municipality to be bilingual and all official signs on public buildings have articles on Greek and Macedonian.
Gathering Macedonians Ovcharani
These are the two main requirements mayor Ovcharani in Greece, Panagiotis Anastasiadis, which are sent to the mayor of Florina, competent council for the region of Western Macedonia and the Minister of Education. The letter was sent on March 26, and was published yesterday on the website of the newspaper of the Macedonians in Greece "Nova Zora".
The letter reminds Panagiotis Anastasiadis that Greece as a member of the EU is a signatory to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, where Article 21 states that Member States are obliged to protect linguistic diversity and to prevent any discriminatory measures against them. Hallowed it, reminds Mayor Ovcharani, EU Member States are obliged to protect and encourage the use of minority languages spoken in their territory even if they are not officially recognized.
Panagiotis Anastasiadis or Pande Ashlakov
"Let me also remind you that our country is a signatory, but unfortunately has not yet ratified the Council of Europe Framework Convention for Regional or Minority Languages. Among other things, the Convention provides for the recognition of these languages as an expression of cultural wealth, the respect of the geographical area where they speak such a language and, in particular, facilitate and encourage the use of language in written and oral form, both in public and in private life, "the part of the letter.
Anastasiadis recalls that at this part of Greece, the population did not encounter benevolent protection of the state in relation to the use of the language they speak. "The citizens here are cut off. Unemployment is rising, and there were certain phenomena such as the Golden Dawn, all of us who are part of different linguistic and cultural identity, do not be afraid when we see that Greece High Speed returns in the past, the past that was full of refugees, prohibitions and fear. "
"Given all this, I think it is time to show that Greece is rightly considered a modern European state which respects the rights of all citizens, regardless of ethnic or linguistic background. As president of the local council Meliti daily receive hundreds of requests by citizens of the wider region that require uninterrupted use of their native Macedonian language in all aspects of public life. By accepting this request Greece to show that it is not subject to the nostalgic memories of fascism and looking forward. This will create the conditions for all those who speak the Macedonian language and specifically works to feel that they are part of this country and its citizens with equal rights.
We look forward to your positive response to abolish these historical, social and economic injustices, unfortunately, a majority of the citizens of Greece last for decades, "wrote the letter at the end Panagiotis Anastasiadis the Mayor Ovcharani.
original text in Macedonian
Macedonians in Greece called Macedonian language to become official
In all educational institutions (schools and high schools) in the municipality Meliti (Ovcharani) to learn English language. All topographic names in the municipality to be bilingual and all official signs on public buildings have articles on Greek and Macedonian.
Gathering Macedonians Ovcharani
These are the two main requirements mayor Ovcharani in Greece, Panagiotis Anastasiadis, which are sent to the mayor of Florina, competent council for the region of Western Macedonia and the Minister of Education. The letter was sent on March 26, and was published yesterday on the website of the newspaper of the Macedonians in Greece "Nova Zora".
The letter reminds Panagiotis Anastasiadis that Greece as a member of the EU is a signatory to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, where Article 21 states that Member States are obliged to protect linguistic diversity and to prevent any discriminatory measures against them. Hallowed it, reminds Mayor Ovcharani, EU Member States are obliged to protect and encourage the use of minority languages spoken in their territory even if they are not officially recognized.
Panagiotis Anastasiadis or Pande Ashlakov
"Let me also remind you that our country is a signatory, but unfortunately has not yet ratified the Council of Europe Framework Convention for Regional or Minority Languages. Among other things, the Convention provides for the recognition of these languages as an expression of cultural wealth, the respect of the geographical area where they speak such a language and, in particular, facilitate and encourage the use of language in written and oral form, both in public and in private life, "the part of the letter.
Anastasiadis recalls that at this part of Greece, the population did not encounter benevolent protection of the state in relation to the use of the language they speak. "The citizens here are cut off. Unemployment is rising, and there were certain phenomena such as the Golden Dawn, all of us who are part of different linguistic and cultural identity, do not be afraid when we see that Greece High Speed returns in the past, the past that was full of refugees, prohibitions and fear. "
"Given all this, I think it is time to show that Greece is rightly considered a modern European state which respects the rights of all citizens, regardless of ethnic or linguistic background. As president of the local council Meliti daily receive hundreds of requests by citizens of the wider region that require uninterrupted use of their native Macedonian language in all aspects of public life. By accepting this request Greece to show that it is not subject to the nostalgic memories of fascism and looking forward. This will create the conditions for all those who speak the Macedonian language and specifically works to feel that they are part of this country and its citizens with equal rights.
We look forward to your positive response to abolish these historical, social and economic injustices, unfortunately, a majority of the citizens of Greece last for decades, "wrote the letter at the end Panagiotis Anastasiadis the Mayor Ovcharani.
original text in Macedonian