Шо праиш бе Вардарец, доста време помина, каи се скри ебаго, и ти да не сакаш да бидиш кандидат 
In response to what you wrote about Ljube Boshkovski,
I think given his background situation prior to the lead-up of these elections and the perception of all interested observers inside and out of Macedonia, he is being diplomatic here. I don't think it would be right to speak negatively about anybody at this moment (especially the Albanians) as it will 'confirm' the thoughts of those who already believe he is some kind of 'extremist', hence damaging his chances for becoming president. He also makes it clear that he is not expecting any kind of support from the Albanians, his actions may tell a different story if elected, I guess time will tell.
This is what he wrote in response to the following question, "Кој Ви прави опструкции?"
There is clearly a sense of antagonism towards Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE, and clarity with regard to the above statement from him is required, namely, what his solution to the name issue is. Do we have his thought's on that?
Also, is there anything at all that can be shown as proof of his existing 'ties' with that bugaroman runaway Lubcho?

In response to what you wrote about Ljube Boshkovski,
#1 He is no enemy of Albanians, he was just fighting to protect the integrity of the Macedonian state and merely bla bla.
He has become a total coward since he is back. Does he forget who exiled, killed and raped the Macedonians from Tetovo and Tetovsko. He himself is from Tearce, a village from the Polog region.
He has become a total coward since he is back. Does he forget who exiled, killed and raped the Macedonians from Tetovo and Tetovsko. He himself is from Tearce, a village from the Polog region.
#2 He has been talking for a name change - "I took the 'glory' to go to jail, this government will take the 'glory' to change the name".
Не можеме денес да зборуваме дека не даваме да се промени името, да зборуваме за античка Македонија, Александар Македонски, за Хунзите, а да заборавиме на реалните проблеми. Овие теми треба да им ги оставиме на историчарите, а да се фокусираме на решавање на проблемот со името, што ќе ни овозможи влез во НАТО и во ЕУ, доаѓање странски инвестиции и итн. Како што мене ми припадна честа да бидам хашки затвореник, на оваа Влада и' припадна честа и одговорноста да го реши проблемот со името.
Also, is there anything at all that can be shown as proof of his existing 'ties' with that bugaroman runaway Lubcho?