Philiki Eteria founders most likely Vlachs & Slav

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Originally posted by Pelister View Post
    p.122, G. Finlay, History of the Greek Revolution, Volume 1.

    Pelister this is awesome. This pretty much sums up what is truth. That ethnically there was no "greeks" in the Philiki Eteria. Because obviously no such ethnicity exists. This is from Finlays book that Pelister quoted from for all modern "greeks" to read.

    Thanks Pelister. I believe that we can officially say case closed on this thread now.

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  • Pelister
    When this society (Philike Hetairia) was founded, orthodoxy and Greek nationality were so generally confounded, that the traders of Odessa who framed its organization called the popular class of initiated brethren by the barbarous appellation of Vlamides, from the Albanian word vlameria, signifying brotherhood.
    p.122, G. Finlay, History of the Greek Revolution, Volume 1.

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  • Pelister
    Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
    I would love to know what these Albanian words are. I am not at all shocked by this either.
    Will dig it up. I've got the book at home.

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Something interesting I found about the Philiki Etaeria.

    So a distinction between Orthodox and "greek" was blurred......This answers alot of our questions right here.

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  • TrueMacedonian
    I would love to know what these Albanian words are. I am not at all shocked by this either.

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  • Pelister
    I was reading somewhere recently that the "secret code words" of this group to identify one another, were Albanian words.

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  • Daskalot
    TM, keep hunting the Truth!

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Thanks guys. I'll always do my best to spread the word. Paul I asked you somewhere else but I'll ask again. I'm looking for Vasil Bogov's book. Where can I purchase it?

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  • osiris
    svoliani you are an idiot, true macedonian you are a wannabbee slayer keep up the good work.

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  • Pelister
    Good work T.M.

    Look at Keith Legg's comment at the bottom of the posted page "there was some disagreement over just what the Greek language was ...."

    That's a big statement. It supports the thesis that the Greeks were not an ethnic group.

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  • TrueMacedonian
    As for you Mavrocordatos here's some wiki links since I know you modern "greeks" love wiki links.

    Count Alexander Mavrocordatos, Greek: Αλέξανδρος Μαυροκορδάτος, Aleksandros Mavrokordatos, Romanian: Alexandru Mavrocordat, Turkish: Aleksandro Mavrokordato; ca.1636-1709) was a member of the Greek Mavrocordatos Phanariote family and dragoman to Sultan Mehmed IV in 1673 - notably employed in negotiations with the Habsburg Monarchy during the Great Turkish War.

    His father Nicolas Mavrocordatos had been merchant from Chios, a member of the numerous Mavrocordatos clan there, and settled to Istanbul. Young Alexander studied at several schools inside and outside the Ottoman Empire, and was awarded the degree of Doctor of philosophy and medicine at the University of Bologna. He then launched a career in Ottoman administration.

    Alexander Mavrocordatos was the person who drew up the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699). He became a secretary of state and was created a Reichsgraf of the Holy Roman Empire. His authority, with that of Amcazade Köprülü Hüseyin Pasha and Rami Paşa, was supreme at the court of sultan Mustafa II, and he did much to ameliorate the condition of Christians in the Ottoman Empire. He was disgraced in 1703, but was later recalled to court by Sultan Ahmed III.

    He started a princely branch of the Mavrocordatos family, through his marriage with a Moldavian princess, [1], who was a granddaughter of Prince Alexandru Iliaş and Moldavia (a member of the Muşatin family).

    Alexander also wrote several historical, grammatical, and other treatises. His son, Nicholas Mavrocordato, rose to be ultimately appointed grand dragoman to the Divan (1697), and, in 1708, became Prince of Moldavia by order of the Ottoman sultan.


    And Mavrocordats uncle was:

    Ioan Gheorghe Caragea. And the Caragea family claim decent from the Comnenian Dynasty and as I have already proved they were Vlach. And if they weren't then they were mixed ArmenianVlach. Either way not ethnically "greek".
    I know I know you're gonna bounce up and down and tell me that the book I posted above says '8 greek families' but trust me I can even go so far as to breakdown all of their ethnicities. But I don't think I need to. I think I've dusted your Hospodars "greek" makeup off so you could see what they really are.
    Last edited by TrueMacedonian; 01-16-2009, 03:54 AM.

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Originally posted by Svoliani View Post
    The Ypsilanti family was originally from Trebizond, Black Sea region.
    So if we use Drvologic 101 (TM) he was neither Vlach nor Albanian, he has to be a Christian Turk !!! LOL and heres some fine points u missed in Hammonds book.

    " In many parts of the mainland co-existence of immmigrants and GREEKS was practised. But not in Epirus, which bore the main brunt. There the Greek pocket of resistence, which preserved the Greek language even when its ruler was Serb or Italian"

    " When Isaou, the Italian ruler of Ioannina, passed to the offensive in 1399, he had already won over the Mazarakii(Albanians) and the Malakasaei(perhaps Vlach speaking) and he recruited GREEKS evidently from Zagori, Papingo and Druinoupolis"

    - Wow Albanians , Vlach and Greeks mentioned in the same sentence

    " In the eyes of the GREEKS the Albanians and those associated with them were fine hunters"

    " The most warlike of the Albanians were those described by the GREEKS as living in great mountanous areas."

    " Throughout this period bands of Albanian raiders pillaged and destroyed the villages of the Vlachs and the GREEKS in Epirus, northern Pindus, the lakeland of Prespa and Ohrid, and parts of Western Macedonia."

    Now please post Races and Mongrels so we can read about the one part of Greece that was still Greek, MACEDONIA.

    Like i said , keep em coming!!!!

    Sure I will keep them coming. Here's the breakdown of your precious Ypsilanti and his ethnic makeup.

    So now Kostas are you gonna tell me to post Race or Mongrel again after reading this? Sure I don't mind. You idiot. If you read what I wrote on Maknews then you would have seen that I acknowledged what was written about Macedonia. So now tell me how this makes your beloved Hospodar Ypsilantis a hellene related to the ancient race of Hellenes???
    Trust me you do not want more of what I have. You and Akritas and Toothbrusher will need to put your heads together to form one brain to try and squirm around the truth. And the truth is you have nothing to do with the ancient race of Hellenes. Not even culturally. You are a drone programmed by your government since the 19th century. The truth does indeed hurt you ArvanitoSlavoVlach.

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  • Svoliani
    The Ypsilanti family was originally from Trebizond, Black Sea region.
    So if we use Drvologic 101 (TM) he was neither Vlach nor Albanian, he has to be a Christian Turk !!! LOL and heres some fine points u missed in Hammonds book.

    " In many parts of the mainland co-existence of immmigrants and GREEKS was practised. But not in Epirus, which bore the main brunt. There the Greek pocket of resistence, which preserved the Greek language even when its ruler was Serb or Italian"

    " When Isaou, the Italian ruler of Ioannina, passed to the offensive in 1399, he had already won over the Mazarakii(Albanians) and the Malakasaei(perhaps Vlach speaking) and he recruited GREEKS evidently from Zagori, Papingo and Druinoupolis"

    - Wow Albanians , Vlach and Greeks mentioned in the same sentence

    " In the eyes of the GREEKS the Albanians and those associated with them were fine hunters"

    " The most warlike of the Albanians were those described by the GREEKS as living in great mountanous areas."

    " Throughout this period bands of Albanian raiders pillaged and destroyed the villages of the Vlachs and the GREEKS in Epirus, northern Pindus, the lakeland of Prespa and Ohrid, and parts of Western Macedonia."

    Now please post Races and Mongrels so we can read about the one part of Greece that was still Greek, MACEDONIA.

    Like i said , keep em coming!!!!

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  • osiris
    so far not one modern greek poster has been able to explain why greek colnies were established in ancient macedonia, and in what other greek land were greek colonies established.

    its a waste of time trying to talk sense with most modern greeks about macedonia ancient or modern. maybe when they are able tio confront their immediate past and accept the albanian vlach and slav input into their ethnic mix they will then move on and comprehend the macedonian reality.

    i must agknowleadge spartan on this forum as a greek who is willing to listen and not only to lecture.

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  • Pelister
    Originally posted by TerraNova View Post
    I ve already answered.
    Whole my family were Greek speaking Greeks of MACEDONIA.
    They still live here in Macedonia.
    Fortunately Greece was the winner of the Macedonian struggle ,as well as Balkan wars 1,2 and they weren't kicked off from our land..

    To the topic..since som is unable to answer..and you started the topic.
    Do you have any evidence which indicates that the 4 founders of Philiki Eteria were non Greeks?
    What is important is what the Greeks, Macedonians, Bulgarians ...etc, thought of each other and themselves.

    In ancient times the Greeks considered the Macedonians to be a separate race, and the Macedonians consider themselves to be a separate people from the Greeks.

    Now lets jump to 1902- and the situation is precisely the same. Nothing had changed. The New Greeks have just moved into a part of Macedonia for the first time, and given directives to kill the Macedonians where ever they find them and prove to the world that Macedonia is Greek.

    That is why Macedonians want their lands back.

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