Philiki Eteria founders most likely Vlachs & Slav

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Those Vlachs sure do.

    Ed, you think Vlachs and Albanians speaking Romaika serves as evidence in the interest of your plastic 'cause'? You little Elinitsa you, right out there wearing nothing but a white table cloth with your garbage can lid as a shield and your butter knife in defence of "Hellenism", lol

    Or is the Albanian dress with those little fluff balls on your feet more your thing? I think, that dress, with you in it, is enough to win a few battles for "Hellenism" by simply making the opponent fall to the floor in laughter at the pathetic sight before his eyes.

    What do you say Ed? Ajde za gertzia, hahaha

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  • Svoliani
    Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
    No. You're wrong. Opening up a book is the worst possible thing I did to your plastic identity. Funny how you avoid the topic and revert to questioning our identity. I see right through your kind like a glass of water. The only thing that vexes me is what your ethnicty is. Maybe Albanian? Maybe Vlach? Maybe Turk? What are you?
    Maybe Greek, from Macedonia to add. What you need to see? an ethnographic map of the time? a pro Bulgarian site that lists all the villages and its people from the early 1900's? Let me know ill provide.
    My language is there in the book u posted, yours didnt make the team.
    You find 2 groups that have been assimilated and are getting all fired up, now post Brailsford so i can read about the Geniune Greek city of Kastoria. Those Greeks make the best furs up there in Koshturi.

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Now let's see some of the big wigs of the Philiki Eteria.

    OH MY GOD!!! TWO VLACHS AND TWO ALBANIANS. And these were the leaders of your independence Yeah real ethnic "greeks". Well,,,,I guess for todays standards that's fine

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  • TrueMacedonian

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Originally posted by Svoliani View Post
    " The settled Vlachs tended to lose thier racial identity; for they were quick to learn Greek or Albanian or Serbian or Bulgarian as the case might be "

    I suggest you put two and two together and find out what language is missing in this equation and why.
    Opening up a book is the worst possible thing you can do for your cause. But please keep em coming!!

    No. You're wrong. Opening up a book is the worst possible thing I did to your plastic identity. Funny how you avoid the topic and revert to questioning our identity. I see right through your kind like a glass of water. The only thing that vexes me is what your ethnicty is. Maybe Albanian? Maybe Vlach? Maybe Turk? What are you?
    Last edited by TrueMacedonian; 01-13-2009, 12:01 AM.

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  • Risto the Great
    Ask the Macedonians any day of the week who the Macedonians were.
    Hell, the Greeks did not know what they were until Lord Byron told them.

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  • Svoliani
    " The settled Vlachs tended to lose thier racial identity; for they were quick to learn Greek or Albanian or Serbian or Bulgarian as the case might be "

    I suggest you put two and two together and find out what language is missing in this equation and why.
    Opening up a book is the worst possible thing you can do for your cause. But please keep em coming!!

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  • Philiki Eteria founders most likely Vlachs & Slav

    And here's how I came to that conclusion.

    Philiki Eteria was a "greek" secret society that started before the "greek" war for independence.
    The founders were 3 "greek" merchants from Odessa. Their names are 42-years old Nikolaos Skoufas from Arta province, 42-years old Emmanuel Xanthos from Patmos and 26-years old Athanasios Tsakalovfrom Epirus. The link above states the following: The growth of the Friendly Society is impressive. At the beginning during the 1814-1816 period, there were roughly twenty members. During 1817, the Society developed mainly between the Greeks of Russia and of Moldowallachia (Moldavia and Wallachia). Read below and see if you can put two and two together.

    By the way for those that do not know the Philiki Eteria was influenced by the fat Vlach Rigas Velenstinlis and the Phanariot Vlach Ypsilantis was the president of this secret society of Vlachs and Albanians and maybe a founding Slav.