And here's how I came to that conclusion.
Philiki Eteria was a "greek" secret society that started before the "greek" war for independence.
The founders were 3 "greek" merchants from Odessa. Their names are 42-years old Nikolaos Skoufas from Arta province, 42-years old Emmanuel Xanthos from Patmos and 26-years old Athanasios Tsakalovfrom Epirus. The link above states the following: The growth of the Friendly Society is impressive. At the beginning during the 1814-1816 period, there were roughly twenty members. During 1817, the Society developed mainly between the Greeks of Russia and of Moldowallachia (Moldavia and Wallachia). Read below and see if you can put two and two together.

By the way for those that do not know the Philiki Eteria was influenced by the fat Vlach Rigas Velenstinlis and the Phanariot Vlach Ypsilantis was the president of this secret society of Vlachs and Albanians and maybe a founding Slav.
Philiki Eteria was a "greek" secret society that started before the "greek" war for independence.
The founders were 3 "greek" merchants from Odessa. Their names are 42-years old Nikolaos Skoufas from Arta province, 42-years old Emmanuel Xanthos from Patmos and 26-years old Athanasios Tsakalovfrom Epirus. The link above states the following: The growth of the Friendly Society is impressive. At the beginning during the 1814-1816 period, there were roughly twenty members. During 1817, the Society developed mainly between the Greeks of Russia and of Moldowallachia (Moldavia and Wallachia). Read below and see if you can put two and two together.

By the way for those that do not know the Philiki Eteria was influenced by the fat Vlach Rigas Velenstinlis and the Phanariot Vlach Ypsilantis was the president of this secret society of Vlachs and Albanians and maybe a founding Slav.