I agree with the above statement
Bosnia: Politics and Current Events
Vojnik, you "surely" are logical person by watching Mladic`s propaganda videos and telling us that this tells the truth! Duh!! Yes we see that how merciful Mladic and the Serbs was by giving some bread to poor Bosnians. Ohh the god almighty, hallelujah for the Mladic the saint of Srebrenica!!!
I don't have a time right now but i would sure dig up in youTube and show you the Nazi propaganda videos where it shows Nazi soldiers feeding the hungry French people, telling that Jews are just working in the factories and how heavenly man the Hitler was!!!
Onur when did I say he was a saint exactly? You actually think Hitler was the was terrible dictator during the World War? Stalin killed more then anyone and he wasn't committing genocide he killed everyone in his path. I provided one video go watch others and you will realise that much of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo was in fact a Western creation. Watch Slobodans trial and tell me if it was a fair one. Just like Suddam Husein's the man was hanged for no good reason the guy that said Iraq had nuclear weapons came out and said he lied about the whole thing. Need I continue? People's ignorance to the facts and that Serbia isn't the monster as it portrayed to be because if it were the whole world would be one giant monster. There are greater problems in the world. Oh wow Serbia massacred the men in a village the UN estimated there was 7000 people there. What about how many people died during 500 years of Ottoman occupation? 400 in Serbias case. What about the attrocities that occured then? How many people died were raped and taken from their familys then when Serbia decided to get back they are the Anti-Chirst.
Also for those seeking proof of my claims I think this book would be a good read
Originally posted by vojnik View PostHere is a youtube video there are 4 parts to it they go for ages so if you have time and are able to understand Serbian have a watch. It's suprising that he isn't portrayed as the mosnter we see him on CNN on this video but we see him sending regards to the women, children and elderly of Srebrenica on buses he organised for them to transported to UN safe zones. You can find many on Youtube SoM I watched these videos the other week and have more important things in life to do at the moment to sift through youtube videos to prove my point to you. If you want agree with me or disagree it doesn't faze me
YouTube - ‪General Ratko Mladic u Srebrenici 3/4‬‏
where is a evidence in these videos that mladic isnt "that monter" ???
I see in these videos that peoples were expelled from their homes...but something makes me think, I only see women, children, grannies and gramps BUT where are the bosnian men...??? @vojnik
Originally posted by Dimko-piperkata View PostI only see women, children, grannies and gramps BUT where are the bosnian men...??? @vojnik
Here is the Bosnian men. Srebrenica from 01:15min.;
YouTube - ‪1995, Srebrenica massacre of thousands of Muslim in Europe‬‏
Btw, i still cannot believe how come these 1000s of people stood still and waited for the Serbs to kill them all one by one for days. It was obvious why and what for Mladic took over Srebrenica from pathetic Dutch soldiers. So, rather than waiting to die like a sheep, i don't understand why they didn't resist. Probably thats why Mladic choose these Bosnian weaklings to relieve his anger of Turks upon them and his so-called revenge for the events in 14th century. If Mladic would really be a hero as Serbs and some here claims so, then he would had deal with the real Turks, with us, not with the BosniansLast edited by Onur; 06-14-2011, 03:43 PM.
Here is the orthodox mujaheddins who cheered for the genocide. Who? Ofc no other than Greeks;
YouTube - ‪The fascist Greek role in Srebrenica. [English]‬‏
I am 100% sure that if there would be no Turkey or if Turkey would fall in to some kind of trouble some day in the future, Greeks would surely try to do what Serbs did in Srebrenica for the Turks in western Thrace. I am absolutely sure for that since if Serbs can produce the ones like Mladic Milosevic, Greeks can produce 100s more of them. They cant do that right now cuz of the existence of Turkey. They know that we collapse their world on top of them.Last edited by Onur; 06-14-2011, 04:16 PM.
Man, whether Milosevic trial was fair or not, whether some western leaders should have been in prison too or not, whether Bosnians have comitted crimes too or not.
It all does not change the fact that the Serbs have comitted horrible horrible crimes. It does not change the fact, that it was the Serbs who started the war, so its pointless to say, and its absolutely disgusting for some people to try to justify or soften Serbia's actions, by saying things like; 'but but, the muslims have done things too'
Well no, it isn't about them, it is about the Serbs and about the responsibility they have for their own horrible actions.
Originally posted by Onur View PostHere is the Bosnian men. Srebrenica from 01:15min.;
YouTube - ‪1995, Srebrenica massacre of thousands of Muslim in Europe‬‏
Originally posted by Bukefal View PostUgh, the scene with the boys, I cant even watch it. Its fucking horrible and disgusting. Everyone who denies, justify or soften these actions is a mental sick person. And I dont care if they are muslim and I dont care if their people have comitted crimes too, this is just horrible.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873
I think Bill has finally hit the nail on the head with this debate although the Serbs were always going to be demonised no matter what
We Macedonians were painted with the same brush if you remember and our position was light years away from being agressors of any kind
Originally posted by Bill77 View PostThe whole Serb race is looked at as evil. Where in fact we should not paint every Serb with the same brush as their army and its commanders.
Bill, i am gonna quote myself cuz no one denies that Croats and Bosnians did similar actions in smaller scale but that`s why no one talks about that;
Originally posted by Onur View PostThe butcher of the Jews - Hitler
The butcher of the French - Germans
10.000s of German civilians, women and children murdered by Russians in Germany - nothing to tell
Divided Germany by the communists - nothing to tell
Do you know why we always have this pattern? Because Bosnians didn't say something like "we gonna muslimize all Yugoslavia and get the revenge of Serbian regime" or it wasn't the Croats who fought for "Greater Croatia".
The aggressors was Serbs and it was them who said "we gonna take the revenge of 14th century Turkish regime by killing Bosnians" and it was them again who attacked both Bosnians and Croats in the name of "Greater Serbia".
About why Serbians filmed all and aired on Serbian tv channels; because it was something to proud of for them since people only tries to hide the things they`ve ashamed of but shows the stuff they are proud of. Even only this behavior proves that Serbs committed genocide in Srebrenica because they were proud of what they have done to the civilians in there and you can see it from the comments of Mladic to the camera where he says that they finally took the "revenge" from the so-called Turks.
Germans did same thing too. Didn't you see the Nazi propaganda films where it shows the 10.000s of French captives, dying of hunger and Germans making fun of them by throwing goats, sheeps between them and watching them tear up the animal with their bare hands while it was alive. Germans was laughing at them and subtitles on the video says "These are the so-called sophisticated Frenches".Last edited by Onur; 06-14-2011, 06:49 PM.
Originally posted by Onur View PostBill, i am gonna quote myself cuz no one denies that Croats and Bosnians did similar actions in smaller scale but that`s why no one talks about that;
Originally posted by Onur View PostAbout why Serbians filmed all and aired on Serbian tv channels; because it was something to proud of for them since people only tries to hide the things they`ve ashamed of but shows the stuff they are proud of.
Originally posted by Onur View PostEven only this behavior proves that Serbs committed genocide in Srebrenica because they were proud of what they have done to the civilians in there and you can see it from the comments of Mladic to the camera where he says that they finally took the "revenge" from the so-called Turks.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873
Originally posted by Bukefal View PostOf course not. I know a lot of Serbs who are disgusted by these atrocities as well. I dont have anything against ordinary Serbs.
I hope i am making sense of what i am trying to say.
Final point. When Saddam attacked his own people such as Kurds, it was not the "Iraqis" committing atrocities. It was the Saddams Regime and the west sympathised with the ordinary Iraqis . What is the difference?http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873