Originally posted by Onur
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I am against crimes to humanity and I will always stand up against it no matter what religion people belong to. People are people. But when someone tries and sells me the western propaganda makes me a bit mad. What pisses me off is when someone is very quick to blame someone for what they have done where is they will never admit it if they have done the same. A lot of Serbs died too in Bosnia, killed by Croats Generals and mudzahedins but I guess those were not people.
I am not saying Srebrenica didn't happen, I just believe that Srebrenica was set up to happen, not bevcause Mladic wanted to just kill 8000 Muslims, but because the West wanted a reason to use against the Serbs. Ratko Mladic was just the dog.
Again in no way do I approve of any killings or war, EVER but if we are talking about fairness and if Srebrenica is going to be mentioned than maybe we should start thinking about the others who killed innocent people in the war and bring those to justice. Afterall you need two to tango, in this case three I guess.
You didn't answer my question tho- do you think Kosovo should be independent? And do you think the 'poor' Albanians in Macedonia in 2001 who 'didn't' have any weapons were right in what they did?