Originally posted by Bill77
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Definitely not a threat to EU security in a big way.
El Queda same thing.
The Turks are 100 times more of a threat to Eu than the Albanians and el quaeda combined then doubled!
"Turkey is a secular state with no official state religion; the Turkish Constitution provides for freedom of religion and conscience"
But oh no, when there is something to hot to handle alone, its now Greek and EU airspace.
Hows it not?
Greece is in the EU, so our airspace is EU airspace.
And don't forget, Greece equaly violates Turkish and Macedonian airspace. Its all games tit for tat.
Dont know about Macedonia, but greece rarely goes into Turkish airspace. In the instance that they do, it is to chase their fighters(who have invaded our airspace) too far . The greek AF is set up to defend.
They have no buisiness flying into Turkish airspace, and would be at a big disadvantage if they did.
As for Macedonia, i have never heard nor read that greek AF violates your airspace. How ofrten does it happen?
Yes i have been to Greece and i live in a state that has the 3rd largest Greek comunity just after Athens and Thasoluniki. I am well aware how they think.
Let me remind you again of your post regarding our forefathers thoughts about the turks 100 years ago. Much water has passed under the bridge since.
Greece, imo, has only 1 true enemy.
And it is til the end of time imo.
How would it look to the rest of the world if they were to Hear Greece is about to colaps and yet they are made to purchase more arms.
What you explain above, is exactly whats happened.
I havent heard or read anyone voicing an opinion, or complaining.
And i did sugest eventualy they would have to pay for them some how.
Possibly, but it will not be for the love of Greece or Fear of Turkey. Its to save the European Unions credability.
I dont doubt its for 'selfish' reasons either.
Regardless though, the Grekk military benefits.
But seriously, with all due respect Spartan, when i hear comments such as "Greece is strategicly important for Europe" with out any real evidance that the Turks are a threat to the rest of Europe
Bill, just look at a map, and the last 500-600 years history in the region.
The evidence is there.
But i can't help but believe that Greeks have a self glorifying imagination if they seriously believe Europe depends on them and Greece is capable of keeping the Turks at bay.
Bottom line.
The rest is all forum chatter.
If the Turks were so frowned upon and not wanted, then it was a bad move inviting them into Nato.
NATO is a whole other story.
Over half the countries in the EU would probably veto Turkey to gaining membership.
How would you explain this?