Keep trying, what else!
United Macedonia Diaspora
Originally posted by Chiche View PostKeep trying, what else!
You are calling others "dete" whilst you are perpetuating this primary school mentality of being nice to everyone no matter how opposed they are to your views. Even Ghandi could tell who was his enemy.
Do you have anything else to say Chiche? I mean it's proabably safe to say you're Macedonian. If you were a leader, you would let everyone have their say until the masses were confused and bored shitless. At some point you would have to make a stand for something you believe in. Macedonians do not deserve a free pass simply because they are Macedonian. They only deserve support if they are worthy of it.
Oh, be nice to me, I am helping you with your obvious mental problem.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Originally posted by Chiche View Post"The wise not knowing how to stop Macedonia's problems? It is quite simple really." Please enlighten us Risto.
"Chiche, you on the crack again?" Coffee bre Dete coffee my drug of choice.
You ask Risto to enlighten you - well, its time you start reading the relevant threads so that we don't repeat ourselves ad nausea. We don't just post up our views for the sake of posting something. I know that's what you're used to, but that is not how the MTO works. Our views are carefully considered and a lot of time goes into them. For you to come on here and ignore everything that's been built up and then make a stupid statement like 'enlighten us' when the material is already up is just wasting our time and annoying everyone.
Here's one last time I'll give you this advice - get off the crack and read the threads. Just because you woke up yesterday in your own drool, doesn't mean that we've all been in a crack induced slumber.If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
Originally posted by Chiche View PostBre detsa, ne treba da bidite tolku loshi, za Makedonia tseli rabotime, da bidite zhivi i zdravi i so gospot napraj. Hope you understand me, na chiche detsata milni Makedonsi
You can be as nice as you want to all Macedonians, just be careful you don't get swept out with the gjubre.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
chiche you only got to see what your attitude is & you will see that you have an easy does it attitude..This kind of attitude is common,a shell be right attitude.If you look at this critically you will see what is really wrong with macedonia.This type of level of mindset is preventing macedonia from coming out of it's stupour.I'm saying it without being critical of the individual by being honest about it & not for any personal gain but to come to a full circle realization of wha is really wrong with macedonians & it's people.Some peole like chiche are well meaning.But well meaning doesn't solve anything but compounds the problem.So macedonians need more than just saving them from themselves they need constant nurturing on the right side of nourishment.What i mean people when freed from their mindset have to come to a realization & absorb the cause mindset of a real macedonian.That is a macedonia will understand what the cause is the efect of following the macedonian cause & keep on getting ongoing nourishment that is we all encourage to follow positively the macedonian way.So chiche you need to move one step at a time until gradually you can become like one us.You will see how detached one can really be from being a real macedonia.But first we must break our particular mindset.We must revere that we aremacedonian & we must follow the mto cause.If you do that i'm sure you will be enlightened.Just think how much better you will be an example for others to follow.Once you know who you really are you will be less argumentative & you will tell people the right things to follow."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Thank you Risto and George.S for your moderate reply to me. Risto, I am able to see the good and bad Macedonia, I am doing my bit to help the good side, only not as aggressively as some. Sorry to all who may think I contradict myself, "Life is a contradiction" some one once wrote.
UMD calls for Macedonia to withdraw from name talks and seek constitutional name
Совеста на Македонија
UMD required Macedonia to withdraw from the talks on the name dispute and request membership in the United Nations and other international organizations under its constitutional name.
Consider that after the judgment of the International Court of Justice in The Hague gave no results in terms of the country's integration into the EU and NATO, the country should withdraw from the talks. Not recognize the desire of Greece solution and find it embarrassing to discuss the name, language and identity.
"Our position is that we should withdraw from the negotiations over the name and it should seek to annul the Resolutions of the United Nations since 1993 and Macedonia to be the Republic of Macedonia to the United Nations and in all possible institutions. I do not want to discuss possible solutions or anything that still think Greece is not in the interest of this dispute to resolve, "Methods Koloski, UMD President, who resides in Skopje.
"We repeat at each meeting and seek and we hope that we will have the opportunity to help in some way, if that happens, maybe the timing should be good for that to happen. Thus, we hope that this year will be a crucial year when it will be done, "said Koloski.
Commenting on the election of John Kerry for U.S. Secretary of State Koloski considers that his position on Macedonia will largely depend on his future assistants for Europe, but also from the general policy of the Obama administration.
"Senator Kerry in some occasions has called Macedonia FYROM. Comes from the state of Massachusetts, where in one instance was governor Michael Dukakis, who was the Democratic Party nominee for president. Definitely there are many pressures. Everything depends on what will be his team for Europe which are still appointed, "said Koloski.
Along with UMD representative for Greece, Eugenia Naculidu presented and the situation of the Macedonian minority in Greece. In anticipation of litigation initiated by Naculidu after she found meta Greek weekly newspaper "Proto Thema".
"There are performed awesome pressures on our activists. Eugenia two months ago by a journalist close to the Golden Dawn, was written a negative article, with a photograph on the front page of 'Proto Theme', one of the most weekly newspapers, where it was presented as an agent and received death threats from Skopje to get bullet in the head and you will immediately cease its activities. We work to present to the international community, to get more support from international institutions for our rights in the Aegean part of Macedonia and all Greece, "said Koloski.
In the name of the organization, he reacted appointment Talat Xhaferi defense minister.
"I got maybe a hundred e-mails with reactions on the day appointed Talat Xhaferi. Macedonian Diaspora is really concerned that set man who was killer of people in their own army, which now need to represent. We do not have any problem Albanian Minister of Defense, but definitely have a problem with someone who was commander of the KLA, which was a kind of terrorist organization, a branch of the KLA, which was recognized as a terrorist organization by the State Department. We hope to find a solution to that problem. Diaspora is really concerned about the situation, "said Koloski in Skopje.
UMD has announced that the fourth global conference, after three in the U.S. and Canada, will be held this summer in Macedonia. / End / MF / Ah
Does the Macedonian Diaspora really not have a problem with any Albanian minister of Defense (much less that terrorist)?
I'm sick of seeing this constitutional name reference. The constitution has already been changed under international pressure.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Originally posted by Stojacanec View PostIf the constitutional name was changed under duress then it is an illegal change.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: