For, those of you that don't know I have worked directly with Archimandrite Nikodim Tsarknias (alone) on Macedonian Human Rights issues in the past and have spent numerous hours discussing many topics including Macedonian organizations. I can tell you all for a FACT that Father Tsarknias has disclosed personal information to me that he has never disclosed to ANY other people. If, this Meto person thinks he has done a wise thing using Archimandrite Nikodim Tsarknias he better think twice because he has NO CLUE who this person really is and what he believes.
United Macedonia Diaspora
Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
Ист Пост како во СМК имаше и на ФБ Профилот на Македонка Засекогаш ноќеска и сабајлево, ама ТАМУ многу иселеници коментираа и побараа објаснување од Мето Колоски! Наместо ОБЈАСНУВАЊЕ, тој Линк е ХАКИРАН и ТРГНАТ заедно со насилниот упад во профилот на Македонка Засекогаш! Таа сеуште НЕМА пристап во нејзиниот личен ФБ Профил, тој е окупиран !!!
Еве извадок од Линкот со изјавата на Мето Колоски, целиот пост е на страната на СМК со овој линк::
Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View PostИст Пост како во СМК имаше и на ФБ Профилот на Македонка Засекогаш ноќеска и сабајлево, ама ТАМУ многу иселеници коментираа и побараа објаснување од Мето Колоски! Наместо ОБЈАСНУВАЊЕ, тој Линк е ХАКИРАН и ТРГНАТ заедно со насилниот упад во профилот на Македонка Засекогаш! Таа сеуште НЕМА пристап во нејзиниот личен ФБ Профил, тој е окупиран !!!
Еве извадок од Линкот со изјавата на Мето Колоски, целиот пост е на страната на СМК со овој линк::
So does the diaspora need organizations like the umd to represent them,not really.Or are there aother organizations such as the umhr orgs that do it better."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Hillary Clinton doesn't visit Macedonia, UMD has a hissy fit and the "experts" feel the pressure to change Macedonia's name as a result of the "snub":
Biljali says that leaving out Macedonia from the itinerary “might be a form of pressure on the country to finally engage seriously in an effort to solve the 'name' issue with Greece.”
If that is what they consider "pressure", i.e., not being visited by Hillary, then what will happen when she does actually visit and tells them face to face to "sovle" the name problems? Sounds like they'll break down in tears! What planet are these people living on?If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
When did the Macedonian community of Australia wont to help Australia with its UN aspirations when it makes no effort to recognize us under our constitutional name. Plus UMD Australia has never even talked to the Macedonians and is never present at any Macedonian events. I expect Julia Gillard to make some kind of statement about her willingness to recognize us. The Macedonian community of Australia is waiting.
The diplomatic deficit in Australia comes at a time when the majority of G20 countries have been strengthening their capacity.
This is the part that refers to Macedonia
The Macedonian community in Australia has been working in partnership with the Australian Government and the Australian Parliament to enhance Australia's image and reputation on the world stage and to improve the nation's diplomatic effectiveness and efficiency. The United Macedonian Diaspora made a formal submission to the Inquiry into Australia's Overseas Representation and participated in the public hearings in Melbourne. As part of the Roadmap for Advancing Australia Macedonian Relations, the United Macedonian Diaspora called on Macedonia to support Australia's bid for a non-permanent seat at the UNSC which Macedonian did with pleasure last month at the UN.
It is pleasing to note that the Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee took up many of the recommendations made by the United Macedonian Diaspora for improving Australia's diplomatic network and its communication and stakeholder engagement practices. The Macedonian community wants Australia to open and Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia similar to what is in place in Zagreb, Croatia. Such a diplomatic post will meet the needs of Australians who visit country and help Australia to engage with the economic, political, social and cultural leaders and institutions in the region. The community also expects Australia to end the de-legitimisation of Macedonia which has been in place since 1993 for no good foreign policy, economic or strategic benefit to Australia. This can be achieved by recognising the Republic of Macedonia under its legitimate constitutional name.
Ordan Andreevski is Director of Australian Outreach, United Macedonian Diaspora.Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.
„Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов
Ahhh, there's that "roadmap" again.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
UMD avoids using the name "Vinozhito" to please Eugenia Natsoulidou
This is going to be a long topic. Please read everything before posting. It is important for everyone to see the utter contradictions of the UMD and how they really operate.
This is a UMD press release from this morning.
Greek Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Threatens Macedonia in Greek Parliament
November 28, 2012 - Washington, D.C. and Thessaloniki (Solun) - The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) calls on the member states of the European Union (EU) and NATO to publically condemn neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Member of Greece's Parliament Ilias Panagiotaros, who stated the following yesterday during a parliamentary debate:
"...This falsified country of Skopian Gypsies will very quickly become a thing of the past, if not from internal conflicts, it will occur from the emergence of Golden Dawn, which will soon be in government... (Even using the reference "FYR of Macedonia") is equal with treason (to the Greek state). That is a fact, and Golden Dawn will under no circumstances allow any kind of agreement on any kind of name including the term Macedonia, and anyone who entertains this will have to face us."
"This fascist party has gained notoriety recently for their flagrant attacks on migrant workers, and for their leader's ongoing denial of the Holocaust. However, anti-Macedonian irredentism is another key feature of their vicious rhetoric. On the topic of Macedonia, the Greek state is as morally bankrupt as it is financially bankrupt, and other Greek parliamentarians from the other parties have come to accept this kind of hate speech as 'normal.' Therefore, member states of the EU and NATO have a duty to respond to this kind of provocation, especially considering their constant lectures to authorities in the Republic of Macedonia, on the topic of good neighborly relations," said UMD Greece Representative Eugenia Natsoulidou.
In June, the Golden Dawn won 18 seats in the Greek Parliament under the slogan "So we can rid the land of filth." Their political platform actively promotes a revival of Greece's long-standing historical fascist traditions, going back to the regimes of Metaxas and Papadopoulos. This ideology includes the doctrine of Hellenic racial superiority, and top-ranking Golden Dawn members have regularly idolized Nazi leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess.
The Golden Dawn is well known for training gangs of black-shirted youths to use violence and intimidation tactics in pursuit of political goals. Back in the 1990s, Golden Dawn members took part in the Bosnian War on behalf of Republika Srpska, and they participated directly in the Srebrenica genocide. More recently, the Golden Dawn has specialized in attacking journalists, artists, political opponents, ethnic minorities, and immigrants on a wide scale, and often in collusion with strong supporters from within the administration of the Greek police and Greek Orthodox Church.
In 2009, Golden Dawn members attacked a press conference where a Macedonian-Greek dictionary was being launched by its author, Vasko Karadza, from the Kastoria (Kostur) region in Northern Greece (Aegean Macedonia), and renowned international academic and linguist, University of Chicago professor Dr. Victor Friedman.
Earlier this month, UMD President Metodija A. Koloski co-authored an op-ed with Sevin Elekdag for The Hill newspaper entitled "The US can help end extremism in Greece".
Here is an exchange of e-mails between AMHRC's George Vlahov and Meto concerning the press release above.
I'm sure most of the people on these forums agree with the sentiments in your release about racism in Greek society.
However, for the benefit of the members of these forums, an important factual error in your release, needs to be corrected.
Specifically, I am referring to the error in the following paragraph:
"In 2009, Golden Dawn members attacked a press conference where a Macedonian-Greek dictionary was being launched by its author, Vasko Karadza, from the Kastoria (Kostur) region in Northern Greece (Aegean Macedonia), and renowned international academic and linguist, University of Chicago professor Dr. Victor Friedman."
The dictionary was not launched by Vasko Karadzha. Vasko Karadzha passed away (may he rest in peace) in 2005, so obviously he wasn't present and also, he obviously did not organise the launch.
A little further information here, might be useful. The launch of the dictionary was organised by Vinozhito. The following people were on the podium launching the dictionary at the conference: Pavle Voskopoulos and Natse Parisis from Vinozhito; and Professor Victor Friedman and Associate Professor Riki Van Boeschoten. These were the four individuals specifically targeted at the launch, by the psychopaths in "Golden Dawn".
All of this was viewed by many of us, at the time, on Youtube. No doubt you saw this clip too and could have checked it once more; so it really is very difficult to understand how you could get it so wrong.
The dictionary was published posthumously. Vasko Karadzha and members of the leadership of Vinozhito had been very close friends. The dictionary was the last work completed by Karadzha, prior to his passing. The leadership of Vinozhito took it upon themselves to make sure the dictionary was published, not only to honor the memory of their close friend, Vasko Karadzha, but also, because it was clear that it could become a very useful tool in the battle against the Greek state, which, as we all know, has been systematically working to wipe out the Macedonian language.
Thus Vinozhito saw to it that the dictionary was polished for printing and then paid for the printing and publication of the dictionary, via a publishing house they formed, "Zora".
I try not to speculate on these forums, but I can't resist openly wondering if you left Vinozhito out of the release, in order to please your "representative in Greece," Eugenia Natsoulidou......some people will already know this, but others may not, so I will mention it. Ms Natsoulidou, a while back now, spent a considerable amount of her time on Macedonian internet forums, attacking Vinozhito, often in a very deceitful and highly abusive manner.
In some of her posts about Vinozhito, on the now defunct Maknews forum, quite ironically, she implied that Vinozhito actually aids "Golden Dawn" and the Greek state in preventing the development of Macedonian organisations in Aegean Macedonia.
Here is a sample of what she posted (the grammatical errors and contradictions etc, belong to Ms Natsoulidou):
"As about the "Golden Dawn", we have noticed that is ALWAYS present to any Vinozhito announced event but not in ALL Macedonians' events. Strange, isn't it?"
Then at a different point, Ms Natsoulidou came up with this:
"To close this discussion because it went too far, I will tell you one last thing: Vinozhito and "Golden Dawn" work like partners: Vinozhito offers to Greece the "alibi" that it is a democratic country were even some non recognized minority can have its own political party but they are really few people to need to bother with (this Greece says to their European partners) but in the same time for the fear that Macedonians may ask for their rights through the party, they use the "Golden Dawn" to scare the hell out of them.
I cannot believe that Vinozhito leadership is not aware of this because it always has done what it could to stop any other organization or event to come out in the light..."
But there is quite some truth in the following post by Ms Natsoulidou:
""Golden Dawn" is after Vinozhito and only Vinozhito and not against any macedonian organization."
Though her purpose in making that post, was not honorable.
It was Vinozhito that printed and published the dictionary and launched it; and it was members of Vinozhito that were abused and threatened (along with Friedman and Van Boeschoten) by "Golden Dawn" at the launch. Some time after this news hit the Macedonian forums, Ms Natsoulidou referred to it as a "stunt"; going by UMD's press statement, one might surmise that she no longer thinks that way...but I suppose one can't be certain...maybe it's only a stunt if Vinozhito is in it and of course, some how, according to UMD, Vinozhito didn't launch the dictionary....
George Vlahov.
Shortly after George Vlahov sent this email a "corrected" UMD press release was issued forth. Here it is and please take the chance to compare it to the first release.
CORRECTED: Greek Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Threatens Macedonia in Greek Parliament
November 28, 2012 - Washington, D.C. and Thessaloniki (Solun) - The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) calls on the member states of the European Union (EU) and NATO to publically condemn neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Member of Greece's Parliament Ilias Panagiotaros, who stated the following yesterday during a parliamentary debate:
"...This falsified country of Skopian Gypsies will very quickly become a thing of the past, if not from internal conflicts, it will occur from the emergence of Golden Dawn, which will soon be in government... (Even using the reference "FYR of Macedonia") is equal with treason (to the Greek state). That is a fact, and Golden Dawn will under no circumstances allow any kind of agreement on any kind of name including the term Macedonia, and anyone who entertains this will have to face us."
"This fascist party has gained notoriety recently for their flagrant attacks on migrant workers, and for their leader's ongoing denial of the Holocaust. However, anti-Macedonian irredentism is another key feature of their vicious rhetoric. On the topic of Macedonia, the Greek state is as morally bankrupt as it is financially bankrupt, and other Greek parliamentarians from the other parties have come to accept this kind of hate speech as 'normal.' Therefore, member states of the EU and NATO have a duty to respond to this kind of provocation, especially considering their constant lectures to authorities in the Republic of Macedonia, on the topic of good neighborly relations," said UMD Greece Representative Eugenia Natsoulidou.
In June, the Golden Dawn won 18 seats in the Greek Parliament under the slogan "So we can rid the land of filth." Their political platform actively promotes a revival of Greece's long-standing historical fascist traditions, going back to the regimes of Metaxas and Papadopoulos. This ideology includes the doctrine of Hellenic racial superiority, and top-ranking Golden Dawn members have regularly idolized Nazi leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess.
The Golden Dawn is well known for training gangs of black-shirted youths to use violence and intimidation tactics in pursuit of political goals. Back in the 1990s, Golden Dawn members took part in the Bosnian War on behalf of Republika Srpska, and they participated directly in the Srebrenica genocide. More recently, the Golden Dawn has specialized in attacking journalists, artists, political opponents, ethnic minorities, and immigrants on a wide scale, and often in collusion with strong supporters from within the administration of the Greek police and Greek Orthodox Church.
In 2009, Golden Dawn members attacked a press conference in Athens where the first Greek-Macedonian dictionary (written by the late Vasko Karadzha) to be published in Greece was being promoted by renowned international academic and linguist, University of Chicago professor Dr. Victor Friedman and University of Thessaly professor Dr. Riki Van Boeschoten. Click HERE to see video of attack.
Earlier this month, UMD President Metodija A. Koloski co-authored an op-ed with Sevin Elekdag for The Hill newspaper entitled "The US can help end extremism in Greece".
Notice the name "Vinozhito" missing in the "CORRECTED" press release. And it was Vinozhito, not Victor Friedman or Riki Van Boeschoten, who launched the event to release the Greek-Macedonian dictionary the night of the Golden Dawn incident. UMD clearly avoid using this name on purpose.
Now a "CORRECTED CORRECTED" press release reads like this (I guess 3 times a charm)
Advocating for the Macedonian people and Macedonia. Defending democratic values for all. JOIN US, AND LET’S GET TO WORK Your commitment to becoming a member today is necessary for UMD to make an impact globally while continuing the Macedonian struggle for justice and preservation
Greek Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Threatens Macedonia in Greek Parliament
Created on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 08:19
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) calls on the member states of the European Union (EU) and NATO to publically condemn neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Member of Greece’s Parliament Ilias Panagiotaros, who stated the following yesterday during a parliamentary debate:
“...This falsified country of Skopian Gypsies will very quickly become a thing of the past, if not from internal conflicts, it will occur from the emergence of Golden Dawn, which will soon be in government... (Even using the reference “FYR of Macedonia”) is equal with treason (to the Greek state). That is a fact, and Golden Dawn will under no circumstances allow any kind of agreement on any kind of name including the term Macedonia, and anyone who entertains this will have to face us.”
“This fascist party has gained notoriety recently for their flagrant attacks on migrant workers, and for their leader’s ongoing denial of the Holocaust. However, anti-Macedonian irredentism is another key feature of their vicious rhetoric. On the topic of Macedonia, the Greek state is as morally bankrupt as it is financially bankrupt, and other Greek parliamentarians from the other parties have come to accept this kind of hate speech as ‘normal.’ Therefore, member states of the EU and NATO have a duty to respond to this kind of provocation, especially considering their constant lectures to authorities in the Republic of Macedonia, on the topic of good neighborly relations,” said UMD Greece Representative Eugenia Natsoulidou.
In June, the Golden Dawn won 18 seats in the Greek Parliament under the slogan “So we can rid the land of filth.” Their political platform actively promotes a revival of Greece’s long-standing historical fascist traditions, going back to the regimes of Metaxas and Papadopoulos. This ideology includes the doctrine of Hellenic racial superiority, and top-ranking Golden Dawn members have regularly idolized Nazi leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess.
The Golden Dawn is well known for training gangs of black-shirted youths to use violence and intimidation tactics in pursuit of political goals. Back in the 1990s, Golden Dawn members took part in the Bosnian War on behalf of Republika Srpska, and they participated directly in the Srebrenica genocide. More recently, the Golden Dawn has specialized in attacking journalists, artists, political opponents, ethnic minorities, and immigrants on a wide scale, and often in collusion with strong supporters from within the administration of the Greek police and Greek Orthodox Church.
In 2009, Golden Dawn members attacked a press conference organized by the Rainbow Party/Vinozito in Athens where the first Greek-Macedonian dictionary (written by the late Vasko Karadzha) to be published in Greece was being promoted by renowned international academic and linguist, University of Chicago professor Dr. Victor Friedman and University of Thessaly professor Riki Van Boeschoten. Click HERE to see video of attack.
Earlier this month, UMD President Metodija A. Koloski co-authored an op-ed with Sevin Elekdag for The Hill newspaper entitled "The US can help end extremism in Greece".
Here are all the changes to the paragraph in the PR:
First it read like this:
"In 2009, Golden Dawn members attacked a press conference where a Macedonian-Greek dictionary was being launched by its author, Vasko Karadza, from the Kastoria (Kostur) region in Northern Greece (Aegean Macedonia), and renowned international academic and linguist, University of Chicago professor Dr. Victor Friedman."
Next: "In 2009, Golden Dawn members attacked a press conference where a Macedonian-Greek dictionary was being promoted (author Vasko Karadza from the Kastoria (Kostur) region in Northern Greece (Aegean Macedonia) passed away in 2005) by renowned international academic and linguist, University of Chicago professor Dr. Victor Friedman."
Next: "In 2009, Golden Dawn members attacked a press conference in Athens where the first Greek-Macedonian dictionary (written by the late Vasko Karadzha) to be published in Greece was being promoted by renowned international academic and linguist, University of Chicago professor Dr. Victor Friedman and University of Thessaly professor Riki Van Boeschoten. Click HERE to see video of attack."
At present: "In 2009, Golden Dawn members attacked a press conference organized by the Rainbow Party/Vinozito in Athens where the first Greek-Macedonian dictionary (written by the late Vasko Karadzha) to be published in Greece was being promoted by renowned international academic and linguist, University of Chicago professor Dr. Victor Friedman and University of Thessaly professor Riki Van Boeschoten. Click HERE to see video of attack."
3 or 4 changes later we finally have it fixed. I wonder why it had to go through several "corrections" in the first place.
Where's Chiche to comment on this? What sort of language does he think would be appropriate for this debacle? Does he consider UMD usefull Macedonians?On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"
Here is Meto's email to George Vlahov;
Thank you George for pointing out these mistakes. The press release
has been corrected and links to the video of the event posted as well:
Advocating for the Macedonian people and Macedonia. Defending democratic values for all. JOIN US, AND LET’S GET TO WORK Your commitment to becoming a member today is necessary for UMD to make an impact globally while continuing the Macedonian struggle for justice and preservation
I prefer not to discuss Vinozito or its members, and UMD has a policy
of not criticizing or hindering on any other Macedonian organizations,
and all of our Board, Advisory Council, and worldwide representatives
know this policy. What Eugenia may have said is before the time of
her appointment with UMD, and she is fully aware of our policy.
UMD, a charitable organization, also has a policy that we do not
support/oppose political parties any where, and Vinozito falls in that
UMD does maintain operations in Greece and will continue to do so so
long as our community there faces discrimination.
Thank you again, and glad we could correct these mistakes immediately.
Please note they were not intentional but an oversight on our part.
This is something to take into consideration -
UMD, a charitable organization, also has a policy that we do not
support/oppose political parties any where, and Vinozito falls in that
category. Meto Koloski.
Interestingly enough here is an interview with Nase Parisis of Vinozhito
who attended a UMD conference in 2008
UMD Conference - Interview with Nase Parisis (Vinozhito) - YouTube
Here is a press release about Vinozhito in 2008 -
Here is UMD in 2007 using Vinozhito's name again for the 1920 greek census that recognized a Macedonian language -
A simple google search will bring certain truths to light. Contradictions everywhere surrounding UMD.
Well after the first "Correction" George Vlahov noticed the obvious right away. Avoidance of the name "Vinozhito".
Here is George Vlahov's reply email to Meto;
Yes Meto, your "preference" to not mention Vinozhito extends to the point of mentioning the guests at a press conference but not the host/organiser and it's clear why that is case. Mentioning them in a press release would not affect your charitable status, we all know that -it would have been better for you to just not respond, rather than give us disrespectful nonsense like that.
Meto's response;
Again, please visit the link and note that Vinozito was mentioned and their video was also included. It was an oversight. Again, our sincere apologies.
Please try to review your e-mails before you send them as you really come off arrogantly. This is the first impression you left me when we met in March 2010 in Melbourne and it has stuck unfortunately. You may want to work on improving your people skills.
For me to say this, it is even sad, as I have utmost respect for the work of AMHRC and always have. And our organizations should not bicker but rather find mutual ways to collaborate while all working for the same cause.
And George Vlahov's final response;
Meto, you have things backwards; it is the disrespectful, arrogant deceit in your press release and your deceitful response to the issues I raised, that have provoked these exchanges...please work on that so that we don't have to do this again in the future...also you obviously need to work on your research skills....having people who have passed away, launch a book, indicates a high level of incompetence.
George Vlahov