The Macedonian Minority in Bulgaria

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  • George S.
    guys don't give lame excuses"Macedonian Hopes to Make It to Premiership with Bulgarian Passport".Is there anything that macedonians won't do.He doesn't give jack shit about his identity.It's like sellin out your heart & soul.It's just a poor excuse to do what is not right.
    Look has anyone seen the bulgarians were even offering free passports you don't need even to be born in bulgaria.So look at what you get a new identity or is it to the ones that were allready bulgarofile mindsets.As i said they don't care as long as they got food on the table ,they don;t care for the country macedonia.

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by United MKD View Post
    Don't blame Popov tbh, when half of Macedonians have Bulgarian passports why not Popov who has only one chance to play in the most prestigious leage of all - the Premier League. It's not his fault we are ranked 102nd in the world and this is the only way it is going to work, unfortunately.
    But then this is the same logic that applies to Macedonians who work in the "Premier league of toilet cleaners" in the UK etc. with their Bulgarian passports as well. What is the difference UMKD?

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  • United MKD
    Don't blame Popov tbh, when half of Macedonians have Bulgarian passports why not Popov who has only one chance to play in the most prestigious leage of all - the Premier League. It's not his fault we are ranked 102nd in the world and this is the only way it is going to work, unfortunately.

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  • lavce pelagonski
    Phoenix relax ok.
    The only thing anti-Macedonian is the guy with the passport, I think that it is important to know who is giving up their identity to go play soccer in the UK.

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  • Phoenix
    LP, you're a habitual offender when it comes to promoting anti-Macedonian propaganda from the bulgars...the passport issue has been done to death already, the bulgars are known fascists prone to all manner of delusion and who gives a fuck about some shit-kicker with said passport....

    Stop giving them free press.

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  • lavce pelagonski
    This is from a Bulgarian site so the language is vulgar but the main issue is the Bulgarian passports. Nothing can justify this on ly the fact that Bulgaria is in the EU

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  • lavce pelagonski
    Bulgarian Passports

    Macedonian Hopes to Make It to Premiership with Bulgarian Passport

    Goran Popov, a Macedonian football player, hopes to get a permit to work in the UK thanks to his Bulgarian passport, in what has been described by Macedonian media as a "scandal".

    Popov's on-off move to Stoke City could be back on again because he has a Bulgarian passport, the Staffordshire web portal has reported, adding that as Bulgaria is a member of the EU, the document allows Popov to enter England and reside there but not work.

    For that, he needs permission from the UK Border Agency and the club is now awaiting an answer for his request. That leaves Popov's proposed season-long loan move from Dynamo Kiev in limbo, the report says.

    But his hopes appear to have grown since last week when the 27-year-old left-back feared his dream move to the Premier League was heading for complete collapse.

    Some Macedonian media have used the word "scandal" to described the case, as, apparently, it was not publicly known that Popov holds Bulgarian citizenship.

    A rising number of Slavic Macedonians – deemed in Sofia to be ethnic Bulgarians, at least "historically', are applying for and receiving Bulgarian citizenship – based on their claiming of ethnic Bulgarian origin – a development that infuriates the official authorities in the Macedonian capital Skopje, as it erodes the Macedonian national identity that has been developed to be distinct from the Bulgarian identity during the communist period.

    The Staffordshire news portal explains that the Macedonian international believed any application for a work permit would fail because his country has recently dropped in FIFA's world rankings to 102.

    One of the FA's criteria for accepting players who require a visa to enter England is that their own country are ranked at 70 or better.

    But the existence of a Bulgarian passport could help Popov by-pass those criteria if the UK Border Agency back his request to work, the Staffordshire news site reports.

    Popov, who played against Stoke in the Europa League last season, has already trained with his prospective new club after arriving here 10 days ago determined to win his first crack at Premier League football.

    Speaking last week, when he believed the deal was heading for the rocks, he said: "I wanted to play against Arsenal, and also against Manchester City and Chelsea. I wanted to play against the big teams – this was my dream."

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  • EgejskaMakedonia
    Seems like it's time to send Johnny Howard and his crew over to Bulgaria to introduce the baby bonus!

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  • Onur
    Despite the import of 10.000 Gagauz from Moldovia and 30.000 Macedonians, according to the official statistics institute of Bulgaria, the country`s population drops by 6 person per hour and with this rate, Bulgarians will be minority in Bulgaria in less than 10 years, not as in 30-40 years as indicated before by the same sources.

    The population of Bulgaria is going down by 6 persons every hour, and by few months it will fall below seven million, the Center for Demographic Statistics alarms.

    Based on the above data, experts from the Center have issued the worrisome forecast that in 10 years Bulgarians will no longer be the majority in their own country.

    The experts, cited by Darik radio, remind that by the number of newborns for five years already Bulgarians are a minority.

    They stress that currently the Bulgarian State is facing the choice to "feed Bulgarians or the Roma," and warn that ethnic tensions can become routine in the country and even lead to a civil war.
    And interestingly, Bulgarian state wanna enter schengen zone for a year. I wonder why, because if EU accepts Bulgaria into the schengen zone, i believe that their population loss rate of 6 person per hour would increase to 60 person per hour instantly.

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  • ProMKD
    Sue them to high hell, never give up!!!

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  • George S.
    Macedonian newspaper seized in Bulgaria

    Macedonian newspaper seized in Bulgaria

    By Hristo Ivanovski

    Translated and edited by Risto Stefov

    [email protected]

    April 4, 2012

    Lawsuit for seizure of “Makedonski Glas” (Macedonian Voice) newspaper.

    The Macedonians in Bulgaria launched another lawsuit against the Bulgarian State in the Strasbourg Court after failing to find justice at home for the scandalous seizure of their newspaper “Macedonian Voice”. Last year, on January 31, only a day before the start of the national census, civilian representatives of the Bulgarian State Agency for National Security (DANS) entered the “Iranik-M” printing premises in Blagoevgrad and, without any legal document, seized all 2,500 copies of the newspaper and then detained Stoian Mihailov, the printing house owner and one of his employees.

    Stojko Stojkov, president of the Organization OMO “Ilinden” Pirin, on behalf of the informal group of Macedonian activists - Pirin Macedonian Information Centre, which publishes the newspaper, filed two lawsuits requesting the seized newspapers be returned and the perpetrators of this scandalous act be punished. Following the case, one gets the impression that this looks like a job of the police reminiscent of the worst communist era days. Even though the inspectors entered the printing house premises on January 31, 2011, as per a written statement by Mihailov, they still claim that such a thing never took place.

    “Written statements were requested and obtained from MVR-Blagoevgrad, 02 RUP-Blagoevgrad and TD ‘NS’-Blagoevgrad. And according to these statements, it was determined that representatives of these institutions did not carry out the operation in the specified printing house, did not confiscate written materials and did not detain Stoian Nikolov Mihailov in MVR-Blagoevgrad on January 31, 2011,” says Ivan Dimitrov, a city official of Blagoevgrad, in a written statement, written in response to the complaint.

    In response to Stojkov’s letter of complaint, the same city official cites Mihailov’s statement which practically denies that there was a police break-in in his “Iranik-M” printing house.

    Despite the evidence Stojkov attached to his appeal and letter of complaint, including the bill that he paid of 1,000 EUR for printing the newspaper, City Official Krasimir Kozhuharov confirmed the previous decision.

    Stojkov says it is true that such a statement from Mihailov exists and he has seen it.

    “Clearly the statement was given under police duress. As you can see he gave two different statements. Regardless of how it looks, I am now consulting with lawyers and it is possible as long as there is basis, to seek justice before the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg,” Stojkov told Dnevnik yesterday.

    As for the seizure of the newspaper, SEEMO is familiar with this case. Their representatives met with Stojkov in Sofia yesterday.

    Up to this issue of “Macedonian Voice” there have never before been such seizures or thefts of so many copies of the newspaper, apart from this one seized only a day before the census. The reason this was done was because of what was in the newspaper; a call to the Macedonians in Bulgaria to declare themselves as Macedonians in the census.

    Весникот на Македонците во бугарија го однесоа фантомски води

    Датум: 04.04.2012, 17:19

    Тужба за заплена на „Македонски глас“

    Македонците во Бугарија најавуваат уште една тужба против државата пред судот во Стразбур откако не успеаја да ја најдат правдата околу скандалозната заплена на билтенот „Македонски глас“. Лани на 31 јануари, на ден пред почнување на пописот, цивилни претставници на Државната агенција за национална сигурност (ДАНС) влегле во просторијата на печатницата „Ираник-М“ во Благоевград и без да имаат каков било судски документ тие го заплениле целиот тираж на билтенот од 2.500 примероци, а притоа ги притвориле и сопственикот на печатницата Стојан Михајлов и уште еден вработен.

    Навидум целата работа е јасна, па Стојко Стојков, претседател на ОМО „Илинден“-ПИРИН во име на неформалната група македонски активисти - Пирински македонски информациски центар, која го издава билтенот, поднел две тужби со барање да се врати запленетиот тираж на билтенот и да се казнат сторителите на тоа скандалозно дело. Следејќи го целиот случај, се добива впечаток дека тој личи на мрачна полициска сторија од времето на најтешкиот комунистички режим. Иако инспекторите влегле во печатницата на 31 јануари 2011 година, а за тоа писмена изјава дал и нејзиниот управител Михајлов, на жалбите Стојков добил одговор дека такво нешто не се случило.

    „Побарани и добиени се писмени изјави од МВР-Благоевград, 02 РУП-Благоевград, ТД „НС“-Благоевград. Од тие изјави се утврдува дека на 31.1.2011 претставници на наведените институции не спровеле операција во наведената печатница, не се конфискувани писмени материјали и во МВР-Благоевград не е задржано лицето Стојан Николов Михајлов“, пишува во одговорот на жалбата Иван Димитров, прокуратор при Реонската прокуратура на градот Благоевград.

    Во дописот на жалбата од Стојков, прокураторот се повикува на изјава на Михајлов, кој практично негира дека имало полициски упад во неговата печатница „Ираник-М“.

    И покрај доказите што Стојков ги приложил во жалбата до апелација при што приложил и платена сметка од 1.000 лева за печатење на билтенот, Kрасимир Kожухаров, прокуратор во Апелативната прокуратура, го потврдил претходното решение.

    Стојков вели дека е точно оти таков исказ видел од Михајлов.

    - Тој исказ е даден под полициска присила. Практично тој дал два различни исказа. Kако и да е, јас сега се консултирам со адвокати и можно е доколку има основа, правдата да ја барам пред Судот за човекови права во Стразбур - ни изјави вчера Стојков.

    За случајот со запленетиот тираж на билтенот е запознаен и СЕЕМО, чии претставници завчера во Софија се сретнаа со Стојков.

    Во досегашното издавање на „Македонски глас“ никогаш не се случило да биде запленет или забранет некој негов број, освен тој на ден пред пописот. Причините за таквата акција треба да се бараат во објавените содржини во весникот и во кои е објавен повик до Македонците во Бугарија на пописот на населението да се изјаснуваат како Македонци.

    Христо Ивановски

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  • George S.
    if they want people to partake of being bulgarian here's their chance.After all after being in the eu they are ready in the scrap heap.Possibility is use of the passport to travel etc.

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  • Big Bad Sven
    Originally posted by ProMKD View Post
    I really don`t think it`s a national strategy to increase population by giving away passports. I think it`s some old ass hardliners in power that still think the idea of a larger bulgaria is possible. There are so many poor people in bulgaria, I would be absolutely outraged that my tax money was being spent on providing passports to people who clearly didn`t feel bulgarian and didn`t care to live in bulgaria, who only wanted to go west. They know it, everybody knows it. The days are behind us when they can play the `there are bulgarians in kosovo` crap.
    They do this because one day when bulgaria has the chance to increase its borders, and other countries complain about it, they can simply say they have many "bulgarians' living in macedonia, kosovo, albania and southern serbia.

    In the amazing time of Yugoslavia, every one looked down on the shiptars and thought they would never be a threat or power in the balkans, they were to poor or dumb. But look at them now. Anything is possible.

    And who knows, after generations of these people accepting bulgarian passports, saying they are "bulgarian", receiving financial aid from bulgaria etc - they might actually starting believing the lie. There are a lot of dumb people in the balkans you know

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  • ProMKD
    Originally posted by Onur View Post
    Thats exactly why they are doing this.

    Probably they couldn't convince their own people to breed and this is their latest resort. I don't think that the gypsification of Bulgaria is preventable and these people are getting passports to go to western Europe, not for staying in Bulgaria or to be Bulgarians.
    I really don`t think it`s a national strategy to increase population by giving away passports. I think it`s some old ass hardliners in power that still think the idea of a larger bulgaria is possible. There are so many poor people in bulgaria, I would be absolutely outraged that my tax money was being spent on providing passports to people who clearly didn`t feel bulgarian and didn`t care to live in bulgaria, who only wanted to go west. They know it, everybody knows it. The days are behind us when they can play the `there are bulgarians in kosovo` crap.

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  • Onur
    Originally posted by ProMKD View Post
    I don`t understand why the citizens of pathetic bulgaria stand for this... bulgaria realistically can`t still be dreaming of expanding it`s borders? It`s the fastest dying nation in Europe for God`s sake..
    Thats exactly why they are doing this.

    Probably they couldn't convince their own people to breed and this is their latest resort. I don't think that the gypsification of Bulgaria is preventable and these people are getting passports to go to western Europe, not for staying in Bulgaria or to be Bulgarians.

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