Im no wiz at these things so I could be off base but are you seeing this interim accord thing from a hollier than though position. I know Australia is the lucky country and the USA see themselves as Gods country but lets not forget how this interim agreement came about.
In my simple view of things I kind of liken it to someone living in a town where all the big guys there who either own most of the businesses there or can influence the remainder of the business owners not to hire this person for any job. Faced with no income they put the hard word on her to go into their xxx rated business. The bills start mounting and the cupboards starts looking bare she calls the big bosses and says maybe but she doesn’t know where to start. The boss guy says sure come on over and we will tak about it. He has this great Greek style movie he wants her to star in. The first thing you need to tdo is pick the right porn name to act under. You know the name of the first street you lived in and your favourite pets name ect. Think about it on your way to our office and we will have the contracts ready.
She heads off with her friend to act as her agent to negotiate the deal. Many call him a pimp. So they talk about it and get close to some kind of an agreement and sign an interim accord. She is now allowed to trade and gets to work and trade with other businesses in the town while she figures out a porn name. Money starts coming in and she can pay her bills and put some decent food on the table. But every so often she gets a phone call about hows she going with picking that name thing.
Her relatives who live in distant places start gossiping how her friends as managers have each been pimps and how she’s a dumb slut and should instead tough it out no matter what. Her family can eat salt and paprika pepper and not stoop to any movie let alone a Greek style movie.
In the mean time she shows the other bosses in the town how good she is at running a business and suggest they skip the whole porn thing and let her join the town commerse committee anyway. She also makes friends with businesses in other towns and 127 or 128 of them want to be friends with her. The boss guy gets wind of this and jumps up and down and says we had a deal here. Ive got your signature and uses his unique privileged voting rights to deny her rights to join the commerse committee no matter how good she is at running a business. Bend over or go to Coventry.
All her relatives living abroad point the finger at the accord and call her a slut. How could you sign an aggreement and how can you keep meeting with these guys to talk about picking a porn name. Some of her kids start saying its easy for their cousins in distant lands to point and talk while eating their roast beef sandwidge. Time goes by and the kids grow up. Some of the older kids are about the age there mum was when the interim agreement was signed and cant imagin following through with it if they were faced with this deal. They start to revolt and start saying they would rather play with the kids in the other towns then let this happen. Some kids whine about how unfair it is not to play in their own town. They are joined by thse foreign kids who no one really knows how they got there but seem to have lived in her backyard forever keep up the whining after all its not like she’s never done it before just this time it will be on film and under a porn name big deal. One bright spark nicknamed red bones says he will act as her agent if everyone votes him in the position and vows to get the job done even if he has to drag here there with a rope around her neck and dack her himself.
Her courent agent some say pimp takes the boss to court for not honnering some of the conditions of the contract. Mortified some of the kids and the cousins overseas bicker over the proceedings calling him a pimp and her a slut and have him and anyone who wants to take his place or agrees with his actions excommunicated. How dare he want to enforce the agreement while claiming he want to save her reputation. Traitor pimp. And glaring eyes go on anyone agreeing with the court case or her agent.
Meanwhile her agent has been travelling around and spending many nights in hotel rooms. He comes back home with news of new friendships. He manges her investments well and thing start to look up but because of her previouse managers missmanagement he starts from a low position and even with his efforts not everthing is well and many point to the mountain of defficentcies and blaim his efforts and call him a pimp. Bickering goes on at home and overseas.
Some say he did the court case to get a court rulling that the boss broke the agrreement first and so he and his clent are blameless. Some say he did a greek style himself in a threesom with the german and her black buddy to get her to think about changing the rules of voting to her commerse committee. If this isn’t the definition of a hero what is.
Doubting Thomases from home and abroad shake their hollier than though heads at her and mutter slut under their breaths for even signing a contract. How could she even think of signing a contract. Doesn’t it mean she seriously considered doing it. What if she got the wrong manager like the one who robbed her money but now vowes to complete the job. What if things went wrong. How could she put herself so close to the edge that her feet are hanging over the edge. Dumb slut and pimp. And the bickering goes on.
Are we about there yet.
Is it a risky play. Your damd right it is. Is it not fair. With your extensive knowledge of Macedonian history has anything ever been fair with Macedonia.
By all means keep up the pressure and never forget to remind those touting the government line on a daily basis that its all pretend remember just incase they start beliving their own words from repeating them so often. Mums no slut at least not under a made up porn name.
And just to answer Julies questions and qualify myself.
1. No I am not for negotiating our name. it is the be all and end all as everything else hangs off it. Without it we will be less then the jews when they were scattered around the world before Israel because we do not have their numbers nor clout. I am for lying cheating and pretending to if it furthers Macedonia and the Macedonia cause.
2. I have no affiliation with the UMD let alone their board. Only as previously stated in other threads I think the have a cool name but there unpolished awkwardness at least from what I have read thus far do not inspire me to think they are up to the task.
3. See No. 1
4. Ethnically I am a Macedonian and an Australian citizen. Just for my own curiosity as stated in a different thread I have ordered the igenea dna test.
In my simple view of things I kind of liken it to someone living in a town where all the big guys there who either own most of the businesses there or can influence the remainder of the business owners not to hire this person for any job. Faced with no income they put the hard word on her to go into their xxx rated business. The bills start mounting and the cupboards starts looking bare she calls the big bosses and says maybe but she doesn’t know where to start. The boss guy says sure come on over and we will tak about it. He has this great Greek style movie he wants her to star in. The first thing you need to tdo is pick the right porn name to act under. You know the name of the first street you lived in and your favourite pets name ect. Think about it on your way to our office and we will have the contracts ready.
She heads off with her friend to act as her agent to negotiate the deal. Many call him a pimp. So they talk about it and get close to some kind of an agreement and sign an interim accord. She is now allowed to trade and gets to work and trade with other businesses in the town while she figures out a porn name. Money starts coming in and she can pay her bills and put some decent food on the table. But every so often she gets a phone call about hows she going with picking that name thing.
Her relatives who live in distant places start gossiping how her friends as managers have each been pimps and how she’s a dumb slut and should instead tough it out no matter what. Her family can eat salt and paprika pepper and not stoop to any movie let alone a Greek style movie.
In the mean time she shows the other bosses in the town how good she is at running a business and suggest they skip the whole porn thing and let her join the town commerse committee anyway. She also makes friends with businesses in other towns and 127 or 128 of them want to be friends with her. The boss guy gets wind of this and jumps up and down and says we had a deal here. Ive got your signature and uses his unique privileged voting rights to deny her rights to join the commerse committee no matter how good she is at running a business. Bend over or go to Coventry.
All her relatives living abroad point the finger at the accord and call her a slut. How could you sign an aggreement and how can you keep meeting with these guys to talk about picking a porn name. Some of her kids start saying its easy for their cousins in distant lands to point and talk while eating their roast beef sandwidge. Time goes by and the kids grow up. Some of the older kids are about the age there mum was when the interim agreement was signed and cant imagin following through with it if they were faced with this deal. They start to revolt and start saying they would rather play with the kids in the other towns then let this happen. Some kids whine about how unfair it is not to play in their own town. They are joined by thse foreign kids who no one really knows how they got there but seem to have lived in her backyard forever keep up the whining after all its not like she’s never done it before just this time it will be on film and under a porn name big deal. One bright spark nicknamed red bones says he will act as her agent if everyone votes him in the position and vows to get the job done even if he has to drag here there with a rope around her neck and dack her himself.
Her courent agent some say pimp takes the boss to court for not honnering some of the conditions of the contract. Mortified some of the kids and the cousins overseas bicker over the proceedings calling him a pimp and her a slut and have him and anyone who wants to take his place or agrees with his actions excommunicated. How dare he want to enforce the agreement while claiming he want to save her reputation. Traitor pimp. And glaring eyes go on anyone agreeing with the court case or her agent.
Meanwhile her agent has been travelling around and spending many nights in hotel rooms. He comes back home with news of new friendships. He manges her investments well and thing start to look up but because of her previouse managers missmanagement he starts from a low position and even with his efforts not everthing is well and many point to the mountain of defficentcies and blaim his efforts and call him a pimp. Bickering goes on at home and overseas.
Some say he did the court case to get a court rulling that the boss broke the agrreement first and so he and his clent are blameless. Some say he did a greek style himself in a threesom with the german and her black buddy to get her to think about changing the rules of voting to her commerse committee. If this isn’t the definition of a hero what is.
Doubting Thomases from home and abroad shake their hollier than though heads at her and mutter slut under their breaths for even signing a contract. How could she even think of signing a contract. Doesn’t it mean she seriously considered doing it. What if she got the wrong manager like the one who robbed her money but now vowes to complete the job. What if things went wrong. How could she put herself so close to the edge that her feet are hanging over the edge. Dumb slut and pimp. And the bickering goes on.
Are we about there yet.
Is it a risky play. Your damd right it is. Is it not fair. With your extensive knowledge of Macedonian history has anything ever been fair with Macedonia.
By all means keep up the pressure and never forget to remind those touting the government line on a daily basis that its all pretend remember just incase they start beliving their own words from repeating them so often. Mums no slut at least not under a made up porn name.
And just to answer Julies questions and qualify myself.
1. No I am not for negotiating our name. it is the be all and end all as everything else hangs off it. Without it we will be less then the jews when they were scattered around the world before Israel because we do not have their numbers nor clout. I am for lying cheating and pretending to if it furthers Macedonia and the Macedonia cause.
2. I have no affiliation with the UMD let alone their board. Only as previously stated in other threads I think the have a cool name but there unpolished awkwardness at least from what I have read thus far do not inspire me to think they are up to the task.
3. See No. 1
4. Ethnically I am a Macedonian and an Australian citizen. Just for my own curiosity as stated in a different thread I have ordered the igenea dna test.