Originally posted by Giorikas
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I’m not a Macedonian. I’m an American.
If it wasn’t for this site and others, many people around the world would remain unaware of the atrocities that the Republic of Hellas has been committing against Macedonia and ethnic Macedonians for almost a century, because of the political and economic complexities involved. The Republic of Hellas is a Western European tourist trap. There are investments to be protected and illusions that need to be preserved, just like Disneyland. There is an economic element that influences both the political, social and academic aspects, as far as, the ethnocide is concerned.
Regarding Miller’s 300, you have presented a political construct designed to reverse a political decision based on international law using an archaic intellectual model that continues to contradict contemporary anthropological evidence and the Renaissance Period Model of historical interpretation. No matter how many scholars have been prompted to sign this letter, numerous aspects of their research and the beliefs presented in the text of this document have been invalidated simply because population geneticists have demonstrated over the last decade that it would be a scientific impossibility for most ethnic Macedonians, no matter which one of the partitioned regions or the Republic they continue to live in, to be the descendents of populations who were assumed to have poured in to the area out of Eastern Europe during the 6th Century AD by researchers living in the 19th Century. Go ask one of your political parrots what he thinks of the similarities between oditsi and odyssey in light of this evidence. It’s self-evident to anyone familiar with 21st Century anthropological developments.
It’s pretty clear that you’re confusing a valid legal matter with a political debate and the facades that typically go along with such pointless rounds of posturing.
Here’s what the “Name Issue” represents in relation to the legal reality:
Does a sovereign, democratic nation have the right to use an ethnic term that has been in use for (not just by) the people who live and have lived in this geographic region since before Europe’s Ancient Period to represent itself internationally and politically?
As you can see, the actions of the Republic of Hellas are infringing upon every single human being’s right to continue to refer to Macedonians as Macedonians, as well.
19th Century researchers and your own ancestors clearly demonstrated that, while you may very well be Grecophonic, you are not Greek. It’s time to throw the toga away Donald.