I'll answer that stojanec it's called greek propaganda of which they so readily propagate to theres as if it's truth.We know it's a whole lot of lies & bullshit.There is a lot of bullshit propaganda floating arround as the state of greece has gone litrraly into overdrive ,engaging in lterary crusades,writing bs & crap how the macedonians aren't macedonian but we know they exist.Paying journalists to lie about macedonia.Bribing professors in overseas universities.Greece has done so much to deny & destroy the macedonian nation & has got away with it that it all defies logic.ASk yourselves back in 1913 how can one country belong to four other countries it just defies logic.The four countries deliberately decided to divide macedonia up & each has sprung it's own version of what the truth is.These people like Akzion are a bunch of brainwashed zombies who got nothing better to do them spread crap that they are macedonian just because they live in a geographical place called macedonia of which their govt illegally occupied it in 1913.Why should we show any respect to such garbage & fakery.Not only that but people who keep coming back as others after they been banned.Admin should check these people out & ban them for good.
Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by George S. View PostI'll answer that stojanec it's called greek propaganda of which they so readily propagate to theres as if it's truth.We know it's a whole lot of lies & bullshit.There is a lot of bullshit propaganda floating arround as the state of greece has gone litrraly into overdrive ,engaging in lterary crusades,writing bs & crap how the macedonians aren't macedonian but we know they exist.Paying journalists to lie about macedonia.Bribing professors in overseas universities.Greece has done so much to deny & destroy the macedonian nation & has got away with it that it all defies logic.ASk yourselves back in 1913 how can one country belong to four other countries it just defies logic.The four countries deliberately decided to divide macedonia up & each has sprung it's own version of what the truth is.These people like Akzion are a bunch of brainwashed zombies who got nothing better to do them spread crap that they are macedonian just because they live in a geographical place called macedonia of which their govt illegally occupied it in 1913.Why should we show any respect to such garbage & fakery.Not only that but people who keep coming back as others after they been banned.Admin should check these people out & ban them for good.
I only seem to have trouble with the so called Greeks when I tell them I’m Macedonian .
When you mention the word Macedonian to them without fitting the word Greek or Hellarse you can see their head turn into a tikva.
Macedonian….durrrr…which part? Mind you not all.
Political problems aside I meet many others, Serbian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Bosnian etc. I never have that kind of conversation…ie their heads don’t turn into a tikva.
But its only our Greek neighbours that know the truth of a 4000 year Greek existence in Macedonia, knowing that half of their population was transplanted in Aeg Mkd less than 100 years ago.
If you look at their official reason for the non recognition of our name its not because we don’t exist as Macedonians, their excuse is we have territorial pretentions on the Macedonian part in Greece.
Surely that is a front whereby they are more worried about their own people wanting to break away rather than Macedonians from the Republic wanting to take it.
the greeks want to monopolise everything look at the flag the minute the macedonians change their flag the greeks went out & registered the 16 ray sun as a greek symbol.now try & use it they will sue you.
The same with the name they want macedonia to capitulate & change so that they can
monopolise it.I have a problem with the greeks they think that they are macedonian when they are not ,They won't recognise us as macedonians because of their brainwashing."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
The greeks simply want to destroy Macedonia That way they don't have to give back northern greece to the macedonians.But they are so psyched up in such a frenzy that they seriously think macedonia will threaten them which is not true."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostDid I miss something here? GeorgeS and Stojacanec, are you guys agreeing or arguing?
I don't know how George misinterpreted stojacanec post.
Georgi....... read the post again chojek. Stojacanec is agreeing with you regarding Greek propaganda.
He then calls the so called Greeks "Tikvi" that seem to get confused when he tells them he is Macedonian.
Originally posted by stajacanecYour write George S...........
I only seem to have trouble with the so called Greeks when I tell them I’m Macedonian .
When you mention the word Macedonian to them without fitting the word Greek or Hellarse you can see their head turn into a tikva.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873
George S. you better look over your response b4 you speak about embarrassing one self.
All I can say is I totally agree with what you said I’m on your side not theirs. And I did call them tikvi not you or anyone else.
I’m not expecting anyone to kiss my arse when I say I am Macedonian . All I tried to do is compare how I am received on a personal level from a Greek vs Bulgarian, Serbian etc.
I didn’t say ROM will go over the border GS, I just said the Greeks think we have territorial pretentions. Its written on every second article chojek. You take away from that what you will. I know its an excuse at best on their part.
The Greeks will deny a separate Macedonian identity because they (might be) worried about another Kosovo happening in Aeg Mkd. Now I didn’t read that in any commentaries that is purely my thoughts.
So I think you need more practice in interpreting a post than I need to educate myself on Macedonian matters. I don’t have a massive in-depth knowledge on Macedonian history and issues but being born there and keeping in touch with 100 or so relatives from there I keep myself in reasonably good step.
I think it was a case of not understanding Stojacanec's post.
There was a hint of sarcasm that was totally misunderstood.
I can't explain any other reason why it was misunderstood.
Since I know Stojacanec personally, I can confirm he is not a tikva at all.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Ok i mistook Your write George S. It is all fabricated bs.I thought you were attacking me that's why i retaliated I take back the tikva stojanec.I didn't mean it that was i just missunderstood what you wrote ok accept my humble apology i realise that we are attacking the wrong people ! The thread is amended"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Rogi View PostThat would have to be one of the silliest things I have heard in quite a while. I couldn't even imagine giving up my Macedonian identity because of some Macedonian traitors who sold us out. Instead, I'd be working out ways to get them out of power and change things, it is absolutely never too late to stand up and fight for your rights and your identity.Last edited by Pelister; 01-09-2011, 11:06 PM.
I have had occasion to do same . We all ultimately agree we want the same so good to move on . Love the passion and together we will succeed as brothers and sisters"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
I think Rogi has made more effort than most to understand the Macedonian point of view from the other side of the modern border. I agree that it is silly to suggest you would no longer call yourself Macedonian. It has definitely been much harder to be a Macedonian from Egej than it has been from anywhere else in my opinion. But you can't really be anything else.
Having said that, if Macedonians in the Republic sell us out, I will let them know about it and hold most of them responsible.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Ne e strashno be brakja i sestri, ili?
Ako go smenat imeto, ke odime Komiti. Taka?
Ako dedovcite ne se plashea da se biat protiv Imperii, ta nie nema da se plashime da se bieme protiv nekolku kodoshi i korumpirani politichari
Ili ke sedime pred monitori i ke kukame deka ni smenia ime i ni plukat v lice?
Imagine, beside the names of Aleksander, Filip, Samuil, Goce, Jane, Dame, Pitu, Chento, Stevan, Marko, Kocho and all other Macedonian Heroes, the next generations can also read our names.
Aleksandar having Herkul and Ahil for his ancestors...
Well, i can not imagine more honour and more glory for me. I would have no problem to fight, and die if needed.
I dont give a f..k what Ivanov or anyone says.
I am Makedon, from Staravina, Mariovo, Makedonia. We do NOT change our name.Last edited by Serdarot; 01-10-2011, 01:28 AM.Bratot:
Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.
Originally posted by Serdarot View PostNe e strashno be brakja i sestri, ili?
Ako go smenat imeto, ke odime Komiti. Taka?
Ako dedovcite ne se plashea da se biat protiv Imperii, ta nie nema da se plashime da se bieme protiv nekolku kodoshi i korumpirani politichari
Ili ke sedime pred monitori i ke kukame deka ni smenia ime i ni plukat v lice?
Imagine, beside the names of Aleksander, Filip, Samuil, Goce, Jane, Dame, Pitu, Chento, Stevan, Marko, Kocho and all other Macedonian Heroes, the next generations can also read our names.
Aleksandar having Herkul and Ahil for his ancestors...
Well, i can not imagine more honour and more glory for me. I would have no problem to fight, and die if needed.
I dont give a f..k what Ivanov or anyone says.
I am Makedon, from Staravina, Mariovo, Makedonia. We do NOT change our name.On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"
I don't think Pelister means what he said. Its frustration and nothing more. No matter what you think, you can't turn off what you really are like a light switch.
Pelister is correct when he implies the Macedonians from Former Yugoslavia would not understand the Egej point of view. Where Mothers, children, brothers and sisters all torn apart over identity, and after that being mistreated by both sides all their lives, and lets not mention the atrocious times they went through prior to all this back in Greek occupied Macedonia.
So i don't blame people like this thinking whats the point anymore. But its momentarily and not something that comes from the heart.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873