Did someone say war?
Albanianization in Macedonia
This is a sticky topic.
Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
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Во Тетово повторно пароли за Голема Албанија: ФФМ и МВР не реагираат!
23 апр 2012 11:08
И покрај тоа што во јавноста излегуваат со ставови дека не се националисти и дека единствена политичка партија за нив е ФК Шкендија, навивачите на се уште актуелниот првак на Македонија на вчерашниот меч со Работнички (1-0) истакнаа транспарент во кој се наведени делови на „Голема Албанија“.
„Косово, Илирида, Чемерија – сите се овие делови на голема Албанија“ истакнаа популарните „балисти“ на дуелот со романтичарите, но никој на средбата во Тетово, ниту претставниците на ФФМ (судијата Горан Спиркоски и делегатот Сашо Велковски), ниту припадниците на МВР не реагираа на ова. Според законот за спречување насилство на спортските терени, секој поединец што ќе истакне парола со политичка содржина треба да плати минимум 500 евра. Според правилникот на ФФМ, пак, секоја екипа чии навивачи „истакнуваат пароли што носат дискриминаторски слогани или се виновни за кој било друг вид дискриминаторство, однесување со презир во текот на натпреварот“ треба да платат казна од 30.000 швајцарски франци, а клубот својот следен официјален натпревар ќе го игра без гледачи. Казните за ваков вид прекршоци се толку високи поради тоа што ФФМ мора да ги следи регулативите на ФИФА и УЕФА за ваков вид прекршоци, па иако од куќата на фудбалот имаше најави дека глобите ќе бидат намалени, во дисциплинскиот правилник сè уште стои оваа сума.
Ова не е првпат во Тетово да се прогледува низ прсти за секое прекршување на Законот за спречување насилство на спортските терени. Додека на другите арени секој навивач се казнува поради користење пиротехнички средства, во Тетово факли се палат пред очите на полицијата и никој не одговара за тоа.
Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.
„Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов
we don't want our country bad enough to want a war.The albanians want a war & they want the whole country."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
They were before, and they still are very good at fighting a psychological war. If the citizens of Macedonia fall for it (just like last time) they will start packing their bags and moving away, thus leaving their apartments, houses, and villages abandoned and open for domination. This happened last time, and it will happen again until the Macedonians become conscious of the outcome. The Macedonians ran away from Tetovo and Aracinovo like there was a pending nuclear war, and never came back. They went to Detroit, Sydney, Toronto, and never plan on coming back. The shiptars? They saved some money in Zurich, Milano, and came back and either bought our houses for dirt cheap, or just took them over and got them `legalized`because the only people left in the local governing system were shiptars.
Although anything is possible, I think they would prefer (and are trying) to have a psy-war.www.everythingmacedonia.com
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A dumb-ass article I just read in Utrinski by some shiptar 'economist' who says that Tetovo citizens pay far more tax than other cities populated mostly by Macedonians, therefore Tetovo should receive most of the federal budget.
Во Битола е наплатен ДДВ во износ од 33,8, а во Тетово - 73,7 милиони евра или за 118 отсто повеќе
Така, на пример, во Тетово се плаќа повеќе данок, отколку во Битола. Иако, Тетово има малку повеќе население од Битола, а цифрата на даночни обврзници е помала. Според податоците од регионалните дирекции на Управата за јавни приходи, во фискалната 2010 година во Битола е наплатен данок на додадена вредност во износ од 2, 1 милијарда денари или 33,8 милиони евра, додека во Тетово се собрани приходи од ДДВ во вкупен износ од 4,5 милијарди денари или 73,7 милиони евра. Битола брои население од 365.201 лица, а во Тетово живеат 398.606 лица.
What I hate about Macedonian retard-media, is that the idiot who wrote this in Utrinski (Maja Tomic) thinks that Tetovo has 400,000 citizens, and Bitola 365,000. RETARDED.
Tetovo city is 60,000 - let's just say 80,000 with all the villages, and even that's pushing it.
Bitola is 85,000 - let's say 100,000 with the region.
How the hell do you come up with 400,000 and 365,000 ?!?!?!?www.everythingmacedonia.com
Support tourism to Macedonia!
If they can fake the census they can fake anything.I noticed that on the albanian agenda has been to ask for their own budget & demanding they get this or that they want the budget directly that's attributable to them.Their population is supposedly like ten times of what it actually is.Which is all lies.This is the worst thing that could hapen is the govt giving in to them.
If they are not vigilant enough they are going to take them to the cleaners."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
There is one solution: Bomb the fuck out of Tetovo and send the survivors back to Kosovo or Albania or ANYWHERE besides Macedonia.
Reading this shit you can clearly see they are allowed to do anything they want and their 'backers' keep allowing them to while keeping us down.
welcome Belomorec anything is better than the current scenario of just pandering & giving in to them.I rather have a real macedonian tatkovina than having to share it with the shiptars."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Belomorec View PostThere is one solution: Bomb the fuck out of Tetovo and send the survivors back to Kosovo or Albania or ANYWHERE besides Macedonia.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Are there? Name one that has worked so far.
Let me ask you this: Do you think Albanians will ever stop their agenda, insane as it may be, of a "Greater Albania"? Do you think any action will ever make them integrate within Macedonian society in a way where they see improving the future of the country as their main goal rather than their own selfish agenda? Do you think they will ever see Macedonia for what it is: The homeland of the Macedonian people, therefore a sovereign nation that should not be interfered with? Do you think they will ever respect Macedonia and the Macedonians?
You know the answers to those questions.
If an eye-for-an-eye mentality is good enough for America and Israel, why isn't it for Macedonia?
Originally posted by Belomorec View PostIf an eye-for-an-eye mentality is good enough for America and Israel, why isn't it for Macedonia?
Alternative way would be to breed like rabbits and de facto change conditions on the ground, but how many families are willing to do that ? Can the governement hand out benefits to Macedonian families to having more children without the Albanians getting treated the same way ?
You can just join us, we may be broke for now but we have one hell of a sealine. I can guarantee you wont see a mosque being built ever again.
Originally posted by Belomorec View PostAre there?
Name one that has worked so far.
Do you think Albanians will ever stop their agenda, insane as it may be, of a "Greater Albania"?
Do you think any action will ever make them integrate within Macedonian society in a way where they see improving the future of the country as their main goal rather than their own selfish agenda?
Do you think they will ever see Macedonia for what it is: The homeland of the Macedonian people, therefore a sovereign nation that should not be interfered with? Do you think they will ever respect Macedonia and the Macedonians?
If an eye-for-an-eye mentality is good enough for America and Israel, why isn't it for Macedonia?
Originally posted by VoltronCan the governement hand out benefits to Macedonian families to having more children without the Albanians getting treated the same way ?
You can just join us, we may be broke for now but we have one hell of a sealine.
I can guarantee you wont see a mosque being built ever again.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Belomorec View PostAre there? Name one that has worked so far.
Let me ask you this: Do you think Albanians will ever stop their agenda, insane as it may be, of a "Greater Albania"? Do you think any action will ever make them integrate within Macedonian society in a way where they see improving the future of the country as their main goal rather than their own selfish agenda? Do you think they will ever see Macedonia for what it is: The homeland of the Macedonian people, therefore a sovereign nation that should not be interfered with? Do you think they will ever respect Macedonia and the Macedonians?
There are a few more options left, one is alluded to in the MTO's definition of the cause and has been discussed in some detail.
Originally posted by Belomorec View PostIf an eye-for-an-eye mentality is good enough for America and Israel, why isn't it for Macedonia?If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams