Macedonia and the European Union

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  • Dimko-piperkata
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1876

    EU president Herman Van Rompuy prefers name “Macedonia”

    The President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy prefers the name “Macedonia” and noted it in his first speech on Friday during his visit to Germany, Macedonian Untrinski vesnik newspaper writes. Rompuy has delivered his first official speech before representatives of a local party not at a summit of the European Union. However, he has mentioned Macedonia as well with its constitutional name, the edition reads.
    The President touched on the issue on the EU enlargement towards the West Balkans. The fact Rompuy pointed at the EU integration of Macedonia and the rest of the countries in the region is interpreted by Brussels as a first signal he supports their accession, Macedonian newspaper says.

    what are we supposed to do now? snap at the bait

    fuck u EU
    1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
    2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


    • Prolet
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2009
      • 5241

      Dimko, I dont understand why you are so disappointed? Isnt Macedonia our preferred name?
      МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


      • Dimko-piperkata
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1876

        i am so disappointed because they play always the same fucking game with us...the actors are changing continuously but not their TRUE position.

        we macedonians MUST once absorb into the mind, that the EU is grecophil
        1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
        2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


        • Bill77
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2009
          • 4545

          Originally posted by Dimko-piperkata View Post
          i am so disappointed because they play always the same fucking game with us...the actors are changing continuously but not their TRUE position.

          we macedonians MUST once absorb into the mind, that the EU is grecophil
          Thats corect. I wish i had a dollar each time i hear these monkeys defend us and bag Greece, but when it comes to the crunch, nothing gets done. All talk F@%i!g shit talkers.


          • makgerman
            • Nov 2009
            • 145

            Dimko, do you know much about Herman Van Rompuy?

            Has he ever spoken against Macedonia in favor of our wonderful neighbours?


            • Bill77
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2009
              • 4545

              Originally posted by makgerman View Post
              Dimko, do you know much about Herman Van Rompuy?

              Has he ever spoken against Macedonia in favor of our wonderful neighbours?
              HERMAN VAN ROMPUY
              "As a member of the Christian Democratic and Flemish party, he previously served as Prime Minister of Belgium from 30 December 2008 to 25 November 2009."
              I believe, Belgium are yet to recognise us under our constitutional name. So when he was there Prime Minister, what was he whaiting for?

              Sarkozy and Merkel had a part in electing him instead of the Favourite Tony Blair. He is just going to be another puppet for Sarkozy who we are well aware of his Brown nose Thanks to Greece's rear.

              "Mr Van Rompuy, barely known outside Belgium, is the favoured candidate of Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, and Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor."

              Here are some links of sarkozy thoughts towards EU enlargement and inparticulor Turkey,

              "NICOLAS SARKOZY: TURKEY IS NOT EUROPEAN BUT ASIAN COUNTRY" And this, "Sarkozy expressed opposition to European"
              Union's extension"

              "Leave Turkey’s bid to join EU to us, Nicolas Sarkozy warns Barack Obama"

              "Nicolas Sarkozy "Turkey is not European!" Video"

              Now just have a read of this and tell me who said this about Turkey.

              " Position on Turkey joining the European Union
              See also: Accession of Turkey to the European Union
              In 2004, he stated "An enlargement [of the EU] with Turkey is not in any way comparable with previous enlargement waves. Turkey is not Europe and will never be Europe." He continued "But it's a matter of fact that the universal values which are in force in Europe, and which are also the fundamental values of Christianity, will lose vigour with the entry of a large Islamic country such as Turkey."

              You would be excused if you thought it was from Sarkozy and his French Republic, Becuase these are the same sentiments anounced by Sarkozy him self. But the fact is this position is from The Hermiseter him self.

              Just the same peice of shit. Or should i say same smell diferant shit.
              Last edited by Bill77; 01-10-2010, 09:32 AM.


              • makgerman
                • Nov 2009
                • 145

                Thanks B77 I'll have a closer look at them.


                • Dimko-piperkata
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1876

                  Originally posted by makgerman View Post
                  Dimko, do you know much about Herman Van Rompuy?

                  Has he ever spoken against Macedonia in favor of our wonderful neighbours?
                  no i havent but that istnt the point.
                  essential is only the masterplan...what the puppets are saying into the cameras is not important.
                  and u can imagine that the EU stands 100% behind the "Republic of VETO"
                  1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                  2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                  • Bratot
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2855

                    The EU Circus: Greece, France, Macedonia and Turkey

                    Discussion regarding the accession of Macedonia into the European Union was postponed until June 2010. Two countries have delayed this process, the first of course being Greece which cannot accept Macedonia being a member of the EU. Neither can it accept the name ´Macedonia´ nor the Macedonian idenity or language. In other words, everything that has any connotation to ´Macedonia´ and ´Macedonian´ is unacceptable to Greece.

                    The other country that opposes Macedonia by supporting Greece in this endeavour is France.

                    Why is France doing this?

                    Perhaps because Greece has signed a contract to purchase military supplies from France or perhaps because, similar to Greece, France does not recognize minorities in its own territory.

                    What about indigenous minorities like the Alsatians, Basques, Bretons, Catalans, Corsicans and Occitans (Provencals) who today exist in France? Unfortunately all of these national minorities, and the languages they speak, are not formally recognized by France.

                    France, like Greece, has "specialized" in signing but not ratifying resolutions for the protection of minorities and their languages. If there is any doubt as to the existance of minority languages in France, let me remind you that all manifestos written just before and after the great French Revolution of 1789-1799 were written in these so-called local languages.

                    After the Revolution was over authorities withdrew from this linguistic pluralism and took advantage of a single obligatory language and that was ´French´. The methods used to discourage the use of local languages was to make fun of adults and young children who spoke them, a similar method was used by Greece against the Macedonians.

                    Greek State-Promoted Terror and Persecutions

                    In addition to making fun of people, Greek authorities also employed terror tacticts, beatings, imprisonment and expulsion to prevent Macedonians from speaking their native language even on their own native Macedonian territories.

                    This is why these two so-called ´democratic´ countries allied themselves to block Macedonia´s accession into the European Union. Thus the paradox; if other countries are willing to accept Macedonia into the Union they cannot because current EU law allows any single member country to veto and block the other 26. This shows how fragile and abnormal the foundation of this Union is.

                    Can this be called democracy? No, definitely not!

                    This is a dictate of one, or in this case, of two countries dictating to the rest. Also there is little logic in this. In this situation we cannot say all countries are treated equally.

                    This is nothing more than a European circus.

                    The European Union, which does not hesitate to mentor and teach others about democracy and human rights, harbours two countries which care nothing about human rights or democracy, worse, they can´t even be punished for this. New countries with aspirations of joining the European Union and have fulfilled all requirements put before them, for ´some reason´ are being blocked while ´old´ European Union countries, like France and Greece, which have broken every minority law, are not only allowed in, but are treated like the proverbial ´holy cows´.


                    Macedonia, the only ex-Yugoslav country in the Balkans able to meet all European standards since 1991, has not been allowed entry into the EU. Macedonia comparing to other Western Balkan's countries is ahead of reforms . Even today, attempt after attempt to gain entry has been obstructed by Greece and all obstructions have been accepted without question by the EU.

                    Where have we ever seen or heard of a situation where a paranoid country like Greece ´forcibly imposed´ a name on a normal country like Macedonia? How is it possible for the majority of democratic European countries to accept and come to terms with such dictates from a small economically and morally bankrupt country like Greece?

                    The Merciless Persecution of Macedonians in Greece

                    A country which after its unlawful seizure of Macedonian territories in 1913 has issued a number of racist laws against its own citizens. A country which after its Civil War in 1949 exiled both Greeks and Macedonians and in 1982 and 1985 allowed only Greeks by birth to return. How long will the EU allow Greece, which does not recognize the 250 thousand strong Macedonian minority living on its territory, a minority already recognized by international organizations, to break European and international laws? When will the fools of Brussels move their heavy bottom and go to Northern Greece and see and hear for themselves the Macedonians living there?

                    When will decision-makers from the EU understand that it is not Macedonia but Greece that is a destabilizing factor in the Balkans? It is not Macedonian but Greek nationalism and the Greek Orthodox Church that inflames other Balkan nationalisms.

                    Fake "Greek History"

                    Another idiotic idea that inflames hatred and nationalism is Greece´s claims of having 4000 years of cultural continuity and being ethnically pure, which are nothing more than a myth. The Greek nation is an artificial creation invented in the XIX century by the Philhellenic English and German fans of Classical Greece. The Greek language is also an artificial creation which survived only because it was a language of Eastern Christianity and not the langauge spoken by the Greek people.

                    In the XIX century the language spoken in Athens, a small Ottoman village, was Albanian, called Arnautian or Arvanitika. The Greek language was revived by academics and taught in schools and in this way it became the official language of the Greek state. These facts are not taught in school.

                    The so-called ´Greek studies´ offered to students are no more than fictional concepts promoting an invented continuity and an invented language. It is enough to read the 19 century memoirs of scientists and travelers in order to learn that they were not able to communicate with the people of Greece in Greek. Macedonia was incorporated into Greece in 1913 against the will of the Macedonian nation which dwelt in these territories from times immemorial.

                    EU support to Turkey's Kurds - but not to Greece's Macedonians

                    Turkey is constantly being accused by the EU for not respecting minority rights, particularly those of the Kurdish people.

                    Why has no one in the EU accused Greece of doing the same with regards to the Turkish and Macedonian minorities living there?

                    Why isn´t criticism directed at Greece?

                    Why this anti-Turkish obsession, not justified by the way, because racism is present in the EU and nobody in Brussels is asking questions about that?

                    There are more liberties for minorities in Turkey than in Greece.

                    It is a result of the very nature of Turkey which was an empire and was comprised of many nations and religions. While Turkey left all Christian Churches intact in its territory, Greece on the other hand after 1915 destroyed all Turkish minarets in the Greek territory.

                    Do Turks from Thrace have guaranteed rights as a minority? No, they, as well as the Macedonians have no minority rights and are discriminated against to no end in Greece. But do you see anyone writing about this, particularly in Europe? No, not at all! And why is Turkey presented in such bad light and not Greece?

                    Greeks living in Istanbul enjoy full religious freedom but not Turks living in Thrace.

                    These people are called Muslims because Greece forbids them to call themselves Turks. This says a lot about how the EU operates and how much member nations like Greece respect the rights of their citizens who cannot call themselves what they are but need to be called as deigned by governments!

                    If we are to speak frankly, Turkey, not Greece, is a stabilizing factor in the Balkans even though a small part of Turkey exists in the Balkans.

                    It seems that political correctness has taken European politicians away from common sense. They look at one thing and call it something else. The EU has taken a dogmatic approach to things like an aparatchik and preposterously dictates instead of using sound logic and reasoning. In theory a EU is a sound idea but it does not practice what it preaches. Instead of being a union governed by citizens, the EU is a union run by nonchalant bureaucrats.

                    Accepting countries like France and Greece which have committed serious human rights violations and imposing unjust conditions on countries like Macedonia will cause that the EU sooner or later, will get the hiccups which it deserves. It is not a union of equal nations. It seems that some are more equal than others in the EU and that is not right.

                    Ireneusz A. Slupkov graduated from Szczecin University and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Poznan University, both in Poland. Ireneusz is the the author of a book "The Communist Party of Greece and the Macedonian national problem 1918-1940" which analyzed the Macedonian problem.
                    The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                    • osiris
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1969

                      great article


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Pigs kill the EU


                        Why is Macedonia begging so hard to get in?
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • fyrOM
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 2180

                          I think most people would agree the Germans on the whole are of a different mentality to other parts of Europe. In some parts corruption swindling and petty theft are so much a part of everyday life some people cant get by in the day if they haven’t done at least one of these and by the end of the day they get the shakes and need a stiff drink. Some Europeans were also lucky enough to experience communism and that wonderful communist motto nisaj vrata zemaj plata. Trying to cobble all these bits together is no short order. Germany may like to say its not a German Europe but a European Germany. It sounds good but everyone knows the reality. There’s only so much one country can do.

                          I think the Germans may remonis of their past economic glory but are also smart enough to know the usa has been an economic powerhouse but with china spearheading the Asia region and fast threatening to take the mantel from the usa Germany can only turn to Europe for support. I think Germany may truly believe in the European union as they imagine it could be but obviously underestimated the pigs in Europe otherwise Greece would never have gotten in without sharpening up dramatically although I realise they also had a lot of geographic and political other reasons. I don’t think Germany saw any other real option than to embark on the European union path and similarly Macedonia doesn’t see any other viable path. Macedonia may have neighbours who don’t like her and many Macedonians may be weary of jumping in the same club with them but is there really any other choice. The current government in Macedonia are face with more difficulties than most countries. Rather than just steering the ship through the mind fields like other countries they are having to do it balancing on a tightrope while juggling stick with fire on them while some on board are threatening to hold a candle under the rope.

                          I cant help thinking are the Macedonians like the Jews in the wilderness waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain and are they like the Jews then going to turn to the old gods with similar disastrous consequences. From what little I have read to date the mto seem to have a wealth of information. Is there anything the mto can do to help write the truth on the tablets and prove the name issue to the west. Ironically they already know the truth since they are the ones who created Greece and the Greek lie. I personally hope every day to hear news that something that proves the truth is dug up in those archaeological digs gruevski has commissioned.


                          • fyrOM
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 2180

                            i should remember to use spell checker. oops.


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              Thanks OM, Macedonia has had many opportunities to stand up. But I am confident bribery and scandal has held it back. Until we have transparency starting at the top, it will always be the same. Alternatively, we may have to envisage a strategy of using bribery and scandal to ensure Macedonia meets the objectives of True Macedonians.
                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                              • Prolet
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 5241

                                Erwan Fuere proviking once again

                                What a disgrace he is, they should kick him out of Stari Kraj for good. He is stating now that ethnic tensions will rise if we dont start negotiating with the EU, the Albanians are used as pawns here its not funny.

                                Фуере: Преговори со ЕУ оти се можни тензии
                                09.02.2010 09:38

                                Одолговлечувањето со одредување термин за почеток на преговори за членство на Македонија во ЕУ може да биде „потенцијал“ за меѓуетнички тензии во таа земја, предупреди шефот на делегацијата на ЕУ во Скопје Ерван Фуере.

                                „Доколку решението и натаму временски се забавува, тогаш тоа сигурно може да има потенцијал кој води кон меѓуетнички тензии“, изјави Фуере за виенски „Стандард“.

                                Тој предупреди дека во Македонија владее разочарување што ЕУ ја „остави на цедило“ во спорот со Грција околу името, додека Загреб ја доби поддршката од Брисел во несогласувањата со Словенија.

                                „Што повеќе време минува, тоа ќе биде потешко да се одржи духот на реформите во Македонија“, истакна Фуере, додавајќи дека не сака да зборува за каков било датум за почеток на преговори со ЕУ.

                                Тој смета дека до решение за името може да се дојде само доколку состаноците на водечките политичари од Македонија и Грција се оддржуваат во „интензивен ритам“.

                                Виенскиот весник потсетува дека Грција минатата година и стави вето на Македонија за прием во НАТО поради спорот со името.

                                „Стандард“ оценува дека Македонија нема проблем со идентитетот само поради Грција и наведува дека Бугарија на голем број Македонци им дала работни дозволи и пасоши, а дека голем дел од македонските Албанци го претпочитаат албанското пред македонското знаме.

                                А1 Македонија е член на Групацијата А1 Телеком Австрија, водечки провајдер за комуникациски и дигитални решенија во Централна и Источна Европа.
                                МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.

