Does Macedonia need the EU ?
I guess there could be such a discussion. I really wonder how and from where does the EU get all that money to send in as support, debts and etc. Those are inhuman amounts and only China can match them. Forget that, but look at Ireland : it oposed the EU, but the European billionaires and bankers withdrew their money from the Irish banks and bankrupt them.... look at the "warm support" they give to Ireland now : new debts, as like there weren't enough before.... Look at Greece, the same example, where the heck does the EU get 300 billion to give to Greece again ? Is there no end to this debt-giving ? Look at Zimbabwe : it was a landlocked country, its policy was hated by its neighbours, and it always criticized and did bad against the UK, its former colonizer. But.... Zimbabwe was not alone... it has just 10,000 army personel, but it's best friend is China, a great power that supports it... why doesn't Macedonia choose India or Russia for example ? Why doesn't it find support from distant countries, why does it look for support in sharks like NATO or the EU ? If someone does something against those two, I mean a country, it will surely be eliminated either by war, or by bankruptcy. Does Macedonia really need the EU , including the idea that Macedonia being surrounded by enemies, it should find some protection, but not to promise itself in service...
I guess there could be such a discussion. I really wonder how and from where does the EU get all that money to send in as support, debts and etc. Those are inhuman amounts and only China can match them. Forget that, but look at Ireland : it oposed the EU, but the European billionaires and bankers withdrew their money from the Irish banks and bankrupt them.... look at the "warm support" they give to Ireland now : new debts, as like there weren't enough before.... Look at Greece, the same example, where the heck does the EU get 300 billion to give to Greece again ? Is there no end to this debt-giving ? Look at Zimbabwe : it was a landlocked country, its policy was hated by its neighbours, and it always criticized and did bad against the UK, its former colonizer. But.... Zimbabwe was not alone... it has just 10,000 army personel, but it's best friend is China, a great power that supports it... why doesn't Macedonia choose India or Russia for example ? Why doesn't it find support from distant countries, why does it look for support in sharks like NATO or the EU ? If someone does something against those two, I mean a country, it will surely be eliminated either by war, or by bankruptcy. Does Macedonia really need the EU , including the idea that Macedonia being surrounded by enemies, it should find some protection, but not to promise itself in service...