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  • vicsinad
    Senior Member
    • May 2011
    • 2337

    Just like the right / VMRO in Macedonia called all the anti-government protestors "Soros funded" and paid professionals, Trump and his supporters are saying the same thing about last nights protests and riots. The people had a choice between a fascist and a war monger, and they chose the fascist. Making the country think that there is no genuine popular opposition to him by saying that these protestors are all paid is very dangerous. And targeting the media for everything -- this is textbook.

    Trump himself fired back late Thursday, tweeting: "Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!"
    Rumors have also been circulating that the new batch of anti-Trump protesters has been bankrolled by individuals like billionaire liberal activist George Soros and groups like Moveon.org.

    The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.

    With tens of thousands of people taking to the streets to protest Donald Trump’s presidential election victory, questions are swirling about whether the anger is as organic as advertised.


    • Philosopher
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 1003

      LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) – A University of Louisiana Lafayette student who said she was physically attacked and robbed of her wallet and hijab made up the story, according to the Lafayette Police Department.

      Public Information Officer Karl Ratcliff said police are charging the 18-year-old student with filing a false police report.

      The young woman filed a police report Wednesday claiming two white males approached her near the campus, in the 100 block of Smith Street, around 11 a.m.

      She also claimed one of the males was wearing a “Trump” hat and they both yelled racial obscenities at her, police said.

      As police began to investigate the student’s claims they did not locate any witnesses or surveillance video to corroborate her story.


      • Philosopher
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1003

        WOODSIDE — Racially driven animus over the presidential election jarred the usually serene Woodside High School campus with video spreading of a violent attack on a student who voiced support for Donald Trump.

        Within 24 hours, as the student was home recovering, much of the campus walked out of class and gathered in the quad to vent their myriad feelings about the new political atmosphere taking shape in the country.

        “It’s hard because we’re at a diverse school, and (nationally) it feels like we’re going back in time,” said senior Alexa Suchite, 18.

        Her feelings were heightened by fervor over an Instagram post by sophomore Jade Armenio on Tuesday night that some students interpreted as a racial attack.

        Courtesy ABC7 Jade Armenio, left, describes how she was attacked by a fellow student at Woodside High School on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 on after it was learned that Armenio had posted on social media in support of Donald Trump's victory in the Presidential election Tuesday evening. To the right is Armenio’s mother, Gina Armenio.
        (Courtesy ABC7) Jade Armenio, left, describes how she was attacked by a fellow student at Woodside High School on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 on after it was learned that Armenio had posted on social media in support of Donald Trump’s victory in the Presidential election Tuesday evening. To the right is Armenio’s mother, Gina Armenio.

        A partially obscured image of the social media post obtained by this newspaper shows a sequence in which a comment disparaging Mexicans was followed by Jade writing, “one of the few things we can agree on.”

        Jade’s father, Todd Armenio, contends that her response was to the original post, which expressed a pro-Trump sentiment.

        “She would never do that. We don’t raise our kids like that,” Todd Armenio said, referring to the idea of his daughter made racist remarks.

        But the order of the comments was taken by some students as an endorsement of the disparaging comment. That apparently caught Jade by surprise when she was on campus Wednesday.

        “This girl comes up to me and she said, ‘Do you hate Mexicans?’ and I was like, ‘no,’ and she said, ‘You support Trump. You hate Mexicans,’ ” she said in an interview with KGO-TV.

        Not long after, the girl removed her eyeglasses and punched Jade, threw her to the ground and continued hitting her, according to multiple student cellphone videos obtained by this newspaper. Jade was left with a bloody nose, scratches and bruises.
        Racially-driven animus over the presidential election swiftly trickled into the usually serene Woodside High School campus with video spreading of a violent attack on a student who supported Donald…


        • Philosopher
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 1003

          SHOCK VIDEO: Black Mob Beats White Trump Supporter, 'You Voted Trump! You Gonna Pay For That Sh*t!'

          Shock video shows mob beat Trump supporter, steal his car and drag him through street.

          Chris Menahan

          Shock video out of Chicago shows a mob of African-American youth beat a white Trump supporter because he "voted Trump," telling him "you gonna pay for that sh*t."

          The mob is seen robbing the man of his belongings, stealing his car and then dragging him through the street while his hand is stuck in the window of his own vehicle.

          YouTube incredibly deleted evidence of this hate crime, fortunately it was saved and uploaded to other sites.

          In this first version which contains audio, you can hear the criminal assailants screaming "you voted Donald Trump" while multiple thugs are seen savagely beating the man from every which angle.

          "You voted Trump," the mob can be heard screaming. "You gonna pay for that sh*t."

          "Beat his ass," a woman shouts. "Don't vote Trump," another man says while laughing.
          Shock video out of Chicago shows a mob of African-American youth beat a white Trump supporter because he 'voted Trump,' telling him 'you gonna pay for that sh*t


          • Philosopher
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 1003

            Twitter erupts with calls to assassinate Donald Trump.


            • Philosopher
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1003

              STAFFORD, Texas (FOX 26) - A student at Stafford Elementary is recovering Wednesday after being beaten by several of his classmates.

              He says it was during a mock election when the class was asked, “Who voted for Donald Trump?”

              In an exclusive interview with FOX 26, the 11-year-old boy involved and his family tell us what happened.

              “This is America,” said Mary Lemmon, the mother of the student beaten. “Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and they shouldn’t be beat up for it.”

              But just a day after Donald Trump was elected President, that’s exactly what happened to her son at Stafford Elementary School.

              “These boys decided to ask the classroom, ‘Who voted for Donald Trump?’ And then I said, ‘I did.’ And then they come over here and jerked me out of my seat,” said the student. “Before I could get up they started kicking me and punching me.”

              The student’s name was protected by request of his parents. But he told us the classroom did have a teacher present. He said when he was on the ground, it “felt like it was forever”.


              • vicsinad
                Senior Member
                • May 2011
                • 2337

                This divide runs deep on many different sides of the political and social spectrum. This election and the result has brought out, and will continue to bring out, the worst in people. This will surely indeed be a roller-coaster ride for American society and the world.


                • vicsinad
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2011
                  • 2337

                  It's ironic that Trump was against the Electoral College, saying that it should be abandoned, and then that's what got him into office, not the popular vote.

                  It's still possible that the Electoral College voters can vote against Trump as they have yet to vote. That would throw even more chaos into the picture.


                  • iceman
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 132

                    Trump Administration: I will not allow Macedonia's name to change !

                    (google translate used )

                    MACEDONIA NEWS
                    Mark Burns: Trump will not allow changing the name Republic of Macedonia

                    United States after the election of the new president, Donald Trump will continue to build the path of good cooperation with Macedonia, said Mark Burns, an adviser to US President-elect Donald Trump.

                    November 12, 201611:15
                    In an interview with "Voice of the People", the spiritual adviser to US President-elect emphasized that no one should change its constitutional name and identity of the country.

                    - About the question which refers to the name of your country, which want to change and stop your name and name as Macedonians, it is unheard of in world history, it is forbidden to change its name and identity because you Macedonians are born and continue to live and are called so, Burns said.

                    It is unfair, Burns added, the Greeks in the United States give millions of dollars to the Democratic Party only to flatter and make you change your name.

                    - Be sure that with the appointment of Trump for president, will not it happen that will change the name of your country of Macedonia. I guarantee that by choosing the Trump for president, every initiative led by the Democratic Party of the United States and democratic governance will be immediately halted. It refers to the name change of state of the Republic of Macedonia, stated Burns.

                    Regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections in Macedonia, scheduled for December 11, Burns stated that expected VMRO-DPMNE to get back the mandate to form a new government.

                    - Mr. Trump is familiar with the work of Mr. Gruevski and gives his full support for all that he does for the Macedonian people. We expect to receive again the mandate of the people in the upcoming elections in December because we feel that Nikola Gruevski will continue with the same commitment to have been made for better economic development and security of the state, says Mark Barnes.

                    Asked about foreign investments in Macedonia, including both US companies "Johnson Controls" and "Johnson Matthey", as well as 5th in the world in the report "Doing Business", Burns stated that Gruevski is committed to economic growth the state and hoped to continue to lead the Macedonian people to a better future.

                    In an interview with Barnes talked about further relations with Russia, which it says top priority noviizbraniot American president will be to bring stability and unity in the world.

                    - Trump wants to bring peace and stability in the world. Instead of chaos, to bring stability and unity, and it will be a top priority. As human beings, regardless of race, color, political affiliation, should all support each other and make the world a better and it's one of the main priorities of Trump, says Burns.

                    He adds that it is true that US President-elect is not religious, but in terms of attacks on corruption, says Trump is very rich and there is no need for further enrichment.

                    - He loves America and believes that the United States should work together to embrace the values that have been lost in the past, said Burns.

                    Марк Барнс: Трамп нема да дозволи промена на името Република Македонија

                    САД по изборот на новиот претседател Доналд Трамп ќе продолжат да го градат патот на добрата соработка со Македонија, вели Марк Барнс, советник на новоизбраниот американски претседател Доналд Трамп.

                    12 Ноември 201611:15
                    Во интервју за програмата „Гласот на народот“, овој духовен советник на новоизбраниот американски претседател истакнува дека никој не смее да го смени уставното име и идентитетот на Република Македонија.

                    – Околу прашањето коешто се однесува за името на вашата земја, коешто сакаат да ви го сменат и да престанете да се викате и именувате како Македонци, што пак е нечуено во светската историја, никој не смее да ви го смени името и идентитетот затоа што вие сте родени како Македонци и ќе продолжете да живеете и да се именувате така, вели Барнс.

                    Многу е нечесно, додава Барнс, што Грците во САД даваат милиони долари за Демократската партија само за да и се додворуваат и да ве натераат да го смените името.

                    – Бидете сигурни дека сега со именувањето на Трамп за претседател на САД, нема тоа да се случи, односно нема да се смени името на вашата земја Македонија. Гарантирам дека со изборот на Трамп за претседател на САД, секоја иницијатива предводена од Демократската партија на САД и демократското владеење веднаш ќе биде запрено. Тоа се однесува и за промената на името на државата Република Македонија, потенцира Барнс.

                    Во однос на претстојните парламентарни избори во Македонија закажани за 11 декември, Барнс со став дека очекува лидерот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ да го добие повторно мандатот за формирање на нова влада.

                    – Господинот Трамп е запознаен со работата на господинот Груевски и му ја дава неговата целосна поддршка за сето она што тој го прави за македонскиот народ. Очекуваме да го добие повторно мандатот од народот на престојните избори во декември, бидејќи сметаме дека Никола Груевски ќе продолжи со истата ангажираност што досега ја правеше за подобар економски развој и за безбедноста на државата, оценува Марк Барнс.

                    Запрашан за странските инвестиции во Македонија, меѓу кои се и двете американски компании „Џонсон Контролс“ и „Џонсон Мети“, како и за 5-то место во светот во извештајот „Дуинг бизнис“, Барнс со став дека Груевски се залага за економски раст на државата и оти се надева дека ќе продолжи да го води македонскиот народ кон подобра иднина.

                    Во интервјуто Барнс говори и за понатамошните односи со Русија за кои вели дека врвен приоритет на новиизбраниот американски претседател ќе биде да донесе стабилност и единство во светот.

                    – Трамп сака да донесе мир и стабилност во светот. Наместо хаос, да донесе стабилност и единство и и тоа ќе биде врвен приоритет. Како човечки суштества, без разлика на расата, бојата и политичката припадност, сите заедно треба да се поддржуваме и светот да стане подобар, а тоа е еден од најглавните приоритети на Трамп, истакнува Барнс.

                    Тој додава дека не е точно оти новоизбраниот американски претседател не е религиозен, а во однос на нападите за корупција, вели дека Трамп е многу богат и оти нема потреба од натамошно богатење.

                    – Тој ја сака Америка и верува дека во САД треба заедно да ги вратиме вредностите кои се изгубени во минатото, вели Барнс.


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      Well, that is encouraging.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • DraganOfStip
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 1253

                        Originally posted by iceman View Post
                        Regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections in Macedonia, scheduled for December 11, Burns stated that expected VMRO-DPMNE to get back the mandate to form a new government.

                        - Mr. Trump is familiar with the work of Mr. Gruevski and gives his full support for all that he does for the Macedonian people. We expect to receive again the mandate of the people in the upcoming elections in December because we feel that Nikola Gruevski will continue with the same commitment to have been made for better economic development and security of the state, says Mark Barnes.

                        Asked about foreign investments in Macedonia, including both US companies "Johnson Controls" and "Johnson Matthey", as well as 5th in the world in the report "Doing Business", Burns stated that Gruevski is committed to economic growth the state and hoped to continue to lead the Macedonian people to a better future.
                        Ah, and THERE'S the inevitable part where Kurir "accidentally" embeds the Grujovist pre-electoral political propaganda in an article originally intended to be about Trump and Macedonia's constitutional name. Great to see the "journalists" at Kurir not losing their touch and working on full throttle in times when the party needs them the most.
                        Leaving that aside, it would be great if the rest of the article is true.
                        Then again I wouldn't be surprised if this interview never took place at all...
                        Last edited by DraganOfStip; 11-13-2016, 05:47 PM.
                        ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                        ― George Orwell


                        • iceman
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 132

                          Whats the matter Dragan of Shiptari and SDSM

                          Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
                          Ah, and THERE'S the inevitable part where Kurir "accidentally" embeds the Grujovist pre-electoral political propaganda in an article originally intended to be about Trump and Macedonia's constitutional name. Great to see the "journalists" at Kurir not losing their touch and working on full throttle in times when the party needs them the most.
                          Leaving that aside, it would be great if the rest of the article is true.
                          Then again I wouldn't be surprised if this interview never took place at all...
                          whats the matter Dragan of Shiptari and SDSM ... uncle Zaev loosing ..not happy that the Shiptar language is not becoming an official second language of Macedonia ?? Hey Dragan of Traitors and Morons... What Dragan of imbeciles not happy that Macedonia cannot be carved up into a federalized country.. and then become a greater Albania.. What did you say Dragan of Propaganda ??? Not happy that your uncle Zaev has been shown to be a treacherous dog.. Can someone on this site please send Dragan of Shiptari a tissue .. care of Republic of Greater Albania and Treacherous.. Post office Box .. Just send it to Republic of Macedonia at any SDSM office


                          • Liberator of Makedonija
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2014
                            • 1597

                            Just want to put it out there that Hitler wanted to create an independent Macedonian state during WWII
                            I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13675

                              Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                              Just want to put it out there that Hitler wanted to create an independent Macedonian state during WWII
                              By putting 'it out there' are you suggesting that Trump is like Hitler?
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                              • Liberator of Makedonija
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2014
                                • 1597

                                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                                By putting 'it out there' are you suggesting that Trump is like Hitler?

                                Defiantly a lot of similarities. Reason why people are rallying in Germany denouncing Trump, comparing him to Hitler.
                                I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.

