I recently came up across an article about Bernie Sanders,an american senator that runs for the Democrat's presidential candidate (polls still give the advantage to Hillary Clinton as the probable Democtaric presidential candidate but Bernie seems to get closer with each passing day).
I haven't heard about him previously (maybe US-based Macedonians like Gocka are more familiar with him) but from what I read,this guy can be the turning point of American policy in general.
As the article and Wikipedia state,the guy is a self-declared socialist that has a history of government-defying moves (he was arrested for breaking racial segregation in the 60's,he marched alongside Martin Luther King and was a gay rights supporter since his youth),he supported the victims of American imperialism and even raised money for the Korean orphans after the Korean war.
He feels America is today modeled for the rich at the expense of the citizens and the workers.
He was against the american involvement in the Iraqi wars and is an opponent of the American policy supporting Israel in the Palestine actions.
He opposed IMF's policy of impoverishing the workers and supported the first ever black american presidential candidate Jesse Jackson.
According to reports he's getting more and more supporters,gathering more crowd at his meetings than any of the other candidates and is now considered the main opponent to Hillary Cliinton for the democratic presidential nomination.
I feel a lot of potential in this man and if he becomes the next president of the USA I believe we will witness a dramatic shift in it's politics,both in it's foreign policy and domestically.
Here is more about him: