Originally posted by Brian
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Oh no! The 'stone lion' (your avatar) is going to get animated like in a horror movie and hurt me.LOL.
Only in your deluded head, but feel free to animate all you like.
It's fun to poke fun at Greeks, I get it, but it's only fun when it's at their expense and not when you're the one saying silly things and it "costs you dearly". Re-read your posts and you might see what I mean.
Toby I re read my posts and can't see what the fuck you are talking about. FYI my discussion was about using weapons of war during peace time, what's silly about that? I could re read my posts many times and still not see what you mean because you haven't got a clue what you mean!
When your talking nonsense and think you're actually putting down the other guy it tells me there's something not quite right here.
If I was putting the other guy down it would have been far different reponses that I would have posted, just shows me you had no idea what I was trying to convey yet have the audacity to make opinons about it, you got one thing right there's something not quite right here - in your head!
By "chorus" do you mean like the posters who no matter what I say and no matter how much factual and verifiable evidence I provide still come up with, "the answer is aliens" (even though I have not once said aliens) and think they have said something hilarious? and the "chorus" who jump in because all they are capable of is to recognise when someone is being made fun of even though they have no idea why and just flop out there tiresome repeated slurs like retreads? - at least they could try to make their jabs witty and entertaining to read but that would require a functioning brain.
By chorus i mean most people who challenge your views or don't agree with them or find them long winded and irrelevant, pretty well most of what you write!
The 'art' of the put-down requires not just a sharp tong but a sharp and quick brain to match the repertoire of insults flying in a witty way lest you come off low-brow and brutish, not a slow dull brain that needs to go away for a few days ("More to follow") to think of and formulate a come-back line.
Living proof of your stupidity, where did I try to put Voltron down? My point was for him to realise weapons of war are not for peacetime and that his country should come up with altenative methods without relying on outsiders to do it for them.
Some posters thought "too poor to protest" was the epitome of a piss-week argument but with logical argument it was possible to show why some people might come to that conclusion for themselves. You on the other hand want to blame your job! for not having a few seconds to spare to write a line or two from a computer??? If that's not a piss-weak argument, what is???? Please do explain to everyone how you work near 24/7 and why it is reasonable for you not to have a few moments to spare.
You manage to exceed your stupidity at every post by expecting me to explain to you my hours of work to you, can't you see how mentally deficient you are by even suggesting this?
By the way, you're not the only member of the MTO who works - ask around, I think most people will tell you they do and yet somehow they still manage to respond without the need to declair they need week off.
More senseless dribble to occupy valuable space that would otherwise be filled with useful remarks.
Or is it that with a clouded brain everything appears as clear as mud in a beer bottle and you need a few days to use those precious few moment you have to spare per day to formulate one or two quick put-down lines?
I like this this one, documentary evidence of your mental deficiency for all to see! Your use of analogies only serves to display to all readers that you are absolutely clueless and wander off track at the drop of a hat because you don't have anything of sustance to contribute, so rather than dazzling us with brilliance you've decided to try sand baffle us with bullshit!
Borrowing other peoples lines now? because your too incapable of formulating your own?LOL.
Let me know who owns the copyright and I'll send them a cheque for using it.
Despite the relevance of my posts to the MTO being self evident I bothered to explain it for the slow ones a few days ago. The fact that you are now still using this line several days after it was explained to zero says your slow brain hasn't caught up yet. Will you need a week to understand my explanation on top of the week to formulate a quick come-back line or two? So shall I expect your response in a fortnight or so??? How fortunate, I will be able to sleep soundly for a fortnight before I experience your barrage of witty stinging insults.
Be grateful you are even getting a response to this garbage. Firstly you don't have any posts with relevance you've proved that time and time again and you're doing it right here again. Your explanations are only good for you beacuse you are the only one who knows what the fuck you're going on about. I am pleased you will sleep soundly, staus quo while you are on here! You are not worthy of my stinging insults, besides why would I interrupt you from making a complete dick of yourself.
Why don't you re-read your exchange with Voltron, realise your stupidity and pull your head in before you make a greater fool of yourself than you already have. To fall to the ground wounded and let a Greek win without him having to fire a volley is pathetic.
Severe case of mental disorder right here, wtf are you going on about? How did I let a Greek win? What did the Greek actually win? WTF are you actually goin on about? ( that should give you a chance to rant for a few more pages)
Here's a song for you - I thought you might enjoy the 'fairies' in their tutus. Your hippy greenie bleeding-heart liberal insane ideas suggest you have a few tutus in your cupboard too.
This makes a lot of sense, glad you set me straight here, must be very lonely in that head of yours, not even half a brain to occupy the darkness.
(@ALL - mind you I like this song and other songs of his so no anti-gay bashing please.
Typical Toby can't stand up for his own comments without seeking permission for making them!
And before Vangelovski uses this as an example to accuse me of being older than him again, just know it is possible to know things without personally being there and experiencing them.)
I'm sure you know many things without having been there, for example sanity!
Ken Laszlo - Tonight ( Official Video 1985 ) - YouTube
Only in your deluded head, but feel free to animate all you like.
It's fun to poke fun at Greeks, I get it, but it's only fun when it's at their expense and not when you're the one saying silly things and it "costs you dearly". Re-read your posts and you might see what I mean.
Toby I re read my posts and can't see what the fuck you are talking about. FYI my discussion was about using weapons of war during peace time, what's silly about that? I could re read my posts many times and still not see what you mean because you haven't got a clue what you mean!
When your talking nonsense and think you're actually putting down the other guy it tells me there's something not quite right here.
If I was putting the other guy down it would have been far different reponses that I would have posted, just shows me you had no idea what I was trying to convey yet have the audacity to make opinons about it, you got one thing right there's something not quite right here - in your head!
By "chorus" do you mean like the posters who no matter what I say and no matter how much factual and verifiable evidence I provide still come up with, "the answer is aliens" (even though I have not once said aliens) and think they have said something hilarious? and the "chorus" who jump in because all they are capable of is to recognise when someone is being made fun of even though they have no idea why and just flop out there tiresome repeated slurs like retreads? - at least they could try to make their jabs witty and entertaining to read but that would require a functioning brain.
By chorus i mean most people who challenge your views or don't agree with them or find them long winded and irrelevant, pretty well most of what you write!
The 'art' of the put-down requires not just a sharp tong but a sharp and quick brain to match the repertoire of insults flying in a witty way lest you come off low-brow and brutish, not a slow dull brain that needs to go away for a few days ("More to follow") to think of and formulate a come-back line.
Living proof of your stupidity, where did I try to put Voltron down? My point was for him to realise weapons of war are not for peacetime and that his country should come up with altenative methods without relying on outsiders to do it for them.
Some posters thought "too poor to protest" was the epitome of a piss-week argument but with logical argument it was possible to show why some people might come to that conclusion for themselves. You on the other hand want to blame your job! for not having a few seconds to spare to write a line or two from a computer??? If that's not a piss-weak argument, what is???? Please do explain to everyone how you work near 24/7 and why it is reasonable for you not to have a few moments to spare.
You manage to exceed your stupidity at every post by expecting me to explain to you my hours of work to you, can't you see how mentally deficient you are by even suggesting this?
By the way, you're not the only member of the MTO who works - ask around, I think most people will tell you they do and yet somehow they still manage to respond without the need to declair they need week off.
More senseless dribble to occupy valuable space that would otherwise be filled with useful remarks.
Or is it that with a clouded brain everything appears as clear as mud in a beer bottle and you need a few days to use those precious few moment you have to spare per day to formulate one or two quick put-down lines?
I like this this one, documentary evidence of your mental deficiency for all to see! Your use of analogies only serves to display to all readers that you are absolutely clueless and wander off track at the drop of a hat because you don't have anything of sustance to contribute, so rather than dazzling us with brilliance you've decided to try sand baffle us with bullshit!
Borrowing other peoples lines now? because your too incapable of formulating your own?LOL.
Let me know who owns the copyright and I'll send them a cheque for using it.
Despite the relevance of my posts to the MTO being self evident I bothered to explain it for the slow ones a few days ago. The fact that you are now still using this line several days after it was explained to zero says your slow brain hasn't caught up yet. Will you need a week to understand my explanation on top of the week to formulate a quick come-back line or two? So shall I expect your response in a fortnight or so??? How fortunate, I will be able to sleep soundly for a fortnight before I experience your barrage of witty stinging insults.
Be grateful you are even getting a response to this garbage. Firstly you don't have any posts with relevance you've proved that time and time again and you're doing it right here again. Your explanations are only good for you beacuse you are the only one who knows what the fuck you're going on about. I am pleased you will sleep soundly, staus quo while you are on here! You are not worthy of my stinging insults, besides why would I interrupt you from making a complete dick of yourself.
Why don't you re-read your exchange with Voltron, realise your stupidity and pull your head in before you make a greater fool of yourself than you already have. To fall to the ground wounded and let a Greek win without him having to fire a volley is pathetic.
Severe case of mental disorder right here, wtf are you going on about? How did I let a Greek win? What did the Greek actually win? WTF are you actually goin on about? ( that should give you a chance to rant for a few more pages)
Here's a song for you - I thought you might enjoy the 'fairies' in their tutus. Your hippy greenie bleeding-heart liberal insane ideas suggest you have a few tutus in your cupboard too.
This makes a lot of sense, glad you set me straight here, must be very lonely in that head of yours, not even half a brain to occupy the darkness.
(@ALL - mind you I like this song and other songs of his so no anti-gay bashing please.
Typical Toby can't stand up for his own comments without seeking permission for making them!
And before Vangelovski uses this as an example to accuse me of being older than him again, just know it is possible to know things without personally being there and experiencing them.)
I'm sure you know many things without having been there, for example sanity!
Ken Laszlo - Tonight ( Official Video 1985 ) - YouTube
You have way too much time on your hands, I suggest you use it more wisely and go and get some therapy for that twisted mind of yours!