Originally posted by Vangelovski
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Census 2000 PHC-T-43.
Table 1. First, Second, and Total Responses to the Ancestry Question
by Detailed Ancestry Code: 2000
(Data based on sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and
definitions, see www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/sf3.pdf)
Note: The responses in this table were elicited by an open-ended question in Census 2000 that
asked "What is your ancestry or ethnic origin?" Respondents could write in one or two ancestries.
Numbers are shown for every code with a total of at least 300.
Table 1. First, Second, and Total Responses to the Ancestry Question
by Detailed Ancestry Code: 2000
(Data based on sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and
definitions, see www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/sf3.pdf)
Note: The responses in this table were elicited by an open-ended question in Census 2000 that
asked "What is your ancestry or ethnic origin?" Respondents could write in one or two ancestries.
Numbers are shown for every code with a total of at least 300.