Originally posted by Risto the Great
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United Macedonia Diaspora
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostSorry vicsinad, if he is part of SDSm or DPmNE, he simply should not get the vote of thinking Macedonians. Thinking or intelligent Macedonians are abundantly aware of the the treachery of these parties and what damage they have wreaked on Macedonia. The Macedonian identity has been eroded due to their actions and this is inexcusable.They're can be much independent thought and principled representation by someone running on a party ticket.
Originally posted by vicsinad View PostMK:
With that statement, I would assume that you're assuming that my father is tainted. And with that I would take issue and strongly object. He's very principled and has a long history of working with and for the Diaspora. I don't object to anyone not wanting to vote for a certain party or giving a vote to a member of that party because it might give that party a majority -- I understand that, and I'm like that myself with regards to political parties. But to assume every member of every party is tainted is, in my view, not the most fair approach to voting in any election.
Most, members here will be voting in Australia and judging by the responses not many going with them. What, made him choose them over VMRO?Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 05-31-2011, 08:14 PM.
As a side note, as I understood it, the current laws are that to run as an independent on the Diaspora ticket, you needed to gather hundreds and hundreds of signatures within a few days to get your name on the ticket. To run as a party member you don't need those signatures. I know my dad is against that because it's unfair. At least that's how I understood it.
With regards to the name, my dad's position has always been: no compromise, only Macedonia. He told the leaders of SDSM that he would vote against any name change proposal and that he would no longer be apart of SDSM if the leaders do compromise on the name.
I would like to know who decided to make it so that we can't vote on party lines.We can vote on the appropriate representative for each country.What a joke.It means our vote counts for nothing."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
With regards to the name, my dad's position has always been: no compromise, only Macedonia. He told the leaders of SDSM that he would vote against any name change proposal and that he would no longer be apart of SDSM if the leaders do compromise on the name.
Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
With regards to the name, my dad's position has always been: no compromise, only Macedonia. He told the leaders of SDSM that he would vote against any name change proposal and that he would no longer be apart of SDSM if the leaders do compromise on the name.
In, my opinion your dad has made a poor choice because he knows the policies of Crvenkovski and his willingness to please Greece and Serbia. Your, dad can change them all? If so, I would love to hear exactly how? People, don't quit politics when they're newly elected - why bother?
I, like you so lets drop this matter to save you from speaking on behalf of your father and that anti Macedonian party. Invite, your father to join MTO and if not you better tell him at least.
UMD, would look mild compared to what you would be faced with here (gligorov, interim agreement, flag, kickbacks)Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 05-31-2011, 08:33 PM.
I respect your opinion, MK. My dad is also familiar with the real world, and I know that he will not accept any bribe.
I'll continue posting on another thread, where I'll post some of my dad's positions, goals, and accomplishments. And I then won't speak on behalf of him
Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
I'll continue posting on another thread, where I'll post some of my dad's positions, goals, and accomplishments. And I then won't speak on behalf of him
Much appreciated if you could let me know what your father thinks about the matters I raised. I have had some limited contact with him on Macedonian Media Monitor, but its not a very active 'forum'. You should also extend him an invitation to sign up here.If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
Major, sponsor of this years conference is Turkish Airlines which makes perfect sense to me when celebrating Macedonia and Macedonians - 500 years in flight. Where, are the UMD BIG GUNS? Last, year they did not have any Gold or Platinum sponsors so what do they do - continue to offer it just in case someone wins the Lotto in the next few weeks. I, think it's a safe bet this conference is going to cost the UMD money and breaking even is only a dream.
Last, year they offered "Synthesis" (Best) and this year you get to view three, yes three folk dancing groups which is fine, I guess? The, guest speakers are taking away the members enjoyment - they don't come cheap folks and we know how much fun politicians are even drunk.
So, here's the choice the UMD have given Macedonians, you can spend three days smiling, shaking hands, and sipping on martini's while listening to several overpaid US politicians praise the UMD and Macedonia (ALL BS) or two weeks in Cuba all inclusive.
I, think the UMD have priced themselves right out of the picture for most young Macedonians under 30 and NOTHING for students (discount). Wise?
A. ConsultantLast edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 06-02-2011, 01:28 AM.
Lawrence S. Eagleburger, former secretary of State, dies at 80
Los Angeles Times
Lawrence S. Eagleburger, the wisecracking, chain-smoking diplomat who charmed both Republicans and Democrats, handled tense assignments during the first Persian Gulf War and rose up the ranks to become secretary of State toward the end of President George H.W. Bush's administration, has died. He was 80.
Eagleburger died Saturday after a short illness in Charlottesville, Va., a family spokeswoman told the Associated Press. No other details were given.
Eagleburger headed the State Department for about five months. He became acting secretary of State in August 1992 after the departure of James A. Baker III to run Bush's re-election campaign. He was sworn in on Dec. 8, giving him full Cabinet status for the final six weeks of Bush's presidency.
"He is Kissinger without his warts, in my view. Kissinger with a clearer moral compass," then-Sen. Joseph R. Biden, D-Del., told The National Journal in 1992.
"Lawrence Eagleburger devoted his life to the security of our nation and to strengthening our ties with allies and partners," President Barack Obama said in a statement. "He helped our nation navigate the pivotal days during the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War."
The pragmatic diplomat, who was plagued with health problems over his career, was known for overseeing delicate diplomatic assignments. One of his most memorable moments came in 1991 as deputy secretary of State after he rushed to Tel Aviv following an Iraqi scud missile attack on Israel during the first Persian Gulf War.
Standing with his cane atop rubble, supporting his bad knee, his presence was cheered by about 100 residents who shouted "Good for you!" Eagleburger successfully convinced the Israelis to not retaliate directly, which could have broken apart the fragile U.S.-Arab coalition against Saddam Hussein.
Eagleburger also had to defend the first Bush administration's pre-Gulf War policy of being friendly to Saddam after the Iran-Iraq war. That policy encouraged economic relations to meet U.S. interests, including access to oil and warding the Soviets away. He told Congress, "It was worth trying."
By many accounts, the heavyset Eagleburger was an unlikely secretary of State.
"The common image of a U.S. Secretary of State is that of Dean Acheson, Cyrus Vance, James Baker - a suave WASP lawyer, slender and urbane, who probably rowed at Yale or Princeton. But Lawrence Eagleburger, the new Acting Secretary, looks like the Michelin man with a cane," Time magazine wrote in 1992.
Eagleburger was born in Milwaukee on Aug. 1, 1930, to a Republican family. But his disgust with Sen. Joseph McCarthy's anti-communist antics dissuaded him from politics.
He told The Washington Post that he might not have gone into diplomacy had he not been bored one day as a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin and saw a sign about the Foreign Service test, which he took and passed.
After entering the Foreign Service in 1957, he landed posts in Honduras, Cuba and Yugoslavia, and later became special assistant to Dean Acheson, adviser to President Lyndon Johnson. After Richard Nixon became president, Eagleburger helped Henry Kissinger create the National Security Council.
During the Carter administration, Eagleburger became the U.S. ambassador to Yugoslavia and he returned to the State Department after President Ronald Reagan was elected.
Eagleburger left public service in 1984 to become president of Kissinger's private consulting business, Kissinger Associates, telling The Washington Post he was unhappy that presidents since Vietnam and Watergate suffered from an inability to maintain a consistent foreign policy. He said that the 1970s destroyed the credibility of the "foreign policy elite," which he said set the parameters of debate on foreign policy.
He laughed at the suggestion he would get the top State Department job someday.
"Nobody is going to ask," he told The Washington Post in 1984. "But if they did, I'd have to think about that."
When Eagleburger returned to the State Department in 1989, he worked as deputy to Baker and was described as the behind-the-scenes man who got the job done.
He talked of how he gave each of his three sons the first name of Lawrence, forcing them to go by their middle names professionally - Scott, Andrew and Jason, according to the Associated Press. "It was ego," he explained to The Washington Post. "And secondly, I wanted to screw up the Social Security system."
Eagleburger was married to the former Marlene Ann Heinemann, who died last year. An earlier marriage ended in divorce, according to the Associated Press.
Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2011/06/04...#ixzz1ONUotpLz
- UMD Congratulates Macedonian Prime Minister Gruevski and First Diaspora MPs
Smart, half of that release the UMD without any shame decide to praise themselves, reactive organization 100%. Nikolov, you better stop writing your own releases because the last time you guaranteed the UMD would defend the Macedonian borders which made me spit out my coffee laughing.
Why join NATO when you can have the UMD defend Macedonia?Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 06-07-2011, 01:57 PM.
Originally posted by UMDiaspora.org View Post
stay tuned. (Book of the UMD)
A full financial report for 2009 and 2010 will be made public to UMD members and donors in early 2011.Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 06-07-2011, 01:59 PM.
Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
Rogi, what the UMD is trying to do is take (steal) credit for a few people who are now members of the UMD, support them financially and anything else they can dream up. In both cases (name recognition) UMD had nothing to do with the final decisions made and for an organization only 6 years old they really love to cover their members in their own ...
How did we ever last the previous 100 years before the UMD?
The UMD is so powerful they let the Greek lobby (Soros types) take away the original Sonce from their credit card in DIASPORA and they do not use it (sonce) proudly at any of their events .. now, thats powerful. (FEAR) Why are they still doing business with a company that supports Greeks?
Click here UMD air miles
1. http://www.macedonia2025.com/
2. http://www.investinmacedonia.org/
2025 was selected for a reason not just out of thin air, Macedonia is not ready and it will take time to put the long term plan into effect. The, two links I have posted are not like the UMD, reactive or political motivated organizations.Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 06-07-2011, 03:04 PM.