Originally posted by OziMak
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United Macedonia Diaspora
Meto is young and he has made some mistakes. The way you pirhanas are attacking him is far more counterproductive than any statements Meto has made in the past.
UMD: do you as of November 2010 want to change the name of the Macedonian state. If the answer is no, everyone can shut up and move on. That is the bottom line.
Shame on you all, you turn a blind eye to the blatent and viscious racism being advertised on this website. Rants about Greeks being animals and Albanians being scum. Is the exposition of such laments from this website not counterproductive?=Do you not care about how other people who read this website will view the Macedonian cause in light of the constant exposition of blatent racism?
The fact that many of you cannot see this dumfounds me. Ya, keep harping about what Meto said during coffee in 2007 and what Serbian song Meto danced to you super patriots.
Originally posted by Strive View PostMeto is young and he has made some mistakes. The way you pirhanas are attacking him is far more counterproductive than any statements Meto has made in the past.
UMD: do you as of November 2010 want to change the name of the Macedonian state. If the answer is no, everyone can shut up and move on. That is the bottom line.
Shame on you all, you turn a blind eye to the blatent and viscious racism being advertised on this website. Rants about Greeks being animals and Albanians being scum. Is the exposition of such laments from this website not counterproductive?=Do you not care about how other people who read this website will view the Macedonian cause in light of the constant exposition of blatent racism?
The fact that many of you cannot see this dumfounds me. Ya, keep harping about what Meto said during coffee in 2007 and what Serbian song Meto danced to you super patriots.
By the way, this is an open forum, we cannot prevent people from stating their opinions against groups that are known to have been enemies of the Macedonian people. The official line of the MTO is stated through administrative channels, and we don't condonde racism. How dare you come here with your pathetic rant and try to score points with the ignorant by defending Macedonia's detractors. Why don't you say something about all of the Greek and Albanian racists that have frequented our forum? A word of advice, it would be good for manipulative morons like you to cite statements in their proper contexts. If you've come here to pick up where that previous fool named screwdriver left off, then you're visit will be shorter than his.
I just read your maiden post, now I remember you, the protector of compromising traitors:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... stereotype Macedonia and Greece live up to Balkan stereotype The Greek and Macedonian governments are absurdly mired in backward-looking defensiveness over their country's identities by Ivo Petkovski Friday 25 June 2010 15.00 BST As any fan of Asterix the Gaul can confirm,
Many of you claim that ethnic Macedonians existed for centuries even though they had no official state or homeland. Most recently Macedonians resided in Yugoslavia. Before that it was the Ottoman empire. If the ancestors of Macedonians resided under such conditions (ie no nation state as their own) for centuries while maintaining their identity and culture then how can the current ethnic Macedonian identity be compromised by adding a prefix/suffix to the name of the country? After all, three decades ago Macedonians lived in Yugoslavia, yet they maintained their identity.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Strive View PostUMD: do you as of November 2010 want to change the name of the Macedonian state. If the answer is no, everyone can shut up and move on. That is the bottom line.
We do not need any Greeks to question the agenda of real Macedonians. Why don't you go and steal something somewhere else?
Originally posted by Strive View PostShame on you all, you turn a blind eye to the blatent and viscious racism being advertised on this website. Rants about Greeks being animals and Albanians being scum. Is the exposition of such laments from this website not counterproductive?=Do you not care about how other people who read this website will view the Macedonian cause in light of the constant exposition of blatent racism?
You might remember when I personally rang the death bell for the Maggots on the web forum. You silly guys.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
UMD Reaffirms Request That President Obama Champion Macedonia's Accession to NATO; Refutes American Hellenic Institute
See: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/520/1/
Canadian National Defence Committee Vice-Chair Bryon Wilfert Urges Support of Macedonia
See: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/519/1/
Four U.S. Senators Urge President Obama to Support Macedonia’s NATO Membership at Lisbon Summit
See: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/517/1/
Pismo isprateno od francuski pratenik do Sarkozy za Makedonija
See: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/516/1/For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:
United Macedonian Diaspora
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: [email protected]
PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: [email protected]
3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: [email protected]
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostOh please, another apologetic moron slithers in. I couldn't care if Meto is young and has made mistakes, we aren't his parents and this isn't a kid's sports game. Nor are you his parents, stop making excuses for him and let him face up to his mistakes. If he had done this when initially asked, this would be a non-issue, but the guy lacks transparency and clowns like you who support his approach only encourage him to be a greater liar. Shame on you.
I have said it before and I will say it again. It seems that those who bark the loudest have the least to lose. All of you living in your comfy Australian and North American homes who have barely ever stepped in Macedonia act like the be all and end all of Macedonian super patriots. Most of you do not want to lose face in front of the Greeks,that is the main reason you adhere to these silly agendas.
The official line of the MTO is stated through administrative channels, and we don't condonde racism.
Why don't you say something about all of the Greek and Albanian racists that have frequented our forum?
Compromising fools like you are the greatest enemies of the Macedonian people.
You diaspora super patriots who are mostly 1st and second generation have the least to lose. It is the Macedonian people who will have to survive with high unemployment rates, poor medical infrastructure, poor educational facilities that will bear the consequences of your wishes. Shame on you.
Also, do you think that the Albanian minority will have their identity compromised because they do not live in a country that bears their ethnic name?
All of your arguments are horrible. Most of you carry a grudge because you have had to put up with Greeks in the diaspora and you do not want to lose face. Meanwhile Macedonia will operate on the outskirts of the first world. Shame on you all.
And Shame on you RTG. You automatically assume I am Greek because I do not fit into your extreme nationalist mold and i do not aspire to the same political agenda that you do.
You guys are the problem, not Meto, not the UMD. Meto meets with high profile diplomats and prime ministers. All you guys do is meet here and pat each other on the back with your high flung theories that are so selfish in nature.
You all cannot stand dissent. You brand me because you cannot tolerate anybody who is different. Nice cacoon! Shame on you all!
Originally posted by Strive View PostMeto is young and he has made some mistakes.
How about you get Meto to start answering some of the many many questions thrown at him. Mabe then people would start to understand him more.
Originally posted by Strive View PostThe way you pirhanas are attacking him is far more counterproductive than any statements Meto has made in the past.
Meto and staff exposing them selves under the title of "United Macedonian Diaspora" is misleading to the rest of the world. He only represents a very small minority who pay membership in his club.
It is dangerous towards the Macedonian cause having one man who does not give a damn and avoids the true Diaspora. If he did, he would address the Diaspora's concerns.
Originally posted by Strive View PostUMD: do you as of November 2010 want to change the name of the Macedonian state.
Originally posted by Strive View PostShame on you all, you turn a blind eye to the blatent and viscious racism being advertised on this website. Rants about Greeks being animals and Albanians being scum.
If you have noticed the past and present atrocities, discrimination, threats, Then ask your self, do you condone these actions by these Greeks and Albanians. Then ask your self, what words would you use to describe these actions by Greeks and Albanians instead of "Animal like or Scum".Last edited by Bill77; 11-18-2010, 05:59 PM.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873
Originally posted by Strive View PostAnd Shame on you RTG. You automatically assume I am Greek because I do not fit into your extreme nationalist mold and i do not aspire to the same political agenda that you do.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostNo it is not. It is more about why he can't come clean about his previous sentiments on the matter and why he continues to support such stupidities as recent as last week.
We do not need any Greeks to question the agenda of real Macedonians. Why don't you go and steal something somewhere else?
Also, I am posting from a proxy server because I fear for my safety. That is how fanatic I think some of you are. This should not be the case.
I am not Greek. Get that out of your narrow minded head.
I find the sentiments here amazing. Someone who holds a different view = Greek or = Traitor. Why don't you attack my position instead of guess about my ethnicity.
Tell me Risto The Great how will adding a prefix to Macedonia diminish the Macedonian identity? Did the Macedonian identity get erased because Macedonians lived in a country called Yugoslavia? Did the Macedonian identity diminish when the ruling empire was called the Ottoman empire. Adding a prefix will do nothing. You know it and I know it. You, with your cushy life in a first world country, HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.
Do you agree with TM that most Greeks are animals? Do you agree with many posters here that state that Albanians are scum? This board is a racist bubble until people like YOU clean it up.
It is easy to create a Straw man when you cannot provide rational answers.
Meto is not the problem. UMD is not the problem. It is the extreme nationalist agenda that permeates forums such as these that is the problem.
Meto is working hard every day. Meto meets with prime ministers. What do you all do here? You pat each other on the back and act like sherlock holmes when someone with a dissenting view shows up.
You cannot stand dissent. UMD is progressive and civilized compared to many of you.
The UMD does not want to change the country's name. If you hate the UMD you will hate me more for stating I have no problem with a prefix. A prefix will do nothing to change the integrity of the Macedonian nation. Wake up you extreme nationalists!Last edited by Strive; 11-18-2010, 06:05 PM.
Stavro, Macedonia will add a prefix when Greece does.
Greeks first.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Originally posted by Strive View PostDo you agree with TM that most Greeks are animals? Do you agree with many posters here that state that Albanians are scum?Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostStavro, Macedonia will add a prefix when Greece does.
Greeks first.
Nobody takes you seriously Stavro.
Stop painting this place as a racist website. Your pretend German friend Friefrau tried that but could not answer the tough questions. Aren't you feeling German today Freifrau/Stavro/Strive?Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com