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  • makedonche
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 3242

    I would rather assist the Albanians to claim Athens and most of Greece as Albanian, rather than join the Greeks!
    On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


    • Volokin
      • Apr 2014
      • 278

      Macedonia's prime minister takes opposition leader to court over bribe allegations

      SKOPJE, Macedonia — A Macedonian court is hearing a private lawsuit by the country's prime minister against the opposition leader for alleged slanderous allegations concerning a bank sale.

      Governing conservative leader Nikola Gruevski is seeking €50,000 in compensation from opposition Social-Democrat leader Zoran Zaev, and both appeared in court Tuesday.

      Zaev has claimed that Gruevski allegedly received a bribe in 2004 from a Serbian businessman to facilitate the sale of a private bank to the Serb. Gruevski rejects that.

      The trial is expected to take several days.

      Macedonia's Former Defense Minister Sentenced to Two Years in Prison
      The Skopje Appellate Court has sentenced former Macedonian Prime Minister and Defense Minister Vlado Buckovski to two years of imprisonment.

      The Skopje-based Appellate Court reduced Buckovski's sentence from three to two years of imprisonment, alleviating the penalty handed by the Skopje Basic Court I on July 1, 2013.

      Buckovski was charged with embezzlement in an arms procurement deal.

      The Skopje Appellate Court also reduced the sentence of Former army chief of staff Metodi Stamboliski from three to two years of imprisonment.

      Former defense ministry logistics head Nelko Menkinovski, former defense ministry adviser Aco Gjurceski and Mitre Petkovski, the Manager of Macedonian company MZT FOP, were granted parole, according to news portal

      The defendants in the case are to compensate damages worth over EUR 2 M incurred as a result of the purchase of an excessive amount of spare parts for T-55 tanks.

      The defendants inflicted damage to the state budget by buying four times the amount of parts needed to equip T-55 army tanks.

      Oh, Macedonia.


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
        A bizzarre scenario unfolds in Albania where Macedonians and Greeks will be forced to join forces against the new discriminatory law voted in the Albanian parliament:
        From the link:
        Законот кој беше изгласан на 31 јули не го прифаќаат Македонците зашто со него останува само една македонска општина и тоа Пустец. Тие бараат трите општини во областа Голо Брдо, Стеблево, Острени и Требиште да се обединат во една која би се викала Голо Брдо и општините Запот, Шиштавец и Топојан во областа Гора, кои би се обединиле во општина Гора.
        Many of us weren't happy with what happened during the territorial reorganisation of Macedonia some years back and would like to see it reversed. This appears to be a similar situation except in this case it is Macedonians in Albania asking for what was given to Albanians in Macedonia. Are we being contradictory or is this the path to be taken in future?
        Претседателот на македонското друштво „Илинден“, Никола Ѓурѓај, додава дека Македонците и Грците се против законот.
        Both groups may be in opposition to the move, but I will believe such an alliance possible when I see it.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • DraganOfStip
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2011
          • 1253

          Another Greek provocation n Australia.
          A town councilor of Greek descent is trying to stop the celebration of Macedonia's independence day in Rockdale,Australia.

          ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
          ― George Orwell


          • DedoAleko
            • Jun 2009
            • 969

            Foreign Ministry announcement on articles concerning Greece’s stance on the name of FYROM

            “Because certain extreme circles are playing ignorant or surprised, as if they had just learned now – from the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister’s speech to the 69th UN General Assembly – of the country’s stance on the FYROM name issue, it is useful to make the following reminder:

            Greece’s position in favor of a compound name, with a geographical qualifier before the word “Macedonia”, and not before the word “Republic”, to be used in relation to everyone (erga omnes), for all uses, domestic and international, has been thus formulated for many years now and has been stated repeatedly in the Hellenic Parliament as well as internationally, in multilateral and bilateral meetings. It is based on this position that the Greek representative participates in the UN process under Mr. Nimetz

            We assume that it is obvious to everyone that the provisional name (Τhe former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), under which our neighbouring country joined the UN in 1993, and with which it participates in a large number of international organizations, actions and meetings, is a compound name with qualifying modifiers before the word “Republic” and not before the word “Macedonia”. This compound provisional name is not used in relation to everyone (erga omnes), but in the international organizations and in the meetings and actions that they organize bilaterally with a large number of countries, but unfortunately not domestically, not in passports, and not bilaterally with those countries that have recognized FYROM under its so-called constitutional name.

            This is a state of affairs that violates international law and must change. The responsible and clear Greek stance is the only one that leads to the changing of this state of affairs.”



            • sydney
              • Sep 2008
              • 390

              We should all realise Greece is doing this for us, a favour if you like. Greece would like you to believe it is merely displaying its famous 'filotimo'.


              • spitfire
                • Aug 2014
                • 868

                Originally posted by sydney View Post
                We should all realise Greece is doing this for us, a favour if you like. Greece would like you to believe it is merely displaying its famous 'filotimo'.
                I think that if you read it carefully you will find that it is addressed to extreme circles. Nothing to do with filotimo here.
                Very simply, my understanding of the developments of the matter becomes more and more a likelihood.
                Those extreme circles are Golden Dawn.

                Everything you see with amphipolis tomb is a "reaction" to a very possible resolution in the name dispute. That's politics involved.

                In the meantime, macedonia will be used in the name of the republic, but because this will come as a shock to the greeks not having been prepared for it, there will be another room, and another one discovered in the tomb until elections. This could very probably be until March (presidential election not sure therefore parliamentary elections).

                I'm very curious about the reactions. After all Samaras was involved in the past with the name dispute as a foreign minister, and now he is involved as a prime minister.
                I want to see how this bloke ends up.


                • sydney
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 390

                  Originally posted by spitfire View Post
                  In the meantime, macedonia will be used in the name of the republic
                  What do you think the final name (suggestion) will be?

                  Sounds like you, and all of Greece, are treating this as an internal matter. And whatever you 'decide', then you present that to the world as 'filotimo' because you like to think you have conceded something. Nai?


                  • spitfire
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 868

                    Originally posted by sydney View Post
                    What do you think the final name (suggestion) will be?

                    Sounds like you, and all of Greece, are treating this as an internal matter. And whatever you 'decide', then you present that to the world as 'filotimo' because you like to think you have conceded something. Nai?
                    Oxi. First of all, me and all of greece? Or me greece and samaras?

                    Its how samaras and the government treats the issue. Filotimo and samaras are like oil and water. They don't mix.

                    Very simply the case is as follows. The final name, which will have macedonia in it, will be decided by the americans regardless of who is in power.
                    Samaras, is known for poor handling of maters throughout his political career. If he is trying to throw filotimo in the effort with amphipolis, in the sense that he did all he could, but despite the "irreputable" facts somebody else decides, then that will mean the end of his political career. By the way this is a good thing for the entire universe.

                    If such a poor effort on his behalf is true, which most probably is, then all his nationalistic advisors would be proven wrong if they aren't proving wrong already. There is a bigger excavation in greece than amphipolis, of greater importance but I'm sure you haven't heard of it. That's OK, neither have the greeks.

                    To me he sees things in a way of remaining in power for as long as he can without any future forseeing.

                    Bottom line, he screwed things up, Macedonia will be the name one way or the other for the republic of macedonia.
                    Happy days! (not for samaras).


                    • Amphipolis
                      • Aug 2014
                      • 1328

                      Originally posted by sydney View Post
                      We should all realise Greece is doing this for us, a favour if you like. Greece would like you to believe it is merely displaying its famous 'filotimo'.
                      Don't use the word "filotimo" because you get it wrong and it's not clear what you're trying to say.

                      Originally posted by sydney View Post
                      What do you think the final name (suggestion) will be?
                      Sounds like you, and all of Greece, are treating this as an internal matter. And whatever you 'decide', then you present that to the world as 'filotimo' because you like to think you have conceded something. Nai?
                      I think we all know that what they're talking about is "Republic of North Macedonia" or "Republic of Upper Macedonia" or something like that. This is not Greece's or anybody's desicion, this is a (reasonable) scenario of compromise. Venizelos implies that this is the step back Greece is ready to take. Still, I don't think it will be that easy, at any side.


                      • Amphipolis
                        • Aug 2014
                        • 1328

                        Originally posted by spitfire View Post

                        Everything you see with amphipolis tomb is a "reaction" to a very possible resolution in the name dispute. That's politics involved.

                        In the meantime, macedonia will be used in the name of the republic, but because this will come as a shock to the greeks not having been prepared for it, there will be another room, and another one discovered in the tomb until elections. This could very probably be until March (presidential election not sure therefore parliamentary elections).
                        I'm tired of reading this stupid idea. The tomb of Amphipolis is not related to... Samaras or Tsipras and I don't see how it can help or harm any of them. The second and third chambers were discovered simply because... they were there.

                        Lately there's a slowdown in announcements, but not in excavations. Yes, every new chamber (fourth, fifth etc) will mean an additional 3-4 weeks of work IF it is covered with soil, depending also on size, height of soil and other technical issues.


                        • spitfire
                          • Aug 2014
                          • 868

                          Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                          I'm tired of reading this stupid idea.
                          It's strictly a scenario of my own, I don't expect anyone to agree with it.

                          However it becomes more and more apparent. Maybe I'm wrong, time will tell, as always.


                          • sydney
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 390

                            Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                            Don't use the word "filotimo" because you get it wrong and it's not clear what you're trying to say.
                            You're right, I'm not Greek so I don't feel it like you guys do. But, what I feel is that Greece sticks its nose where it doesn't belong, and by doing so, tries to take the moral high ground on this (non) issue.

                            Greece wants to convey to the international stakeholders that it is conceding ground in order to appease the other side, in order to deliver regional stability, and that Greece is here to offer the light due to its glorious Hellenic past and all the western principles it has given birth to. And due to ‘Skopje being intransigent on this matter’, Greece will take the virtuous role because that is its place in history.

                            As you know through your highly qualitative schooling systems, Greece has always cared for its people and its neighbours and the world, and as an outsider, I can only think it’s your filotimo shining through.
                            Last edited by sydney; 09-30-2014, 07:25 PM.


                            • DedoAleko
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 969

                              Macedonia to get 6th EC Recommendation

                              The European Commission is to recommend a launch of Macedonia's EU accession talks for the sixth time in a row, Macedonian Information Agency has reported from Brussels. Enlargement Commissioner Stefan File will present Wednesday the EC reports of candidate and potential candidate countries.

                              Last Friday, the EU Ambassadors within a meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER II) of the European Council, reviewed the final drafts of the progress reports, concluding that in spite of certain problems in Macedonia, the country will get a recommendation for opening the EU accession talks, as it has in general made progress in harmonizing the national with the European legislation. On Wednesday the public will know how EC will condition this recommendation for Macedonia, as one of the main prerequisites for meeting the Copenhagen Criteria.

                              Official Brussels, which doesn't support the Parliament's boycott of the opposition SDSM, wishes for all 123 MPs to take active part in the work of Macedonia's highest legislative body. The EC also seeks for a way to transfer the responsibility to the European Council in regard to the sixth recommendation for Macedonia. Namely after five consecutive recommendations, rejected by the Council due to Yunanistan's veto, the EC wishes to preserve the credibility of the enlargement process, hence it makes attempts to exert final pressure on the EU Heads of Government.

                              The EC progress report on Macedonia is expected to notify the stalemate of the political dialogue, freedom of expression and latest draft amendments to the constitution. It will however praise the country's economic results.



                              Four sightings of the word "Macedonian" in the EC report


                              the report:
                              Last edited by DedoAleko; 10-08-2014, 11:37 AM.


                              • George S.
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 10116

                                given the bias that exist unless macedonia makes drastic changes to its name it may never ascend to the eu or nato.i heard that on the radio people are questioning macedonia that it should have alternatives to the eu or nato.
                                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                                GOTSE DELCEV

