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  • Vangelovski
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 8534


    Nothing will ever change with the current stock of politicians. They are self-interested vassals.

    The point of constantly refering to Macedonia as the Republic of Macedonia is this:

    They want to 'differentiate' between "Greek" Macedonia and the "independent" state of Macedonia. By doing so, they are accepting that Greece has an equal and legitimate claim to Macedonia and everything that goes with it.
    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

    The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


    • Dejan
      • Sep 2008
      • 592

      Originally posted by Vangelovski

      Nothing will ever change with the current stock of politicians. They are self-interested vassals.

      The point of constantly refering to Macedonia as the Republic of Macedonia is this:

      They want to 'differentiate' between "Greek" Macedonia and the "independent" state of Macedonia. By doing so, they are accepting that Greece has an equal and legitimate claim to Macedonia and everything that goes with it.
      I've noticed this trend for the past few years. Our politicians are scared to question greece's 'legitimacy' over the Macedonian name.
      You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

      A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        Пресудата од Хаг потврди дека Република Македонија може да го употребува своето уставно име во рамки на меѓународни организации во кои членува и Грција.
        This is very concerning if you ask me. Пред очи луѓено ги лажат.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • George S.
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2009
          • 10116

          lwr i fully concur with ivanov but he should tell grueski to stop negotiating the name.
          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
          GOTSE DELCEV


          • Zarni
            • May 2011
            • 672

            Ivanov makes great speeches all for local consumption but the moment he sets foot in Brussels or is before his minders they remind him to stay on course and it is all over.


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              How long does a country have to wait to enter the eu .5 10,15 years.Hurry up as the eu will fold up soon.Then why are we rushing to get in for what?
              But we don't need to change our name the neighbour has to show ttolerance & respect.It should know it's history that in 1913 it made a land grab for macedonia.If it veto's macedonia again then something drastic needs to be done.They should stop interfeeering(greece) in the internal affairs & external affairs of macedonia.After all it is a SOVEREIGN country.Does macedonia interfere with greece about moinorities no it's in the constitution.It's about time macedonia stood up to greece & told the f..d country off.
              Last edited by George S.; 12-17-2011, 07:31 PM. Reason: edit
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • julie
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 3869

                The EU grand strategy of one global monetary system, one nation, and the discouragement of sovereignty and self rule and control and power has not been achieved and EU has already crumbled
                The EU grand plan has inherently contributed to global financial chaos and destruction , there are rumours of another global financial crises, yet we are already in the midst of one. Like a stack of dominoes, countries are folding and the United States of Europe is crumbling . There is a positive side to the stalling tactics employed by the EU compliments of hellarse for Macedonia's entry in the game it is using for Macedonia's entry. Whilst it has demanded Macedonia change its name for entry, Macedonia will not be able to join one nation, one economy, one power, and it will actually help Macedonia's economy by not being part of this controlling crumbling empire.

                Does Macedonia not have any economists in government advisory positions? I fail to comprehend how government financial avisors have not provided the detrimental effects of joining the EU, with the crumbling debt and advised on the dropped living standards and economic hardships other countries are facing as a result if there are any.

                There was not one positive statement from anyone in Ireland on the EU from anyone on my time in Ireland. Family members told of the sharply dropped living standards and dramatic increase in unemployment , and the general populace are awaiting further hardships.

                It has been to Macedonia's greatest advantage, and I fail to understand or comprehend how the government cannot see how gaining responsibility for hellarse insolvent and bankrupt state of debt will benefit Macedonia!

                A further drop in living standards for Macedonia and rise in unemployment will be detrimental for the country and the people. I find it incredulous how the EU is being sold as a financial saviour to the people, having met with and conversed with people from varying backgrounds, and their displeasure on Macedonia joining under any circumstances, much less barter and use our Macedonian name as an entry point!

                The sooner we see the fall and chaos and destruction of the EU, the better for Macedonia, it cannot come soon enough. EU is responsible for the crises EU member countries are financially in, not scrutinising hellarse financial state, and allowing hellarse to continue receiving huge financial bailouts and assistance and allowing an insolvent country to continue borrowing when they refuse to even meet interest payments on their mega loans

                EU, hurry up and die your inevitable death before Macedonia compromises its name and gains entry into the sinking titanic!
                "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                • Bill77
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 4545

                  French parliament (Lower house) passed a new law where its now a crime to simply deny Armenian genocide. Punishment is up to 1year jail and 45,000 euro fine, if you simply say "its not true".

                  You cant speak out and deny the past (fallen)
                  But its ok for the present (living) to be denied and Greeks get away with it unpunished

                  Its not the middle east, and the islamic extremists the world has to wary about,
                  But its Europe, and the fascists that are the real threat to society.

                  BREAKING NEWS: Taliban are outraged with this French new law and send a letter in protest to Paris, with intent to defend democracy.
                  Last edited by Bill77; 12-22-2011, 08:25 AM.


                  • makedonche
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 3242

                    Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                    French parliament (Lower house) passed a new law where its now a crime to simply deny Armenian genocide. Punishment is up to 1year jail and 45,000 euro fine, if you simply say "its not true".

                    You cant speak out and deny the past (fallen)
                    But its ok for the present (living) to be denied and Greeks get away with it unpunished

                    Its not the middle east, and the islamic extremists the world has to wary about,
                    But its Europe, and the fascists that are the real threat to society.

                    BREAKING NEWS: Taliban are outraged with this French new law and send a letter in protest to Paris, with intent to defend democracy.
                    Thanks for posting this!
                    What an absolute disgrace to mankind! Passing a law that punishes you for denying a massacre/genocide! The French legal system has finally shown it's true colours, whatever the President says must be right therefore we will make it
                    There are obvious subversionary reasons for this, one of which is the obvious desire of Sarkozy no to let Turkey into the EU.......lucky Turkey!
                    Now if Macedonian politicians have any balls they will acknowledge the infringement on Turkey's sovreignity by the French and stand by their Turkish friends and tell the EU/France that this is wrong, and if this is wrong then why would Macedonia want to join the EU when one of it's closest allies and best friends ( in recent times) is being stonewalled by the Frogs.....IMHO Macedonia should tell EU, NO TURKEY IN EU...NO MACEDONIA IN EU!
                    On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                    • The LION will ROAR
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 3231

                      Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                      French parliament (Lower house) passed a new law where its now a crime to simply deny Armenian genocide. Punishment is up to 1year jail and 45,000 euro fine, if you simply say "its not true".

                      You cant speak out and deny the past (fallen)
                      But its ok for the present (living) to be denied and Greeks get away with it unpunished

                      Its not the middle east, and the islamic extremists the world has to wary about,
                      But its Europe, and the fascists that are the real threat to society.

                      BREAKING NEWS: Taliban are outraged with this French new law and send a letter in protest to Paris, with intent to defend democracy.
                      Turkey cut all contacts with France

                      Today Turkey withdrew its ambassador from France and broke all official contacts for the bill, which provides for the criminalization of genocide denial, which was approved by the lower house of French Parliament, said today the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

                      He stressed that Turkey will attend the economic, political and military encounters with France and that Ankara would cut military cooperation with France, and would prohibit access to the French ships and aircraft to Turkish airports and ports.

                      Erdogan said he quit and planned a meeting on economic cooperation between Turkey and France, adding that it would follow other measures.

                      Turkish prime minister assessed the law as racist, discriminatory and ksenofobski.

                      - We have our istroija genocide. We will tell the French cruelties that were forgotten, said Erdogan.

                      The French National Assembly at noon approved a law that punishes the denial of the fact that the Armenian genocide by Turks during the First World War.

                      The law provides a penalty of one year imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros for the denial of genocide, including the Armenian genocide of 1915. Law to take effect should be passed by the Senate.

                      Armenian Genocide has been recognized by law in France since 2001.

                      According to Armenia in the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1917 were killed 1.5 million Armenians. Turkey argues that the figure is between 250,000 and 500,000 and categorically rejects the genocide thesis.
                      The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        French-Turk relations are tense after the French parliament passed a Bill labeling the Armenian massacre by the Ottoman Empire nearly a century ago as genocide.

                        Some experts in Middle East affairs believe that the term 'genocide' is not an accurate description and the passing of the Bill was provoked by the Israeli lobby to weaken Turkey's role in the region.

                        Press TV talks with foreign affairs analyst, Yavoz Selim Kurt from Instanbul about France's anti-Turkey move and its possible effects on the future of relations between the two countries. Following is an approximate transcription of the interview.

                        Press TV: How would this vote impact France's relationship with Turkey? Please point to specifically examples if you can.

                        Selim Kurt: First of all, today; 22nd of December, is an unfortunate date in the history of Europe and also France. It is unfortunate for the parliament of France; also for the people of France. Maybe they thought they would give some harm to the Turkish government or Turkish people, but in the end they will be the losers.

                        Indeed, all of these issues depended on slanders, which took part a hundred years ago. Yes, many Armenian people; citizens of the Ottoman Empire suffered much and many were killed. We were also unhappy for them and upset for them, but this was not genocide. This cannot be named genocide, but they wanted this.

                        Anyone now will think that France is doing this, Sarkozy and some parliamentarians as Bauer or something. Indeed, I want to say something. This is about more than Turkish and France relations. Behind this plot; behind these dirty slanders, believe me, there is the Zionist lobby.

                        Just remember that two months or almost two months ago, the state secretary of Israel -Lieberman. After the forces of Turkey; pressures of Turkey in the international arena, he said, “We will support the complaints about Turkey in the international arena”. And they did the same, indeed people will think that this is made by the Armenian lobby or French parliamentarians, which is very funny, because ten percent of the lower cabinet were there.
                        Just ten percent of the house voted for this. It is a very tragic comedy.

                        Press TV: So, as I understand, you are saying that Israel has had an influence on this based - on what you said - the low turnout in parliament for this vote to have been passed?

                        Selim Kurt: Yes, indeed. The lower house accepted this with ten percent of the votes. But now it will go to the Senate - I hope they will not make it as a law, but in the end, Turkish and France relations from now on will not be the same... As Israel and Turkish relations will not be the same after The Mavi Marmara massacre in international waters.

                        Press TV: Is this going to jeopardize the cooperation that Turkey had? And France of course we know Turkey is a NATO ally and we know some of the regional developments - our guest from Ankara mentioned Syria - Is this going to jeopardize how Turkey is acting, in that regard?

                        Selim Kurt: Yes, indeed I think the same because they are trying to weaken the hands of Turkey in the international arena especially Sarkozy and chancellor Merkel - they're named as 'Merkozy'. In their ruling time they are behaving as an alliance of Judaic-Christian civilization.

                        Ms. Merkel is always talking about Judaic-Christian civilization and they are very arrogant about this. Now, in the international arena they want to put Turkey in a difficult situation and tie the hands of Turkey in case of a probable attack on Syria. They did the same in the Libyan case; now they want to do the same.

                        Press TV: Why would they - because they are the ones that would lose then? Obviously, Turkey has more of a relationship, at least had more of a relationship with Syria and knows the region, I would think, much better than the France would - Why would France then do this?

                        Selim Kurt: Yes, France is not doing this by itself. Indeed France and Turkey had the best relations in the past. During the reign of Suleiman the magnificent, France was almost a mandated state for Turkey. Turkey had France so much against the other crusaders. However, in this time, France is trying to steal a role in Africa; in the Islamic world and some other countries, but they cannot manage this. At the end, the target is - believe me- even the target of this bill in French parliament is Iran.

                        Behind Syrian issue, there is Iran; they are targeting this. They are always doing the same. They are slandering the same to Iran about the nuclear issue and they are slandering and they believe themselves and they are trying to convince their people - to sway public opinion-.

                        Press TV: OK. When you mention that, if you look at it in another way, they would lose any chance that they would have in terms of Iran, because Turkey obviously has a relationship with Iran, so it would have to use Turkey to their advantage. This doesn't help it, does it?

                        Selim Kurt: Yes, Turkey and Iran have strong and very good relations and they cannot manage to do anything to Iran through Turkey - they will not have this - or Syria. They are trying to weaken the hands of Turkey before a probable attack on Syria, but they cannot manage this.

                        But we are forgetting one thing... Very soon there will be elections in France and this is also another plot of Sarkozy to again be in the power. They are trying to take the support of the Armenian Diaspora and the lobby; but now hear the French parliamentarians- I am sorry for them- the history will judge them. Also, the Armenian Diaspora are the instruments of the Zionist lobby in the United States and in Europe. They are trying to weaken the hands of Turkey.

                        Press TV: There is also another argument here that this should be made an example for Turkey to learn from. I do not know if you agree or not- but if you look at it - Europe using Turkey for their own benefits in a sense.

                        I mean, zero problems with its neighbors was one of the platforms that Prime Minister Erdogan preached when he became Prime Minister. You can take Turkeys role concerning Syria, which we talked about. Erdogan on one point referred to Assad as his personal friend, so, is this a lesson to be learned by Turkey in that regards?

                        Selim Kurt: They may have some intentions to use Turkey and Turkish governments as their tools.But indeed they cannot do this because any Turkish government will not let them to be used as a tool by westerners.

                        Yes, they may have these plots. In this case the Turkish government will have a strong stance as they did before. Not only am I talking about the Justice and Development Party; I am also talking about previous governments. Turkish governments will also try to defend the rights of Turkey and not only Turkey.... Believe me, there is something here - If they blame Turkey as a genocide maker, this means that not only the Turks, but also the Muslims are genocide makers. Indeed, these are lies.

                        Tomorrow they will make another slander, for instance, when they want to force Iran, they will say, Iran is making genocide to Baluchi's or Sunni's. Later on in Turkey they will say Turkey is making genocide to the Kurds and to the Alewites.

                        They did this to the Sudan- you know- Omar El-Bashir - They wanted to jail him, but they could not and so they divided Sudan in two parts. They are just using this misinformation because these Westerners - Judaic-Christian block--they do not want a leader country in the Islamic world.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • DedoAleko
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 969

                          NATO Summit Needs U.S. Leadership

                          Come May 2012, President Obama will welcome world leaders to Chicago, as the windy city plays host to the NATO summit. Heads of state and government from 28 nations will gather in Mr. Obama’s backyard.

                          Some of the issues topping the NATO agenda—not least of all Afghanistan--will also figure in the U.S. presidential election, Perhaps that is why the Administration is giving every impression that the NATO summit will be nothing more than a pit stop on the President’s 2012 campaign trail.

                          But that’s no way to treat friends and allies. Moreover, there is serious business to be done at the summit. As then-candidate Barack Obama once told then-candidate John McCain, the U.S. President has to walk and chew gum at the same time. Although the next election threatens to be a bruising one, Mr. Obama still has presidential duties to carry out.

                          The administration has a real opportunity to advance American leadership at the summit. Enlargement of the NATO alliance has been a sorely neglected topic in the past two years. President Obama must seize the moment and recommit the alliance to keeping its doors open to would-be members who have earned their place in the Euro-Atlantic family.

                          Ensuring that Macedonia joins NATO this year would be a sign that President Obama genuinely understands America’s primary role in creating and maintaining a democratic global order.

                          In 2008, the Greek government unilaterally vetoed Macedonia’s accession to NATO. That action broke with an age-old principle that NATO members do not play out bilateral disputes within the alliance. Last month, the International Court of Justice ruled that Greece had violated international law with its veto, since Athens had explicitly promised to not prevent Macedonia’s integration into Europe in an interim accord they signed with Skopje 13 years earlier.

                          But Athens vetoed Macedonia’s membership of the alliance regardless, and the Greek government has continued its vendetta against Skopje ever since. Worse, it has done so without a squeak of protest from the White House.

                          NATO’s cynical acquiescence to this type of bullying must end. Although it is a small country many miles from Washington, Macedonia still matters to the U.S.—and more importantly, to America’s commitment to the freedom, democracy and national sovereignty of fledging states.

                          International observers did not give Macedonia much of a chance when it emerged from the breakup of the Yugoslav Federation in the 1990s, but its progress has been incredible. In 20 years, Macedonia has evolved from a Balkan powder keg into a net exporter of security, providing the fourth-largest per capita contribution to NATO’s mission in Afghanistan (even though it is not even a member of NATO). Macedonia even contributed to the war in Iraq, where their combat troops fought side by side with American troops on the ground. And British Prime Minister Tony Blair publicly thanked Macedonia for providing a safe refuge for hundreds of thousands of Kosovar refugees during the Balkan wars of the 1990s.

                          By all objective standards—and by NATO’s own admission—Macedonia has fulfilled the alliance’s membership criteria. But Greek obstructionism means that NATO’s door remains closed. Ultimately, however, it is the willingness of NATO leaders to play along that has allowed Greece’s unconscionable stance to prevail. It is time for President Obama to exert leadership on this issue.

                          In the last few years, no country has benefited from the hand of international friendship more than Greece. Without global financial support—including tens of millions of dollars from the U.S. via the International Monetary Fund—Athens would not even be able to pay its bills. The days when NATO nations should feel constrained to let Greece indulge in regional obstructionism are long gone.

                          In May, President Obama will have a chance to stand not just for what amounts only to fair treatment of Macedonia, but for something far more important: the vision of a Europe whole, free and at peace.

                          Sally McNamara is Senior Policy Analyst in European Affairs at The Heritage Foundation.



                          • Bill77
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 4545

                            For the first time, i am doubting MINA reports. Surely this can't be true......or can it. Coming from Greece it would not surprise me.

                            Greece recognizes Pedophilia as "Disability"

                            Friday, 13 January 2012
                            For those wondering where the permutations of progressives’ infatuation with government-enforced moral relativism lead, Greece is a bellwether. Despite teetering on the brink of national insolvency, Greece’s Labor Ministry has decided to expand its list of state-recognized disability categories. The latest additions? Exhibitionism, kleptomania–and pedophilia.

                            Thousands of Greek pedophiles are now eligible to recieve state money, quit their job with the new law.

                            “What’s happened is incomprehensible. I think there is some big mistake. The ministry should have a different policy on disability,” said Yiannis Vardakastanis, leader of Greece’s National Confederation of Disabled People (NCDP). ”The list contains major changes to disability quotients, which could effectively remove many people from access to benefits.” The NDCP itself called the ruling “incomprehensible” and noted that pedophiles will now be awarded a greater level of disability payments than some people who receive organ transplants. ”It’s really not serious to grant Peeping Toms a 20-30 percent disability rate, and 10 percent to diabetics, who have insulin shots four or five times a day,” fumed Vardakastanis.

                            The Labor Ministry claimed that the new categories on the list–which also includes pyromaniacs, compulsive gamblers, fetishists and sadomasochists–were determined by a panel of medical experts, but that they did not necessarily signify benefit entitlements. ”No insured citizen has received any benefit under the new rates,” a statement released by the Ministry on Tuesday explained.

                            Yet the NCDP remains alarmed. They are in talks with Labour Minister Giorgos Koutroumanis to get the new code changed before it goes before the Greek parliament and is voted into law. Their primary concerns are two-fold: the new code could be used to undermine state benefits to current disability groups, many of whom rallied in December demanding job and benefit protection; and the new disability scale would work cumulatively “so a person gets 20 per cent for one thing, then more for something else–and when they reach 67%, they are entitled to benefits,” noted Vardakastanis, who is blind.
                            Is Greece the new land of opportunity? Pedophiles certainly think so.



                            • Makedonska_Kafana
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 2642

                              UMD, continues to be the "silent" voice of the Macedonian diaspora. SAY NO TO USA INTERESTS!!

                              Reeker: I want to see Macedonia in NATO

                              Monday, January 9, 2012

                              Ex-Ambassador Philip Reeker, now a close associate of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in an interview with Radio MOF said that the United States are working hard to promote Macedonia's membership in NATO as soon as possible and want to see the Alliance. The key to opening the door, according to Rucker in finding a compromise solution to the dispute between Skopje and Athens. "We can help, and the international community can help, but we can not bring difficult decisions on your behalf. These are things which we must do. "Said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Philip Reeker. Senior U.S. diplomat who served two terms at the embassy in Skopje said that unlike the nineties when he stayed in Macedonia for the first time and noticed a strong enthusiasm for democratic reforms, civil society and education, his re-assignment as ambassador in the past few years he's swapped impressions. The situation was slightly different when I came back nearly a decade later. European Union and other organizations have expressed concern for what is openly discussed, and concerns the independence of the media, where are the limits, how the media operate and function in democratic conditions. Reeker expected to stop all political subdivisions in the state to focus Implementation of priorities that will lead Macedonia into NATO and the EU. Euro-Atlantic integration is the best guarantee for the future of Macedonia, said U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. Srecko Popovski


                              Lets, wait and see what Mark does with his new assignment - nothing?
                              Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 01-14-2012, 07:45 AM.

                              Macedonia for the Macedonians


                              • Bill77
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 4545

                                Disability Expansion Raises Ire in Greece

                                ATHENS (AP) — Disability groups in Greece expressed anger on Monday at a government decision to expand a list of state-recognized disability categories to include pedophiles, exhibitionists and kleptomaniacs........

                                .........The Labor Ministry said the categories added to the expanded list — that also includes pyromaniacs, compulsive gamblers, fetishists and sadomasochists — were included for purposes of medical assessment and used as a gauge for allocating financial assistance..............

                                Pedophiles, exhibitionists, kleptomaniacs, pyromaniacs, compulsive gamblers, fetishists and sadomasochists. Well this covers every Greek in Greece. Some Greek citizens (all members of the government) might have more than one category to pick from.
                                This is one way of bringing the unemployment rate to zero, put everyone on a pension. lol

                                They just get lazier and lazier.

                                Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                                For the first time, i am doubting MINA reports. Surely this can't be true......or can it. Coming from Greece it would not surprise me.
                                I want to publicly apologise to MINA for doubting them.
                                Last edited by Bill77; 01-19-2012, 10:29 PM.

