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  • Pavle Pijanica
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2012
    • 71

    Originally posted by makedonche View Post
    Dobro doide!
    Sho chekash ot vie gnasni Grci? Sveto ne gi znai kako nie gi znaijme!

    Zdravi Makedonche,

    Dobro vi najdof...

    Lmao...znam, ama na koj ke mu tolku godini cvetot si mislat deka angleli se...ama ke gi na ucija sega!!! Za to gi vikame Kozi!!!!


    • Pavle Pijanica
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2012
      • 71

      By the way I apologise for the typo it should've said zdravo Makedonche lol


      • makedonche
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2008
        • 3242

        Originally posted by Pavle Pijanica View Post
        Zdravi Makedonche,

        Dobro vi najdof...

        Lmao...znam, ama na koj ke mu tolku godini cvetot si mislat deka angleli se...ama ke gi na ucija sega!!! Za to gi vikame Kozi!!!!
        Zdravo... na vistina se Kozi... poleka..poleka ke nauchi sveto so koi imai rabota, teshko mie namene oti mnogou verme ke zemi za da nauchi sveto kolkou znaijme nie!
        On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


        • lavce pelagonski
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2009
          • 1993

          This is from the official party site, why doesnt our government protest in calling us neoMacedonians.

          European slap on neomakedonizma

          Text blog Yolov Alexander, chairman of the youth organization of VMRO - Sofia

          In late January, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament had passed a draft resolution on the progress report on Macedonia. Bulgarian MEPs have played an important role in preparing and completing the report, which was supported by the votes of the major European political families - EPP, S & D, ALDE and Greens.

          One of the important texts contained in the draft encourages the government in Skopje to work for respect for freedom of conscience and self-determination of each citizen. The resolution "stresses the importance of preventing discrimination based on ethnic origin, including against civilians, openly declaring their Bulgarian identity and / or ethnic origin."

          Not without the help of Bulgarian MEPs, their European counterparts finally take adequate action against neomakedonistka ridiculous policy of Skopje ruling elite seeking to suppress any Macedonian with Bulgarian self-consciousness in the country. Macedonia is one of the few remaining "black holes" on the European continent, where human rights have absolutely no value. Unfortunately for our nation - this is best viewed in relationship to it. The Macedonian government is doing everything possible to hold in fear and obedience Bulgarian element, not ashamed to use all instruments of repressive arsenal - from street terror to sham trials, imprisonment and persecution, things that the civilized world can not imagine that happen in the 21st century in the southeast.

          Neomakedonizmat who profess DPMNE, Gruevski and was exposed by the highest supranational European institution. From now on is a matter of time before the node to be untwisted and Macedonian Bulgarians to breathe more freely. But this can happen only if two important conditions.

          At first the government in Macedonia want to join the EU, something that none of the serious analysts not convinced. Macedonian aspirations are rather declarative, they are not backed by real action and policy. Deliberately moves away of Skopje EU country. There are no grounds for claims that this is due to the dependence of Macedonian politicians and law enforcement institutions in Belgrade offices.

          The second important condition is that Bulgaria would be in place as a European country in the region and strictly ensure compliance with the rights and freedoms of the population in the candidate countries, more so in Macedonia live and many Bulgarians pronounced Bulgarian consciousness. Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, however, is silent. There were no serious diplomatic initiatives, the Minister of Foreign Affairs does not take and discuss the topic in the ministerial council in parliament or in the general public. Apparently directing his efforts to "tweeter diplomacy" on the topic and Syria "Facebook activism" for the human rights of the Syrian people.

          Whether you can the European Parliament to impose new rules and practices of indoctrination in Macedonism antibalgarizam Skopje and politicians and officials in security? Hardly, when Macedonia elite apparently unwilling, and is dependent on Belgrade, while in Bulgaria the government was not shown absolutely no interest or activity.

          But we must bear in mind that it is vital for the Macedonian state to seek rapprochement with Bulgaria in particular, and seek to join the European Union. On the western and northern borders and within the Republic of Macedonia, Albanians geopolitical weight grows. Former Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski coincidentally shared in an interview that if the Macedonian will not change their myopic vision of the future, the country is expecting a third fate Albanian state in the Balkans. Meanwhile, the Greek economic impact paradoxically increased by some circles in Athens do not hide their aspirations for a future unraveling of the Macedonian assembly.

          So the chance of Macedonia is in close alliance with a strong European Bulgaria and integration into European structures. Any other action would be disastrous for the young Macedonian state.
          Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.

          „Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов


          • Bill77
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2009
            • 4545

            Cepreganov: Bulgaria must apologize for WW2

            Cepreganov: Bulgaria must apologize for WW2
            Wednesday, 15 February 2012

            Scientists' in Sofia are requesting that Skopje accept that in the past the two peoples had the same roots which was severed after World War II. Macedonian historians say that any discussion with Sofia is possible only when their Bulgarian counterparts treat them as Macedonians with different culture, history, language and heritage.

            Bulgaria's fourth largest trade partner of Macedonia. According to statistics, the two countries last year exchanged goods worth over 760 million U.S. dollars, of which 307 million were Macedonian exports. The good economic cooperation is not bothered by strict and very formal political relations strained by Sofia's position that the Macedonian language had Bulgarian roots. There are almost no communications between academic historians from both sides.

            "Can you imagine the sorts of problems between Germany and France and their history, but they managed to clear it all for 10 years. They have a joint history book released to schools in both countries. The same such effort is currently being made between Germany and Poland. Anything is possible, but only when you sit as equal partners, "says Todor Cepreganov, director of the Institute of National History of Macedonia. According to him, in the case of the eastern neighbor, there will be no discussions until Sofia recognizes the distinctiveness of the Macedonian nation, language and culture.

            Historians in Sofia, says Cepreganov, prefer to impose their interpretation of certain events in the past.

            "It is simple. Bulgarians in particular need to apologize for everything they did to the Macedonian people during the Second World War, for what they did to our Jewish population. Bulgarian state needs to apologize, while their people must face their own history and everything they did during that history. "

            Professor Cepreganov participated in a Balkan research project ten years ago. Macedonian, Albanian and Bulgarian historians prepared a joint guide to history events in the three Balkan countries in the period from 1944 to 2000. There are different interpretations in the book without conclusions that students themselves should draw.

            Official Sofia, with their own view on history
            Despite Macedonian partisans battling more against the Bulgarian Army than the Germans, official Sofia sees their involvement in WW2 as "liberators", not occupiers.
            "Why were Ivan Mihailov memoires published in Bulgarian in 1950-1970? Shall we say this is a scientific question of cultural activities between our two nations?" says Trendafil Mitev, a Director at the "Macedonian Scientific Institute" in Sofia.
            The historian, however, has softened stance on what is taught in Bulgarian history textbooks (since 1996) that Macedonians are Bulgarians.

            "Let me be clear. Nobody in Bulgaria wants to impose the current generation in Macedonia how they should feel. But the dead ancestors need to be protected. For the great truth that by the end of 1944, the majority of Christian population in Macedonia spoke in Bulgarian language. Both nations have the same roots and rich history but sadly politics separated the two permanently, "said Mitev.
            Political Party donor to Mitev's "Macedonian Scientific Institute"

            Among the donors of the Macedonian Scientific Institute in Sofia are ultranationalist VMRO-BND (Bulgarian National Movement) by Krasimir Karakachanov who are notorious for sending party activists to prevent Macedonians in Bulgaria from commemorating various events. The involvement of VMRO-BND makes official the collaboration between political parties and scientific organizations.

            Propaganda and "statistics"

            It is often said that in the Balkans, politics and science go together. This was particularly felt by Micov Stefan Vlahov. After 23 years of working as a professor at Sophia University, he was fired by the University for having "pro-Macedonian" positions.

            After being shunned by every University in BG, Professor Micov moved to Macedonia, obtained a Macedonian citizenship and was recently employed at the Institute of National History in Skopje. He explains why Bulgaria is afraid to admit reality.

            "Bulgaria is propagating some sort of 'national country' where there are no Macedonian people. The fear, just like in Athens is that if they stop doing what they are doing, the entire platform would collapse like a deck of cards,"says Micov Vlahov.

            Why Bulgarian media are so busy with Macedonia?

            While Macedonian media hardly ever mentions Bulgaria, article after article is being written on Macedonia on daily basis. Georgi Koritarov, an experienced television journalist from Sofia, says it is good to know more, but the method is wrong.

            "What is happening for a while now is an attempt to re-produce some old stereotypes of thinking. Agreed, there was none of this in the past, it started when Macedonia became independent. Hypotheses are introduced which are no longer relevant, nor for contemporary international relations, nor the modern European system we are trying to implement to the Balkans, or for the integration processes that Bulgaria supports," says Koritarov.

            Bulgarian State TV banned a reporter from speaking
            Recently there were reactions by politicians in Macedonia because of statements Ljubco Georgievski and architect Miroslav Grcev gave to BTV. Their statements were viewed by official Skopje as unprofessional and anti Macedonian. However when Macedonian journalists probed BTV why was Macedonia so attractive for Bulgarian reporters, BTV ordered their journalists not to speak to Macedonian colleagues citing certain BTV 'rules'.

            Neighborly historical and political dilemmas seem have effect on certain groups of citizens in both countries. Bulgaria does not recognize the Macedonian minority and refuses to register the party OMO Ilinden-Pirin.

            OMO Ilinden Pirin & Radko
            Bulgaria has refused to register a Macedonian political party for decades even when an official order came from a Strasbourg Court that Sofia must register OMO Ilinden Pirin.
            The Bulgarian Secret Service is heavily utilized in disrupting any activities of OMO Ilinden Pirin.
            The same can be said for Radko. Macedonia following Sofia tactics will also not register a Bulgarian political party on its territory.
            Though despite cold political ties, both official Skopje and Sofia allowed the opening of a "Culturan Information Center". This shows when politics can be moved aside, things can happen without much fuss on both sides.

            Third Half
            Darko Mitrevski's film "Third Half" has stirred official Sofia so much, they have protested at the EU!!!
            It's the second time (Greece was the first) a country protests a movie at EU level. Bulgarian audience claimed the film "Third Half" spreaded hate speech, while Mitrevski responded that holocaust deniers may interpret his movie differently.


            • DedoAleko
              • Jun 2009
              • 969

              Во мај во НАТО, ако за една година прифатиме географска одредница?

              Пакетот што е на маса значи дека нашата земја би требало да добие покана за влез во алијансата на самитот во мај, но решение за спорот мора да се најде во рок од една година, оти во спротивно Грција нема да ја ратификува одлуката за членство

              Македонија во Чикаго да добие покана за членство во НАТО, под услов во рок од една година заедно со Грција да се договори за име со географска одредница. Ова е планот за фазно решавање на прашањето за името што се турка по дипломатски канали, дознава „Дневник“. Пакетот што е на маса значи дека нашата земја би требало да добие покана за влез во алијансата на самитот во мај, но решение за спорот мора да се најде во рок од една година, оти во спротивно Грција нема да ја ратификува одлуката за членство. На тој начин властите во Атина ќе може да ја смират својата јавност дека ветото им останува како оружје, ако не се најде решение за спорот.

              Според нашите информации, ваквата идеја била кованица на Вашингтон, а во Атина ја туркале социјалистите. Она што останува проблем е - кога би се распишал референдум во Македонија. Нашите извори велат дека во контекст на фазното решавање на спорот треба да се стави и вчерашната посета на Атина од страна на генералниот секретар на НАТО, Андерс Фог Расмусен. Сепак, за пакетот нема потврда од властите во Македонија и во Грција.

              Левицата е подобра за решение

              Власис Власидис, грчки професор во одделот на балкански студии при Универзитетот на Западна Македонија во Северна Грција, вели дека решавањето на прашањето за името е врзано за изборите во Грција.

              - С` зависи од изборите. Претходно не верувам дека ќе има радикални промени во надворешната политика, бидејќи тоа има влијание врз рејтингот на партиите. Во моментов, секој предлог, па дури и да доаѓа од САД, не е приоритет - вели Власидис.

              Според него, дали ќе може да има решение на спорот до мај, зависи од два услова: кога ќе има избори и дали ќе победи левицата или десницата.

              - Во Грција, по изборите ќе имаме нова политичка сцена. Решавањето на спорот за името зависи од распоредот на силите. Постојат две можности - ПАСОK и Нова демократија да бидат во заедничка влада, слично како што е сега, но со нов премиер, или пак влада што ќе ја сочинува левицата - анализира Власидис.

              Според него, промени во позицијата на Грција за името може да има доколку левицата биде дел од власта.

              - Ако има влада во која би биле ПАСОK, Демократската левица и Нова демократија, постои можност Грција да ја смени политиката за името, т.е. да прифатат нешто, да има напредок во преговорите. Тогаш би можело да се очекува попозитивен став за затворање на фронтовите со соседите - вели Власидис, кој објаснува дека с` уште не е сигурно дали изборите ќе се одржат во април. Според него, ќе биде тешко ако гласовите се насочат кон Нова демократија и кон ЛАОС.

              Пападимас ја темпира средбата со Груевски пред избори

              Оптимизмот дека грчката страна во моментов е спремна за компромис не постои по одговорот на грчкиот премиер Лукас Пападимас, кој му одговори на писмото на својот македонски колега Никола Груевски, со предлог да се сретнат во март.

              Дипломатски извори велат дека грчката страна ја темпира средбата со цел да создаде перцепција дека се конструктивни, а непосредно пред изборите.

              - Целата меѓународна заедница е свесна дека во вакви околности, со оваа техничка влада, невозможен е напредок - велат нашите извори. Од Владата, пак, не сакаат да коментираат ништо додека не помине средбата и не видат дали ќе има суштински преговори.

              - Сепак, ја поздравуваме одлуката за средба која доаѓа по сериозно наше инсистирање и серија повици - велат од Владата.

              Расмусен ги израдувал Грците

              Прво решение за името, а потоа покана за Македонија за членство во НАТО, е пораката што ја испрати генералниот секретар на алијансата, Андерс Фог Расмусен, вчера од Атина. Повторувајќи го она што го кажа во декември по пресудата на Меѓународниот суд во Хаг, Расмусен доби пофалби од грчките домаќини за својата позиција, но и барање од нив да помогне во надминување на проблемот.

              - Kога ќе се реши името, ќе бидеме подготвени за преговори со владата во Скопје и оваа одлука с` уште важи – изјавил Расмусен во интервју за грчки медиуми.

              Но, со оглед дека решение уште не е најдено, Расмусен додава дека ги поттикнува сите страни да сторат с` што можат за да го решат проблемот. Според него, тоа ќе биде подобро и за Грција, но и за сите сојузници од Западен Балкан кои сакаат да се приклучат во евро-атлантските структури.

              Расмусен во Атина престојуваше по повод 60-годишнината од членството на Грција во НАТО и беше примен од грчкиот државен врв. Претседателот Папулјас му се заблагодарил на Расмусен за пренесените ставови. Грчкиот шеф на државата, како што изјавил, дури и се пошегувал со упорноста на Македонија во „менувањето“ на историјата и обидот Александар Велики да се претстави како „скопјанец“.

              - Ја разбирате нашата чувствителност за ова прашање, со оглед дека нашиот северен сосед го задржува тврдиот став, иако ние пруживме рака и се однесуваме како добри соседи - се пожалил Папулјас пред првиот човек на НАТО.

              Во рамките на престојот во Атина, Расмусен, заедно со министерот Димас, учествуваше и се обрати на конференцијата „Сегашни и идни перспективи за Грција и за НАТО“. И таму, а потоа и на конференцијата со новинарите не го споменал прашањето за името, но и тој и Димас јасно кажале дека начинот на одлучување во алијансата, за што ќе се зборува и во Чикаго, останува ист, со консензус и дека и Грција и НАТО ја поддржуваат интеграцијата на земјите од Западен Балкан откако ќе ги исполнат условите, вклучувајќи ги и добрососедските односи.


              Kako da nema kraj na katastrofalnata politika na nashite takanareceni vodaci.


              • Onur
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 2389

                Apparently it`s forbidden for native Americans to use their own language in catholic schools of USA.
                Miranda Washinawatok, Wisconsin Student Punished For Using Native Tongue, Receives Apology From School (VIDEO)
                The Sacred Heart Catholic School and the Diocese of Green Bay are issuing apologies to 12-year-old Miranda Washinawatok of Wisconsin. The teen was barred from playing in a girls' basketball game for saying "hello," "I love you," and "thank you" in Menominee -- the native tongue of the Menominee Tribe of Indians -- during homeroom, the Green Bay Press Gazette reports.

                Click for the rest;


                • TojSum
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 54

                  Bulgaro-Greek attempt to change EU Resolution fails

                  Much to the dismay of Greece's MEPs in European Parliament, Macedonia's EU Rapporteur Richard Howitt returned the terms Macedonian Culture, Macedonian Language, Macedonian Culture as part of the EU Report.

                  As expected, there was an attempt by Greece's MEPs to erase the terms from the report and brought their requests up for a vote. Bulgar MEPs supported Nikolaos Salavrakos during the vote.

                  Perhaps the most shocking thing of all was the Lithuanian MEP Rolandas Paksas who also joined Salavrakos in the aim to remove the term "Macedonian" from the report. It appears the Lithuanians are not ready to forget their loss to Macedonia at the European Championship in Basketball. It's just a game Lithuania, just a game. )))))))))))

                  Greece's & Bulgar's MEPs attempt to erase "Macedonian" failed badly with 86% of the Parliament voting to keep the term in the report.

                  EU MEPs shook heads and overwhelmingly voted to erase a statement by Bulgar MEPs that "Macedonia is stealing the identity of its neighbors". This came from MEPs whose country has renamed dozens of schools in the last 10 years to carry Macedonian names such as "Kliment Ohridski, Goce Delcev..."

                  The Report once again stated that Macedonia is ready to begin accession talks with EU and the artificial name dispite with Athens should not play a role in the talks.

                  Positive change in EU?


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Originally posted by TojSum View Post
                    Positive change in EU?
                    A desperate change from the EU I would say. They need Macedonia much more than Macedonia needs them.

                    I feel the recently manufactured ethnic tension may well be being influenced by the USA as they notice their grip on Macedonia diminishing to the favour of the EU. Call me a conspiracy theorist though!
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • TojSum
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 54

                      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                      A desperate change from the EU I would say. They need Macedonia much more than Macedonia needs them.

                      I feel the recently manufactured ethnic tension may well be being influenced by the USA as they notice their grip on Macedonia diminishing to the favour of the EU. Call me a conspiracy theorist though!
                      Risto, I’m sort of a conspiracy theory guy to. Especially when USA and EU are in the middle of the events. We should remember that incidents started with demonstration in Struga AFTER TWO WEEKS FROM THE CARNIVAL. And, I don’t think that this move from EU is desperate, i believe that they will ask something very inappropriate from Macedonia in exchange for this (very soon).


                      • George S.
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 10116

                        all i can say that the albanians never had it so good.It's not me saying it it's the president of albania telling the albanian politicians from macedonia.He was telling them to behave in their host country & to respect it about two years ago.
                        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                        GOTSE DELCEV


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          Originally posted by TojSum View Post
                          And, I don’t think that this move from EU is desperate, i believe that they will ask something very inappropriate from Macedonia in exchange for this (very soon).
                          As sure as day turns to night!
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Originally posted by George S. View Post
                            He was telling them to behave in their host country & to respect it about two years ago.
                            Absolutely correct George. How the posturing has changed!
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • TojSum
                              Junior Member
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 54

                              Originally posted by George S. View Post
                              all i can say that the albanians never had it so good.It's not me saying it it's the president of albania telling the albanian politicians from macedonia.He was telling them to behave in their host country & to respect it about two years ago.
                              Video from Top Channel albanian tv from Tirana. Leader of PDSH, Menduh Tachi (opposition albanian polticial party in Macedonia) in the middle of counter atacks from albanian intelecutals about theirs stupid politics.

                              Intelektualcite od Albanija go kritikuvaat Menduh Taci. - YouTube
                              Last edited by TojSum; 03-15-2012, 04:11 PM.


                              • lavce pelagonski
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 1993

                                Tachi is mentally deranged.
                                Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.

                                „Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов

