Countries that recognize Macedonia

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  • George S.
    Stoiche in the greek episode its got to do with votes supposedly i milion greeks live in melbourne.In australia its not a lot of serbs so its not to do with votes but ktowing to the americans.So countries like australia in their decisions don't reflect reality or truth.It's either votes or hanging on the ciatails of the us.
    Ypu know how i said it's the mighty vote well i could include heavy duty lobbying as well.Something we macedonians lack in australia.
    Remember truth has nothing to fo qith reality the greeks can buy their way if need be as a last resort.People have really nbderestimated the power of the greeks to do things to us whil'dst we lie there & take it.
    Last edited by George S.; 01-07-2013, 08:09 AM. Reason: ed

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  • Risto the Great
    Good point Stoiche. I guess the Serbs barely effect the votes and Kosovo was too much of a USA darling for the Australians to care.

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  • stoiche
    What about the fact that Australia recognised Kosovo and that there are far more Serbs than Albanians in Australia? A tad inconsistent if you ask me.

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  • lavce pelagonski
    Stoiche this is because there is a strong Greek lobby here that gives a lot of money to both Labor and Liberal, also they have more representatives than us. Melbourne was willing to give Greeks taxi jobs to help them.

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  • stoiche
    strange that UK (the motherland) recognise's Macedonia under its constitutional name, however Australia refuses to.

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  • George S.
    it's either foreplay or deliberately trying to trick us.

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
    As noted earlier, Hungary is still treating Macedonia like a secret mistress, calling her by her name only in the bedroom and not in public.
    Oldest trick in the book.

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  • Vangelovski
    I'm sure many countries can be good friends for Macedonia, but I don't think Hungary is quite there yet. As noted earlier, Hungary is still treating Macedonia like a secret mistress, calling her by her name only in the bedroom and not in public.

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  • George S.
    Definitely right there we need real friends it will open doors for us.

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  • momce
    hungary can be a great allies for Macedonia, Croatia etc we need allies against serbia, greece, and bulgaria expansionism and occupation

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  • George S.
    It's no use pretending they are satisfied with just pirin macedonia ,the bulgarians have allways wanted the whole of macedonia for themselves.Even the greeks were not happy with their share.Whil'st the bulgarians have said that they recognize us but not our ethnicity.So in the end it's the same recognition that they give us none at all..Rom macedonians will say one thing but do another at their own peril.

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  • Vangelovski
    It seems that after 20 years of Macedonian subservience to Greek demands, Bulgaria has also decided to play the fools for what they are. We can expect much more demands from both and possibly others as they all realise the Macedonians will do anything for illusory gain.

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  • Dimko-piperkata
    Hungary wades into Greece-Macedonia naming row 17 December 2012 | 17:56 | FOCUS News Agency
    Home / Southeast Europe and Balkans
    Budapest. Hungary took a stand Monday in a virulent dispute between Greece and Macedonia, announcing it recognised the latter as the "Republic of Macedonia" despite a naming row that has seen Athens block its neighbour's bid to join the EU, AFP reported.
    Since Skopje proclaimed its independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991, Greece has alleged that its use of the name Macedonia could imply a territorial claim to the northern Greek province of the same name.
    This has led Athens to block the country's attempts to enter NATO and the European Union.
    Hungary said its new official designation replaces the name "former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", which is how the country is recognised at the United Nations.
    "The decision to recognise Macedonia under the name Republic of Macedonia was made a while back," Hungarian foreign ministry spokesman Gabor Kaleta told AFP.
    It will now be applied in Hungary's bilateral relations with the small Balkan country, he added.
    Kaleta did not specify the reasons behind the decision but said they would be spelled out in an upcoming statement.
    In October, Greece offered Macedonia a draft memorandum of understanding "to move qualitatively forward" with negotiations on the dispute held under United Nations auspices, which have so far been fruitless.

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  • Vangelovski
    Hungary - another fake friend that will only call Macedonia by its name in the privacy of the bedroom but not in public. Macedonia's much like a cheap and embarrasing mistress best kept secret. The sadest thing of all is that it wants to play that role.

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  • DedoAleko
    I see Hungary on the lists here,but according to the Macedonian MoFA this (officially?!) happened today:

    google translate:

    "The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, today sent a letter to the Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi, which welcomes Hungary's latest decision to confirm and formalize the current practice of addressing the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name in bilateral communication. "

    Унгарија ја призна Македонија под уставното име

    „Министерот за надворешни работи на Република Македонија, денеска упати писмо до министерот за надворешни работи на Унгарија, Јанош Мартоњи, во кое се поздравува најновата одлука на Унгарија да ја потврди и официјализира досегашната пракса на обраќање кон Република Македонија со нејзиното уставно име во билатералната комуникација."

    Last edited by DedoAleko; 12-13-2012, 11:11 AM.

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