Macedonians noted in the international newspapers!

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 3231

    The Persecuted Macedonians - London

    The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


    • The LION will ROAR
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 3231

      The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


      • The LION will ROAR
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2009
        • 3231

        SAN Francisco 1903
        The Macedonians Committee is about to issue a Manifesto proclaiming the independence of Macedonia
        The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


        • The LION will ROAR
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 3231

          A Greek news paper, 1905
          Our people and our Slavic language are named - Macedonian

          Could someone confirm this and what it actually says....?
          The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


          • TRAVOLTA
            • Nov 2009
            • 504


            Na zborovanju so se odločili — po iniciativi
            ljubljanskega župana Ivana Hribarja, da osnu-
            jejo poseben makedonski odbor z nalogo, da
            zbira pomoč za Makedonce in popularizira ma-
            kedonsko osvobodilno gibanje med slovenskim

            Ta odbor se je sestal 4. decembra 1903. Za
            predsednika je bil izbran Vaso Petričič, za pod-
            predsednika Polakova in dr. Tavčarjeva, za taj-
            nika dr. Vladimir Ravnihar, a za njegovega na-
            mestnika Terezina dr. Jenkova, za blagajnika
            Alojzij Stare, za njegovega namestnika Ladislav
            Pečanka. Člani odljora so bili še: Berta dr. Tril-
            lerjeva, Ivan Hribar, dr. Andrej Karlin, dr. Aloj-
            zij Konalj, dr. Valentin Krisper, Fran Povše in
            Ivan Rozman. Odbor se je s proglasom obrnil
            na slovenski narod, v katerem je apeliral za
            zbiranje pomoči v korist makedonskih beguncev.
            Odbor se je obrnil tudi na vlado za odobritev
            svojega dela.^

            Solidarnost Siovencev z borbo makedonskega,
            ljudstva in zbiranje materialne pomoči v nje-
            govo korist pa nista bila v skladu z interesi
            avstrijskega dvora, ki je na razne načine skušal
            onemogočiti to humano dejanje slovenske jav-
            nosti in ljudstva.

            V začetku je vlada prepovedala predavanja o
            makedonskem osvobodilnem gibanju. Tako je
            5. decembra 1903 prepovedala predavanje novi-
            narja P. Orlovca o položaju v Makedoniji.^

            Prepoved predavanja O' položaju v Makedoniji
            je zelo revoltirala slovenski narod.

            Slovenski poslanci v kranjskem deželnem
            zboru so vložili interpelacijo proti prepovedi
            predavanja in poudarjali veliko zanimanje ljud-
            stva za predavanja in ogorčenje zaradi prepo-
            vedi. Interpelanti so vprašali: Ali je prepoved
            izdana v dogovoru z ministrstvom? Ali more
            minister opravičiti to prepoved? Ali bo tudi v
            bodoče deželna vlada prepovedala predavanja
            in zborovanja?'

            Omenjeni P. Orlovec je 8. decembra 1903 pre-
            daval v dvorani »Narodnega doma« v Trstu o
            položaju v Makedoniji. Predavanje je imelo
            namen popularizirati makedonsko narodnoosvo-
            bodilno borbo in zbirati prispevke za makedon-
            ske begunce. Na samem predavanju je bilo
            zbranih 210 kron.^ Tudi časopisi so odprli rub-
            riko »Za makedonske begunce«, »Za malsedonske
            žrtve turške krvoločnosti«. Od 25. novembra 1903
            do 21. februarja 1904 je bilo zbranih 1065 kron
            in 92 krajcarjev.

            Prispevke za makedonske begunce so zbirali
            na razne načine. Pri otvoritvi knjižnice v Gorici
            so v Savinjski dolini zbirali pomoč tudi za
            Makedonce. V Postojni je bil v začetku leta 1904
            prirejen koncert v korist Makedoncev. 30. janu-
            arja sta priredila pevsko društvo »Lipa« in tam-
            buraški orkester »Triglav« koncert v Ljubljani
            v .korist beguncev iz Makedonije. Dobiček kon-
            certa je znašal 84 kron ter je bil predan make-
            donskemu odboru v Ljubljani.*

            SL 2. Makedonski delavci pri gradnji železnice Celovec-Trst

            Makedonski odbor v Ljubljani je večkrat urgi-
            ral pri vladi, da odobri njegovo delovanje. Toda
            deželna vlada je odgovarjala, da ni pristojna
            za to. Vlada je vztrajala na tem, da gre v tem
            primeru za akcijo v korist tujega naroda in da
            se je treba obrniti na ministrstvo za notranje
            zadeve na Dunaju. Odbor je trikrat telegrafično
            prosil ministrstvo, da odobri njegovo delovanje.
            Kooec januarja 1904 je odbor dobil odgovor, v
            katerem je ministrstvo stavljalo stroge pogoje.
            1. Nabiranje je dovoljeno le osebam, ki jih de-
            želna vlada imenuje od predloženih, 2. Nabiranje
            je prepovedano v cerkvah, šolah, uradih in pri
            oblastvih, 3. Občinski uradi ne smejo zbirati.
            4. Nabrane zneske je izročiti deželni vladi v
            Ljubljani, ki jih odda »c. in kr. poslaništvu v
            Carigradu, ki bode po svojem civilnem agentu
            in njegovih organih oziroma po krajevnih od-
            borih skrbelo' za primerno razdelitev podpor«.
            Odbor je nato odgovoril, da ... »se razdruži, ker
            so stavljeni pogoji, zlasti točka 4, ki nam ne
            daje garancije, da pride nabrani denar v prave
            roke — nesprejemljivi«.'

            Zaradi prepovedi so prispevke pošiljali pO'
            privatnih osebah. Največ jih je bilo poslanih po
            posredovanju dr. Jenkove, ki jih je pošiljala Vla-
            dimiru Kanazirevu. Ta se v svojem pismu za-
            hvaljuje za poslanih 320 kron, ki jih je razdelil
            med najbolj revne v Makedoniji.

            Dopisovanje med Makedoncem Kanazirevom
            in dr. Jenkovo je bilo vedno pogostejše. Kana-
            zirev je v svojih pismih plastično opisoval po-
            ložaj v Makedoniji in stalno prosil pomoči za
            makedonske begunce. Dr. Jenkova je njegova
            pisma objavljala v dnevnem časopisju z name-
            nom, da bi slovensko ljudstvo čim bolje spo-
            znalo položaj makedonskega prebivalstva in mu
            tem bolj pomagalo v njegovi bedi.


            Zanimanje za Makedonijo sO' pri Slovencih ;
            vzbudili tudi makedonski begunci, ki so zaradi i
            težkih ekonomskih in političnih pogojev v svoji I
            domovini bili prisiljeni iskati delo in pomoč
            tudi v Sloveniji v letih 1903—1906. V slovenskem ;
            dnevnem tisku pogosto naletimo na poročila in t
            sočutne članke v njihovo korist. Makedoinski be- j
            gunci ali delavci, kot jih imenujejo v tisku, so j
            največ delali pri gradnji ždleznic, in to na Hru-1
            šici, v Biohinjski Beli, Bohinjski Bistrici in na I
            Jesenicah, pri gradnji karavanškega in bohinj- j
            skega predora. I


            Vsi ti delavci so imeli za sabo dolgo in težko
            življenjsko i>ot. Težki ekonomski pogojii v do-
            movini 9o vplivali tudi na njihovo delovno sjjo-
            sobnost. Kasneje pa je na njihovo zdravstveno
            stanje vplival tudi prehod iz zmernega makedon-
            skega v ostro slovensko alpsko podnebje. Nji-
            hovi organizmi niso bili tako odporni, zaradi
            česar so cesto zboleli in bili zato odpuščeni z

            Konec 1903. leta se je položaj makedonskih
            beguncev resno poslabšal. Od do tedaj redkih
            primerov so bila takrat ugotovljena resna obo-
            lenja od tifusa, trahoma in posebno od črnih
            koz. Epidemija se je počasii širila in zajela vsa
            gradbišča, na katerih so delali makedonski be-
            gunci. Tam so podvzeli zaščitne mere proti na-
            daljnjemu širjenju črnih koz. Vsi makedonski
            delavci so bili cepljeni in morali so se podvreči
            strogemu karantenskemu režimu. Za epidemijo
            se je zainteresiral tudi visoki zdravstveni svet
            na Dunaju, ki je na seji 23. januarja 1904 sklenil
            postaviti dva zdravnika kot zdravstvena inšpek-
            torja; ta dva sta imela nalogo skrbeti za zdrav-
            stveno stanje delavcev.*'

            Širjenje epidemije med makedonskimi delavci
            je služilo kapitalističnim upravam gradbišč (ki
            so bile po večinii nemške), da so jih odpuščale
            z dela ali pa da so tistim, ki so ostali, zmanj-
            šale plače.

            Spomladi leta 1905 opazimo novo značilno
            razmerje do makedonskih delavcev. Makedonski
            delavci, ki so prišli na gradbišča bohinjske že-
            leznice, so bili prisiljeni vrniti se domov, ker
            niso dohili zaposlitve. »Čeprav so ti ljudje —
            piše člankar — bolj zdravi in sposobni kot leni
            Italijani, ki jih tukaj sumljivo protežirajo. Naši
            bratje iz slovanskega juga morajo z žalostnim
            obrazom gledati, kako jih mečejo z dela ...«

            Medtem ko so bila prej lahka obolenja glavni
            vzrok za odpuste z dela, se sedaj poudarja poli-
            tični moment. Kapitalističnim upravam gradbišč
            ni šlo v račun, da bi zaposlovale slovanske de-
            lavce. Ta odnos do makedonskih delavcev je
            bil del asimilatorske politike nemškega in itali-
            janskega imperializma do Slovanov.

            Težki delovni pogoji, predvsem pa zgoraj ome-
            njeni vzroki so prisilili makedonske begunce-
            delavce že konec 1903 in v začetku 1906, da
            zapuste Slovenijo.

            Kljub ekonomskemu in političnemu jarmu, ki
            ga je Slovenccjm nalagal avstrijskli vladajoči
            razred, je slovenski narod našel možnosti, da
            pokaže svojo solidarnost z borbo makedonskega
            naroda za nacionalno osvoboditev, da mu spo-
            roči svoje tople simpatije in da mu pomore v
            težkem položaju.

            Makedonski begunci so bili v Sloveniji pri-
            srčno sprejeti. Neštevilni so primeri pomoči
            makedonskim beguncem, ko so bili le-ti v naj-
            težjem položaju. V Sloveniji so napravili s svo-
            jim vedenjem močan vtis. O tem nam govore
            dnevni tisk in preživeli sodobniki, ki izražajo
            do njili tople simpatije.

            V času, ko sta slovenski in makedonski narod
            bila še podjarmljena in nezedinjena, so že bili
            momenti, ki so jih združevali; o tem nam dovolj
            zgovorno pričajo ti-le prispevki k odmevu ma-
            kedonske Ilindenske vstaje na Slovenskem.

            google translate


            At the assembly they decided - after Initiative
            Ljubljana mayor Ivan Hribar, that osnu-
            Macedonian eat a special committee with a mandate to
            gather support for the Macedonians and popularizing ma-
            kedonsko Liberation Movement during the Slovenian

            This committee met on 4 December 1903rd For
            President was chosen Vaso Petričič for under-
            President Polakova et al. Tavčarjeva for tie-
            Dr. compartment. Vladimir Ravnihar, but for his in-
            tor Dr. Terezin. Jenko, for treasurer
            Alojzij old, his deputy Ladislav
            Pecanka. Odljora members were: Dr. Berta. Three-
            propeller, Ivan Hribar, MD. Andrej Karlin, MD. Aloe-
            Konalj desk audits, dr. Valentin Krisper, Denis and Fran
            Ivan Rozman. The Committee has turned to proglasom
            the Slovenian nation, in which he appealed for
            collecting aid to Macedonian refugees.
            The Committee has also turned to the government for approval
            their work. ^

            Siovencev solidarity with the struggle of the Macedonian,
            people and material assistance in the collection it-
            speaks benefit but were not in the interests of
            Austrian court, which in many ways tried
            disable this humane act of Slovenian public
            and of the people.

            In the beginning, the government banned the lectures on
            Macedonian liberation movement. Thus, the
            5th December 1903 banned the new lecture-
            official veterinarian P. Orlovca on the situation in Macedonia. ^

            Prohibition lecture on 'the situation in Macedonia
            is very revoltirala Slovenian nation.

            Slovenian MPs in the regional provincial
            Assembly submitted the interpellation against ban
            lectures and emphasized many people's interest-
            tion of lectures and outrage at the prohibited-
            studies. Interpelanti was asked: Does the prohibition
            issued in consultation with the Ministry? Do not
            Minister justify this ban? Will also
            future provincial government banned the lectures
            and assembly? '

            These P. Orlovec 8 December 1903 pre-
            Daval in the hall "National Home" in Trieste on
            situation in Macedonia. The lecture had
            purpose popularize Macedonian narodnoosvo-
            bodilno fight and collect contributions for the Macedonian
            ing refugees. At the lecture was
            collected 210 crowns. ^ The newspapers have opened a rub-
            riko "The Macedonian Refugee," "The malsedonske
            Turkish victims of atrocity. " From 25 November 1903
            to 21 February 1904 were collected 1065 crowns
            and 92 kreutzers.

            Contributions of Macedonian refugees were collected
            in various ways. In the opening of the library in Gorizia
            In Savinja collected to help
            Macedonians. In Postojna was in early 1904
            arranged a concert for the benefit of the Macedonians. 30th Janu-
            ary are hosted Singing Society "Lipa" and there-
            buraški Orchestra "Triglav" concert in Ljubljana
            in. favor of refugees from Macedonia. Profit con-
            CERT was 84 crowns, and he was dedicated to make-
            Donetskiy Committee in Ljubljana. *

            E 2 Macedonian workers in the construction of railways Klagenfurt to Trieste

            Macedonian Committee in Ljubljana has repeatedly urgi-
            ral with the government to approve its operation. But
            provincial government has responded that it is not responsible
            for it. The government has insisted on the fact that this is
            case for action in favor of a foreign nation, and
            you should call the Department of the Interior
            Affairs in Vienna. The Committee has three telegrafično
            asked the ministry to approve its operation.
            Kooec January 1904, the Board received a response in
            which the Ministry gether accounted for strict conditions.
            First Harvesting is permitted only to persons who are de-
            Elna government called on the documentary, 2 Gathering
            is prohibited in churches, schools, offices and
            power in, 3 Municipal offices should not be collected.
            4th Cumulative figures give the provincial government in
            Ljubljana, cast by "c. and cr. poslaništvu in
            Istanbul, that bode for his civil agent
            and its bodies or at the local-
            pine worried 'for the appropriate distribution of the grants. "
            The Committee then answered that ... "Hanging out, because
            conditions are displayed, in particular paragraph 4, which we do not
            warrant that the money gets collected in real
            hands - not acceptable. "'

            Due to ban the contributions sent by '
            private persons. Most of them were sent by
            Dr. intervention. Jenko, by sending Vla-
            dimiru Kanazirevu. This, in his letter to-
            I thank sent to 320 crowns, which is divided
            among the poorest in Macedonia.

            Correspondence between Macedonians Kanazirevom
            and dr. Jenko was growing. Kana-
            zirev in his letters describing the post-plastic
            Stack in Macedonia and constantly ask for assistance
            Macedonian refugees. Dr.. Jenko his
            letter published in the daily newspapers with me-
            nom, that the Slovenian people as better com-
            know how to position the Macedonian population and it
            the more help in his misery.


            Interest in Macedonia are "the Slovenes;
            attracted the Macedonian refugees as a result of i
            difficult economic and political conditions in its I
            country were forced to look for work and help
            in Slovenia in the period 1903-1906. In Slovenian;
            daily press often come across reports and t
            compassionate articles in their favor. Makedoinski be-j
            gunci or employees, as they are called in the press, the j
            most worked in the construction ždleznic, and that the HRU-1
            šici in Biohinjski White, Bohinj and I
            Jesenice, in the construction and Karavanke bohinj-j
            European tunnel. I


            All these workers have had for each other long and hard
            life i> ot. Difficult economic pogojii in to-
            Movin 9o an impact on their work-sjjo
            cies. Later, their health
            status also influenced the transition from moderate Macedonian
            ment in sharp Slovenian alpine climate. Their-
            Hovi organisms were also resistant to
            the road leading to ill and were therefore dismissed with
            of work. "

            At the end of the 1903rd in the situation of the Macedonian
            refugees seriously deteriorated. Since then, the rare
            cases were then identified serious morbidity-
            down into the typhoid, trachoma, and especially from the black
            goats. The epidemic has spread počasii and cover all
            site on which they worked Macedonian be-
            gunci. There are taken with protective rate against on-
            Far spread of smallpox. All Macedonian
            workers have been vaccinated and they had to undergo
            strict quarantine regime. For epidemic
            was intrigued by the High Health Council
            in Vienna, which is meeting on 23 January 1904 concluded
            put two doctors and health inspectors
            tor, these two are tasked to take care of health
            medical condition of workers. * '

            Spread of the epidemic among the Macedonian workers
            served capitalist administrations sites (which
            were of večinii German) that they dismiss
            from work, or that those who have other, less-
            jokes salary.

            In the spring of 1905 we see a new characteristic
            relationship to the Macedonian workers. Macedonian
            workers who come to the site surrounding already-
            leznice, they were forced to return home because
            dohili not work. "Even though these people are -
            writes člankar - more healthy and able as lazy
            Italians, who are suspicious protežirajo here. Our
            Slavic brothers from the south with jealousy
            faces to watch how they throw the part ... "

            While the light before the main diseases
            cause for dismissal from work, it now emphasizes the poly-
            a static moment. Capitalist administrations sites
            it was not in the account to hire Slavic de-
            ees. This attitude to the Macedonian workers
            asimilatorske policy was part of the German and Italian-
            Janské imperialism to the Slavs.

            Difficult working conditions, in particular, the above mentioned
            its causes forced-Macedonian refugees
            workers at the end of 1903 and early 1906, the
            left Slovenia.

            Despite the economic and political yoke, which
            by Slovenccjm invested avstrijskli ruling
            class, the Slovenian people find opportunities to
            to show its solidarity with the struggle of the Macedonian
            nation for national liberation, that he com-
            dations about their warm sympathy and that it slaughters in
            difficult situation.

            Macedonian refugees in Slovenia were in-
            take heart. Innumerable examples of aid
            Macedonian refugees when they have been called in to-
            more difficult position. In Slovenia, the device with the SVO-
            They conduct a strong impression. It tells us
            Newspapers and surviving contemporaries, expressing
            njili to warm sympathy.

            At a time when the Slovenian and Macedonian nation
            have been subjugated and nezedinjena have already been
            moments by combine, about us enough
            clearly illustrate these-only contributions to the echo of ma-
            kedonske Ilindenske uprising in Slovenian.


            • The LION will ROAR
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2009
              • 3231

              The Balkan Troubles

              Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXI, Issue 6063,
              09 September 1903. Page3
              The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


              • The LION will ROAR
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2009
                • 3231

                THE PROBLEM OF TURKEY.

                Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 73, 23 September 1911, Page 10

                The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                • lavce pelagonski
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 1993

                  This is not from a newspaper but the mini series The First World War
                  In part 4 The First World War: Part 4: Jihad (1914 to 1916) they mention the Macedonians as one of the ethnic groups that made up the Turkish army. No Greek or Bulgar in sight, you would think that Solun would be full of them.

                  At minute 7:36
                  The First World War: Part 4: Jihad (1914 to 1916) - YouTube
                  Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.

                  „Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    definitely right there they threw some macedonians to the front lines to be used like canon fodder.
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • The LION will ROAR
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 3231

                      The Macedonian bloody wedding - Albanian crimes in Tetovo
                      Alexandria gazette, March 24, 1897
                      The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                      • George S.
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 10116

                        i hope they went for a reprisal & caught the culprits.Otherwise the macedonians have been weak as piss since 1897.Macedonians enough is enough should not put up with the scurge of albanism.The ohrid agreement should be null & void & we want macedonia for the macedonians.The alabanians have proved time again they can't be trusted to live side by side.
                        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                        GOTSE DELCEV


                        • vicsinad
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2011
                          • 2337

                          From "The Morning Oregonian" September 2, 1903.

                          WAR IS COURTED

                          Macedonians Proclaim
                          an Uprising.

                          LEADERS HEAD OUTBREAK

                          Turks Massacre Population
                          of Another Village.

                          SEVERE FIGHTING GOES ON

                          Malkotlrnovo Is in a State of Anarchy,
                          and the Sultnn'a Troops
                          Commit Atrocities on
                          on the Women.

                          SOFIA, Sept 1. The Macedonian revolutionists
                          awaited the anniversary of the
                          Sultan's accession to proclaim the
                          general Insurrection In Northern
                          Macedonia, the proclamation of which
                          was issued today, signed by' all the members
                          of tho Insurgent general staff. The
                          new outbreak is headed by the famous
                          Macedonian leaders, General Zontcheeff,
                          president of the Macedonian Committee,
                          and Colonel Jonkoff, who was wounded
                          In the rising of 1902.

                          The new territory covers the districts
                          in the valley of the Struma, at the base
                          of the Khodope mountain chain and to
                          the north of the Itlvcr Nardar. Colonel
                          Jankoff Is directing the movements of
                          the bands in the southern part.
                          News of severe fighting Is still coming
                          in. At the village of Armensi, after a
                          day's fighting, the Turkish troops in the
                          right time massacred the entire p6pula.
                          tlon of ISO men and 200 women. The
                          Turks have also massacred the Inhabitants
                          of the village of Veleso.

                          It Is reported that Hllml Pasha, the
                          inspector-gener- al for Macedonia, refuses
                          to leave his headquarters In the Konu-3c- at
                          Monastlr. The insurgent leader
                          Grueff, in a letter to Helmlp Pasha, demanded
                          that he prevent the barbarous
                          acts of the Turkish soldiers and Bashl
                          Bazouks, otherwise the revolutionists
                          would massacre all the Turkish inhabitants.
                          The insurgents have occupied the mountain
                          pass of Gergele. on the main line
                          from Salonlca to Uskub, and Turkish
                          troops have been sent to dislodge them.
                          The town of Malkotlrnovo is reported to
                          be in a state of anarchy, the Turks plundering
                          the houses and committing unspeakable
                          atrocities on the women.
                          Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria has
                          at Euxinograde. Bulgaria, where he
                          has been Joined by Premier Petroff. The
                          Prince is expected to remain there for
                          some time.

                          PROVISION FOR WAR.
                          Turlcey Provides a Land Tax on Entire
                          Population Over Eighteen.
                          SOFIA, Sept. 1. The government has
                          imposed a personal or land tax on the
                          entire population of the empire over the
                          age of 18. The tax Is only for the classes,
                          and ranges from about 80 cents to $85
                          each annually. This Is regarded as being
                          in the nature of a provision for war.
                          The Porte has sent a memorandum to
                          the Austrian and Russian Ambassadors
                          here, pointing out that at the recent mass
                          meeting of Macedonians In Sofia, Bulgaria,
                          it was decided to send fresh bands
                          into Macedonia, and also calling attention
                          to the fact that committees in Bulgaria
                          were supplying the insurgents with
                          arms and ammunition by means of ships,
                          which land their cargoes on the coast in
                          the vicinity of Iniada.

                          Consular dispatches from Pristina, near
                          the Servian frontier, confirm the reports
                          that nearly all the Christian villages In
                          the districts of Dibra, 51 miles from
                          Monastlr, and Ciccvo have been pillaged
                          and burned, and that the Inhabitants have
                          fled. It is not stated whether Albanians
                          or Bulgarians were the perpetrators of
                          the outrages.

                          In spite of the apparent gravity of the
                          general situation, optimism prevails in
                          Turkish official circles.
                          Official reports say that 200 insurgents
                          were killed or wounded during the fight
                          ing which occurred last week in the
                          Vilayet of Monastlr.


                          • vicsinad
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2011
                            • 2337

                            I haven't spent too much time trying to figure out what this source really is. All I know is that it is from 1920, and Volume 4 of a Scrapbook. In it, it lists Macedonia as a separate country, even though we know Macedonia was not independent during WW1.

                            "He is a Harvard, 1914, man and in December of that year he entered war service in the Ambulance Corps, with which he was in Macedonia, Serbia, and Greece."

                            Pg. 36



                            • vicsinad
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2011
                              • 2337

                              Check out this link. I searched "Macedonia" and it spat back 90,000 results. I'm not sure that all are about Macedonia, but many, many are...happy hunting

                              Australia’s free online research portal. Trove is a collaboration between the National Library of Australia and hundreds of Partner organisations around Australia.


                              • vicsinad
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2011
                                • 2337

                                This one from 1903:

                                It is better that Macedonia should remain Turkish...than that it should be all Bulgarian, or all Servian, or all Greek.
                                The Macedonian question has been so long with us says the " Spectator "), and has so often been on the point of becoming acute, that it is hard to believe that this time the alarm is genuine. The policy and ...

