Macedonians noted in the international newspapers!
This is a sticky topic.
1895 It is supposed that the Gourdons came from a city in Macedonia , called ... The clan Gordon was one of the most numerous and powerful in the north of ...
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1796 Gordon from Scotland came from Macedonia presumable from the city of Gordonia.
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From 1879:
"The Macedonian insurgents, although defeated..."
The weather has lately been a matter of engrossing con[?]ern. For a fortnight previous to Boxing Day, when a sudden thaw took place, we had periods of arctic severity and gloom. Fogs of unusual density ...
"The Macedonian insurgents have refused to accept the terms of peace proposed by Turkey..."
The Macedonian insurgents have reused to accept the terms of peace proposed by Turkey, and demand autonomy. ...
From 1880:
"Meanwhile, there is great joy among the oppressed native populations of the Turkish Empire. Greeks, Armenians, Macedonians and Slavs have watched the progress of the British elections with intense interest." NOTICE THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN MACEDONIANS AND SLAVS
Nowhere, perhaps, has the result of the general election produced so profound an impression as in Turkey. The correspondents of several of the London papers describe the consternation and ...
From 1881:
"The Bulgarians have begun to render active assistance to the Macedonians..."
In Macedonia, where a disposition to resist the Turkish Government is prevalent owing to the recent victory of the Christians over a body of Turkish troops. ...
From 1888:
"A band of Macedonian brigands have taken possession of Bellovar in Croatia and have kidnapped two Austrian and two Greek gentlemen..."
A band of Macedonian brigands have taken possession of Bellovar, in Croatia, and have kidnapped two Austrian and two Greek gentlemen, and ...
"The Christians, a herd of Greek, Bulgarian and Macedonian..."
A clever and well-informed paper in Temple Bar deals with some varieties of prison treatment in the different countries of Europe. The British penal system is, through in some respects the most equal, ...
"There is little reason to think that the ancient Greeks were fair -- the Macedonians were not Greeks."
A definition of beauty does not help us (says the writer of a long but interesting article in the Pall Mall Gazette), for every one who feels interest enough to ...
There are so many articles...these were just some pre-VMRO. Once we get into the late 1890s, it's a treasure chest.
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From 1861, hinting at words from ancient Macedonian possibly:
"Not only Macedonian words, such as symphonia and psanterion..."
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From 1861:
"The Montenegrins are beginning to exhibit symptoms of restlessness; and there is reason to believe that the Albanians, Thessilians and Macedonians are plotting mischief with their coreligionists in the Kingdom of Greece."
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This article from 1840 considers Aristotle the Macedonian philosopher:
"With respect to the definition given by Aristotle...and according to the definition of the Macedonian philosopher..."
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From 1830:
"The Sultan...appears however at the moment to have a hard time of it with bands of robbers and deserters who are levying contributions in several districts of Macedonia."
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From 1809:
'The following project for the dismemberment of European Turkey is circulated on the Continent: - France to have Albania.,Greece, the Morea, and the Islands. Russia to retain its conquests in Moldavia and Bessarabia. Austria (in the event oí her acceding to the confederacy) to receive Bosnia, Servia, and Macedonia; Austria ceding to France the Li-thorage. The Provinces of Wallachia, Bulgaria, and Romania, to be erected into a separate King- dom for the Grand Duke Constantine, with the
title of King of Thrace : Constantinople to be his capital.
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This one from 1903:
It is better that Macedonia should remain Turkish...than that it should be all Bulgarian, or all Servian, or all Greek.
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Check out this link. I searched "Macedonia" and it spat back 90,000 results. I'm not sure that all are about Macedonia, but many, many are...happy hunting
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I haven't spent too much time trying to figure out what this source really is. All I know is that it is from 1920, and Volume 4 of a Scrapbook. In it, it lists Macedonia as a separate country, even though we know Macedonia was not independent during WW1.
"He is a Harvard, 1914, man and in December of that year he entered war service in the Ambulance Corps, with which he was in Macedonia, Serbia, and Greece."
Pg. 36
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From "The Morning Oregonian" September 2, 1903.
Macedonians Proclaim
an Uprising.
Turks Massacre Population
of Another Village.
Malkotlrnovo Is in a State of Anarchy,
and the Sultnn'a Troops
Commit Atrocities on
on the Women.
SOFIA, Sept 1. The Macedonian revolutionists
awaited the anniversary of the
Sultan's accession to proclaim the
general Insurrection In Northern
Macedonia, the proclamation of which
was issued today, signed by' all the members
of tho Insurgent general staff. The
new outbreak is headed by the famous
Macedonian leaders, General Zontcheeff,
president of the Macedonian Committee,
and Colonel Jonkoff, who was wounded
In the rising of 1902.
The new territory covers the districts
in the valley of the Struma, at the base
of the Khodope mountain chain and to
the north of the Itlvcr Nardar. Colonel
Jankoff Is directing the movements of
the bands in the southern part.
News of severe fighting Is still coming
in. At the village of Armensi, after a
day's fighting, the Turkish troops in the
right time massacred the entire p6pula.
tlon of ISO men and 200 women. The
Turks have also massacred the Inhabitants
of the village of Veleso.
It Is reported that Hllml Pasha, the
inspector-gener- al for Macedonia, refuses
to leave his headquarters In the Konu-3c- at
Monastlr. The insurgent leader
Grueff, in a letter to Helmlp Pasha, demanded
that he prevent the barbarous
acts of the Turkish soldiers and Bashl
Bazouks, otherwise the revolutionists
would massacre all the Turkish inhabitants.
The insurgents have occupied the mountain
pass of Gergele. on the main line
from Salonlca to Uskub, and Turkish
troops have been sent to dislodge them.
The town of Malkotlrnovo is reported to
be in a state of anarchy, the Turks plundering
the houses and committing unspeakable
atrocities on the women.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria has
at Euxinograde. Bulgaria, where he
has been Joined by Premier Petroff. The
Prince is expected to remain there for
some time.
Turlcey Provides a Land Tax on Entire
Population Over Eighteen.
SOFIA, Sept. 1. The government has
imposed a personal or land tax on the
entire population of the empire over the
age of 18. The tax Is only for the classes,
and ranges from about 80 cents to $85
each annually. This Is regarded as being
in the nature of a provision for war.
The Porte has sent a memorandum to
the Austrian and Russian Ambassadors
here, pointing out that at the recent mass
meeting of Macedonians In Sofia, Bulgaria,
it was decided to send fresh bands
into Macedonia, and also calling attention
to the fact that committees in Bulgaria
were supplying the insurgents with
arms and ammunition by means of ships,
which land their cargoes on the coast in
the vicinity of Iniada.
Consular dispatches from Pristina, near
the Servian frontier, confirm the reports
that nearly all the Christian villages In
the districts of Dibra, 51 miles from
Monastlr, and Ciccvo have been pillaged
and burned, and that the Inhabitants have
fled. It is not stated whether Albanians
or Bulgarians were the perpetrators of
the outrages.
In spite of the apparent gravity of the
general situation, optimism prevails in
Turkish official circles.
Official reports say that 200 insurgents
were killed or wounded during the fight
ing which occurred last week in the
Vilayet of Monastlr.
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i hope they went for a reprisal & caught the culprits.Otherwise the macedonians have been weak as piss since 1897.Macedonians enough is enough should not put up with the scurge of albanism.The ohrid agreement should be null & void & we want macedonia for the macedonians.The alabanians have proved time again they can't be trusted to live side by side.
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