Originally posted by Philosopher
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Originally posted by Philosopher
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I don't think we can separate politics from anything to do with Macedonian-Greek relations. The circumstances they have put us into over the past two decades (and probably the last century) preclude this in any practical sense I think.
When a Greek uses the term 'Macedonia(n)' he does so with ethno-political connotations - he usurps the word and changes its substance from Macedonian to Greek. To use the term 'Greek Macedonia', given our circumstances, is to denote "Greekness" in an ethno-historic sense or Greek "ownership" over not only the name, but the territory, its people, history, culture etc.
I don't think we can or should allow that and we should make it clear that we do not condone that sort of usage of what is our name. We can do that by making the effort to call it Greek occupied Macedonia, Aegean Macedonia or words to the effect that show Macedonia and all things Macedonia as separate from Greece and all things Greek. To allow such terminology as 'Greek Macedonia' enter the lexicon is to effectively accept their definition of what that means - a territory, people and history that is Greek.