Brian's Corner

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  • Brian
    • Oct 2011
    • 1130

    I often wonder why some people say they don't understand my posts and then I read things like makedonche's posts
    "Greece is ready to explode"
    Interesting article, please read both pages in full:,1518,614268,00.html,1518,614268-2,00.html

    and then think, "Oh yeah, that's why."

    The biggest bank robbery in history is happening every day - by the banks themselves.

    Rather than start to write my posts in crayons for people to understand there's this video of a 12 year old Canadian explaining it in a way 12 year olds can understand. I hope people finally get it because if the people wanting to help RoM can't get this then there's nothing to help RoM.

    12 year old spells out the fraud the banks are committing against the people.Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in d...
    Last edited by Brian; 05-20-2012, 10:39 PM.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Originally posted by lavce pelagonski View Post
      Is this thread about the five murdered boys or Brians ID, SOM put all their posts in Brians corner.
      I have just moved them all here.

      Brian's "corner" will be reviewed over the next few days to determine its relevance to our forum and the Macedonian Cause. There is so much information that is seemingly irrelevant to our purpose, our people, our politics and our history, that it may end up being locked just like the wierd thread of Dedanoe.

      Brian, like I told you on another thread, you need to slow it down. Take this good advice. I know you're capable of it. Don't let your emotional and impulsive outbursts lead to a firmer reaction on our part. You need to be more consistently relevant, and you're posts need to be more compact. At the moment most of your responses appear as rants, if there are good points made by yourself they are buried under those rants. It's up to you what happen from here.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Brian
        • Oct 2011
        • 1130

        Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
        I have just moved them all here.
        You should have just deleted the 'argument' posts of everyone, but no matter.

        Brian's "corner" will be reviewed over the next few days to determine its relevance to our forum and the Macedonian Cause. There is so much information that is seemingly irrelevant to our purpose, our people, our politics and our history,
        LOL. Is this going to be the first time you're going to be watching all the videos posted - there's a lot of information, I'm sure you will enjoy it.

        Wider issues affect the Macedonian diaspora but do/will affect RoM also. If you limit the scope to RoM and the occupied parts then the value of the posts may not be immediately apparent. Then there were a few 'fun' posts like eg the "facebook" IPO ect which even this in my view is relavant but stretching it a bit hence the small size.

        that it may end up being locked just like the wierd thread of Dedanoe.
        I really don't care if you do decide to lock the thread because despite near 17000 reads since only the eve of 31 Oct 2011 noone has responded (which would have been good) - consumer journalism? crikey even they get 'letters to the editor'.

        In light of the lack of repose to "Brian's Corner" which encompasses a wider topic and needs more time I'll be concentrating my 2c worth on the Macedonian threads but would suggest maybe leaving it open for anyone else (or maybe me - 'conspiracy of the month' posts) to drop in a conspiracy or two instead of starting new threads, but that's up to you.

        Brian, like I told you on another thread, you need to slow it down. Take this good advice. I know you're capable of it.
        I intend to - I have more things to do now and will have less time to post. And no makedonche ('I need a week off to respond') it's not my job but extracurricular activities, after all it is 2012 and there's a killer end of year party to plan for.

        Don't let your emotional and impulsive outbursts
        Work is one set of standards - you wouldn't recognise me - socially it's a whole load of other rules before culminating in 'suffer no fools'. Looking back at my posts I was leaning more to the tail end of those rules, but like I said we all need to be careful what we say and how we say it because a lot of the world has the internet and they could be watching and if we care about what image we portray of Macedonians we need to think more before we post - both antagonists and responders.

        lead to a firmer reaction on our part. You need to be more consistently relevant, and you're posts need to be more compact. At the moment most of your responses appear as rants, if there are good points made by yourself they are buried under those rants. It's up to you what happen from here.
        Read above.

        Seeing your going to do a review of "Brian's Corner" I thought I would review it myself and state my case.

        Before I get into the review let me say I am surprised that you could think to mention"Brian's Corner" in the same sentence as DedoNoa's posts - I couldn't understand one thing he said and I doubt anyone but he could.

        The Review

        As stated in Post001 I came in because of the "Occupy" movement thread which, by the way, was not started by me. Although I was a reader of the MTO for some time I was reluctant to join because of some similarities in my views/opinions with that of OziMak (conspiracies/racist/pro guns/pro death penalty ect.) and seeing how he was treated lead me to think I would be presumed to be him, attacked for it, and booted out - was it going to be worth it? I had to weigh this up with how strongly I felt about the "Occupy" movement and associated matters and it's significant's to our generation/times. I also tried to take into account the fact that the movement had been going on for about 2 months before someone posted about it - maybe noone was interested in it anyway (how strange?).

        Having decided to have a go I expected some resistance because of the 'OziMak thing' but nowhere as much as what was encountered.

        The "Occupy" movement was preceded by the "Occupy the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank)" movement which although it didn't get as much attention may have actually spawned the "Occupy" movement. Both relate to the 2008 economic crisis which affected the world but we Macedonians in the diaspora need to concern ourselves with it because we will have to pay for it via our increased taxes, interest rates, utility/power bills, reduced social benefits/health services, and pensions/superannuation payouts and jobs, oh yeah, and the 'green taxes' (01 July 2012) - absolute rip-off, there's no such thing as 'global warming'. What's really sad about this is that we will have to go through this difficulty for the most ludicrous reasons. This is all most significant for anyone of our time. Exposing and discussing those reasons seamed pertinent as we in the diaspora have a greater chance of doing anything about it even though it will also affect RoM.

        eg from July we are getting the same defunct scanners at Australian airports as they have in the USA so the TSA and dangerous radiation post will appear more relevant to you then.

        But, always the conspiracy theorist, I'll say one more conspiracy before this thread is possibly closed - think of what the significance of Tishri 14 is? I'll leave you to research it, and no, like everything else at "Brian's Corner" it's nothing to do with aliens so no 'Giorgio' "I don't understand the question - but the answer is aliens".


        • makedonche
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2008
          • 3242

          World English Dictionary
          narcissism or narcism (ˈnɑːsɪˌsɪzəm, ˈnɑːˌsɪzəm)

          — n
          1. an exceptional interest in or admiration for oneself, esp one's physical appearance
          2. sexual satisfaction derived from contemplation of one's own physical or mental endowments

          [C19: from Narcissus ]

          narcism or narcism

          — n

          [C19: from Narcissus ]

          'narcissist or narcism

          — n

          narcis'sistic or narcism

          — adj
          On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


          • Brian
            • Oct 2011
            • 1130

            Originally posted by makedonche View Post
            World English Dictionary
            narcissism or narcism (ˈnɑːsɪˌsɪzəm, ˈnɑːˌsɪzəm)

            — n
            1. an exceptional interest in or admiration for oneself, esp one's physical appearance
            2. sexual satisfaction derived from contemplation of one's own physical or mental endowments
            Yes YOU would need a dictionary for that word - small minds preoccupy themselves with small things as children so you already know Dickhead but I think you might need different 'book' for that one to give you sexual satisfaction.

            There was nothing wrong with any of my posts including the ones berating you over your idiocy. I'm sure Voltron and his buddies had a great laugh while you humiliated yourself by first talking about nukes showing you had no idea about what his point was and then by showing your child like mind disconnect with the realities of life by talking of some idyllic utopian way of dealing with being overrun by hoards - yes everyone loves everyone in the world - and then by giving this 'hippie love' utopian moral code the name "makedonche's law" - if that's not narcissism what is?LOL.

            It's one thing to be humiliated by someone else but totally worse to humiliate yourself without the other guy even trying and then just to add to your humiliation by being be so oblivious to it you proudly name it after yourself! No wonder the Greeks call Macedonians Monkeydonians, they must have heard of "makedonche's law".

            Don't think that my saying it is better to take such discussions aside from public viewing in order to present a better image of Macedonians means I conceded anything, but the idiot that you are it is exactly how you took it and went on the attack defending your humiliating position! Then you get so worked up by my not replying to your stupid attack - I've got him on the run now, gotta pump harder - you follow me here to try and get your (sexual?LOL.) satisfaction. When you reread your posts you will realise your 'satisfaction' hit you right in your eye.


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              Remember Sigmund Freud who said that it's all to do with SEX.

              FREUD's Theory of Psychosexual Development

              According to Freud, people enter the world as unbridled pleasure seekers. Specifically, people seek pleasure through from a series of erogenous zones. These erogenous zones are only part of the story, as the social relations learned when focussed on each of the zones is also important. Freud's theory of development has 2 primary ideas: One, everything you become is determined by your first few years - indeed, the adult is exculsively determined by the child's experiences, because whatever actions occur in adulthood are based on a blueprint laid down in the earliest years of life (childhood solutions to problems are perpetuated) Two, the story of development is the story of how to handle anti-social inpulses in socially acceptable ways

              Libido was Freud's word for psychic and sexual energy. How libido is expressed depends on the stage of development. But in each stage of development there are frustrations. If those frustrations are not successfully dealt with, then the libido will be tied to that stage of development more than it should. There is only so much libido for each person, and to develop successfully a person cannot use too much of their libido in one stage, because then there will less for the others. Such overuses will be reflected in later behavior in one of two ways.

              Fixation may occur, which would mean that there are lingering desires for pleasure from the source experienced at that stage

              Reaction Formation may occur, which would be taking the lingering desire for pleasure from some source and acting in the opposite way

              Stages of Development

              Freud proposed that there were 5 stages of development. Freud believed that few people successfully completed all 5 of the stages. Instead, he felt that most people tied up their libido at one of the stages, which prevented them from using that energy at a later stage.

              ORAL Stage This occurs from birth to about 1 year, and the libido is focussed on the mouth. The individual may be frustrated by having to wait on another person, being dependent on another person. Being fixated at this stage may mean an excessive use of oral stimulation, such as cigarettes, drinking or eating.

              ANAL Stage This period occurs about age 2 and 3 yrs. Here individuals have their first encounter with rules and regulations, as they have to learn to be toilet trained. This encounter with rules and regulations will dictate the later behavior with rules and regulations. The libido is focussed anally, and frustration may arise from having to learn a somewhat complex cognitive and motor response. Being fixated at this stage can result in stinginess, stubborness, or orderliness, as well as messiness. Essentially, behavior related to retention and expulsion may be related to experiences at this stage.

              PHALLIC Stage This period starts about age 4-5 years. Some critical episodes for development occur during this stage, but these episodes occur differently for boys and girls.

              Oedipus conflict - the boy begins to have sexual desires for his mother, and sees his father as a rival for her affections. The boy begins to fear that his father is suspicious of his longing for his mother, and that the father will punish him for his desires. That punishment, the boy fears, will be castratation, which brings us to the second critical episode for this stage.

              Castration anxiety. The fear of castration make the boy anxious. This anxiety begun with the fear of punishment from the father leads to the boy thinking that the father hates him eventually becomes unbearable and the boy renounces his sexual feelings for his mother and chooses instead to identify with his father, and hopes to someday have a relationship with a woman (though not his mother) just like dear old dad has with his mother.

              The story for girls is slightly different. The oral and anal stages are the same for both girls and boys, so the focus of affection and attention is on the mother for both. But this focus changes, for girls, from the mother to the father, when the girls realize that they don't have penises, so they develop penis envy. This realization coupled with the knowledge that her mother doesn't have a penis leads to her thinking her mother unworthy, and becoming attracted to her father, as he does have a penis.
              Just as with boys, girls begin to suspect the same sex parent knows about their attraction to the opposite sex parent, and they hate them for it. These feelings go round and round for awhile until the point when the girls renounce their feelings for their fathers and identify with their mothers.

              LATENCY Stage This period occurs after the oedipus conflict has been resolved and the feelings that were aroused during that time have subsided. This lasts from about the age of 7 until puberty, and this is a period of rest where there are no developmental events

              GENITAL Stage Begins at puberty involves the development of the genitals, and libido begins to be used in its sexual role. However, those feelings for the opposite sex are a source of anxiety, because they are reminders of the feelings for the parents and the trauma that resulted from all that.
              Evaluation of Freud's psychosexual development theory

              Four points:

              difficult to test, but the evidence that has been gathered is not favourable

              the crucial events (e.g., how the libido is used) are unobservable, and there are no good means to measure them

              there is an awfully long time between the occurence of the causal stimulus and its presumed effect; relationships between early events and later traits tend to be weak and inconsistent

              this theory of development was conceived without studying children; rather, it was developed from patients' recollections, dreams and free associations

              Freud's theory focusses on sex and aggression. During the time period Freud lived in, sex and sexual ideas did not make for socially acceptable topics for dinner conversations, or most any other sort of conversations. Thus, those ideas were unspoken, because they were socially unacceptable.

              Recently, James Pennebaker has done some studies in which people tell negative secrets to the experimenter - in confidence and with confidentiality, in a set similar to a Catholic confessional - and Pennebaker takes various measures of their well being. He finds that a few months later, people who tell the negative secrets have higher levels of well being than people who did not reveal any negative secrets. One measure is the number of trips to the university medical office to be treated for illness.

              Let me suggest that Pennebaker's results - that confessing negative secrets leads to higher well being - relates to Freud's work by illustrating that people who release some socially unacceptable thought/belief/action feel better as a result. This suggests that Freud may have been correct about "psychic energy" being tied up in negative things, although the exact content of those thing may not be sex and aggression. Thus, Freud may have correctly identified an important aspect of well being - the notion that unspoken thoughts can influence our behavior - but the identifying the content of the thoughts as exclusively sexual and aggressive may be incorrect.
              Freud's structure for the personality

              The structure of personality involves three parts: the id, the ego, and the super-ego.

              The id contains the drives that people have. These are the drives for pleasure. If humans have instincts, this is where they are. The id wants its wishes immediately and directly fulfilled. The id is governed by the pleasure principle, which suggests that all processes operate to achieve the maximum amount of pleasure. Also, the id is almost completely unconscious.

              The superego contains all of the moral lessons the person has learned in their life. This is the internalized voice of authority. Freud suggested that usually the moral lessons a person has in their superego were learned from their parents, although as the person gets older the lessons may be learned from others as well. Our conscience is in the superego. This is also where we have a notion of what our ideal person is. The superego is also partially unconscious.

              The ego is the mediator between the id and the superego. The ego tries to reconcile the wishes of the id, and the moral attitudes of the superego. That reconciliation may entail that the ego postpone the immediate gratification demanded by the id for later, and greater, gratification. The ego is in touch with reality, and may do reality testing, which is thinking about what the best course of action is to attain goals of the id and superego. The ego is governed by the reality principle, which suggests that the person gets as much satisfaction from the world as possible. Finally, the ego is the conscious mind.
              Ego Defense Mechanisms

              Freud suggested there were habits of thought that people use to protect their minds from anxiety. Some of the important defense mechanisms are:

              Repression: keeps anxiety arousing thoughts out of consciousness. Repression may be voluntary or involuntary. There is clinical evidence for repression in cases of multiple personality disorder, where one persona does not have access to another persona. Some suggestions have been made that multiple personalities develop because a person experiences bad events and deals with those events by creating another persona that has not suffered them.
              Also, post-traumatic disorders, such a shell-shock, suggest that person have experiences that they have not completely thought out, and would prefer not to completely think out. So, those experiences are repressed, or pushed out of the person's consciousness.

              Identification: occurs when the person symbolically represents themself with (in) another person. The person then models their behavior on that other person's behavior.

              Projection: a person attributes their own threatening or worrisome traits/impulses to another person, so as to ignore or overlook those traits/impulses in themself.

              Rationalization Attribute to oneself a noble motive for an action rather than the real motive that is not so noble. I gave money to the charity because I am a generous person, rather than thinking I gave money to the charity, because they will list my name as one of the doners, and I will get a tax deduction for my contribution.
              Last edited by George S.; 05-22-2012, 03:24 AM. Reason: ed
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • EgejskaMakedonia
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2010
                • 1665

                How old are you Brian? I've noticed you bring up your age in comparison to others quite often. I'm going to guess 24.

                EgejskaMakedonia's theory is that if this song was a part of your childhood then you're a 90s kid, so max of 22 years.

                Pokémon Theme Song - YouTube



                • Phoenix
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4671

                  Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View Post
                  How old are you Brian?...
                  Human or dog years...?


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    Hey phoenix if it was dog years don't you think he should've carked it by now??
                    Or how about alien years in term of light years !
                    Last edited by George S.; 05-22-2012, 08:08 AM. Reason: ed
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • makedonche
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 3242

                      Originally posted by Brian View Post
                      Yes YOU would need a dictionary for that word - small minds preoccupy themselves with small things as children so you already know Dickhead but I think you might need different 'book' for that one to give you sexual satisfaction.

                      There was nothing wrong with any of my posts including the ones berating you over your idiocy. I'm sure Voltron and his buddies had a great laugh while you humiliated yourself by first talking about nukes showing you had no idea about what his point was and then by showing your child like mind disconnect with the realities of life by talking of some idyllic utopian way of dealing with being overrun by hoards - yes everyone loves everyone in the world - and then by giving this 'hippie love' utopian moral code the name "makedonche's law" - if that's not narcissism what is?LOL.

                      It's one thing to be humiliated by someone else but totally worse to humiliate yourself without the other guy even trying and then just to add to your humiliation by being be so oblivious to it you proudly name it after yourself! No wonder the Greeks call Macedonians Monkeydonians, they must have heard of "makedonche's law".

                      Don't think that my saying it is better to take such discussions aside from public viewing in order to present a better image of Macedonians means I conceded anything, but the idiot that you are it is exactly how you took it and went on the attack defending your humiliating position! Then you get so worked up by my not replying to your stupid attack - I've got him on the run now, gotta pump harder - you follow me here to try and get your (sexual?LOL.) satisfaction. When you reread your posts you will realise your 'satisfaction' hit you right in your eye.
                      Thanks for proving me right with your response!
                      The narcissim definition was put on here because this is where all the other bullshit gets dumped, and like a typical mental deficient that you are you decided to make a big story out of it, this is where you fall down, you are so easy to bait and get a ranting irrelevant response from it's almost comical!
                      As for Voltron, do you see him claiming any victories? or taking the discussion further? Now you are really demonstrating your mental retardedness when you rave on about irrelevant matters not pertaining to the point - the point was to show Voltron the error of his thinking in advocating the use of weapons of war in peacetime, when there are are methods available and for the greeks to come up with these other methods instead of waiting for someone else to solve their problems for them - that's the 3-4th time Iv'e had to explain it to you and you still don't get it, yet you go ranting on about humiliation, loss, victory, the greeks laughing - and any other fantasy that pops into your deluded head!
                      You're right I did follow you here, just to prove what a wanker you really are - better still, to give you enough latitude and bait you into proving it for me! What you don't seem to get is that people are baiting you everywhere and like the dumb sucker you are, you keep falling for it and responding exactly how people know you will!
                      When you reread your posts you will realise your 'satisfaction' hit you right in your eye.[/
                      This was a real beauty, how long did take you to come up with this little gem? When I re-read all my posts I see exactly what I intended to say and do- when you read them you go off in your own little fantasy world about irrelevant bullshit that has nothing to do with what was written, so yes my satisfaction hit me right in my eye- whatever the fuck that's supposed to insinuate? Time for you to get a grip on reality and loosen the grip on your other part!
                      On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                      • Vangelovski
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 8532


                        Pull your head in - you're being a complete w*nker (even more than usual).
                        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                        • Brian
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1130

                          Originally posted by makedonche View Post
                          Thanks for proving me right with your response!
                          The narcissim definition was put on here because this is where all the other bullshit gets dumped,
                          Really? So you expect us to believe the ONLY reason you put that definition here is "because this is where all the other bullshit gets dumped"?

                          and like a typical mental deficient that you are you decided to make a big story out of it,
                          How F'ing dumb do you think people are you little snot!!!

                          Do you think you might have put it here to say I am a Narcissist without using my name ie by implication???????

                          It's like you walking up to me looking straight at me and saying the word dickhead.
                          Then when I ask, "why did you call me a dickhead?", you reply, "I didn't call you a dickhead, noone can say they heard me say 'Brian is a dickhead'. This outside area is the only place where we're allowed to swear so I swore, but now I will call you a dickhead because you thought I called you a dickhead.

                          And in this situation, with you standing right in front of me looking at me and saying just the word dickhead, you fully expect me to believe you didn't call me a dickhead and be Ok with it?

                          If this were in the real world I would punch you in the face first for giving me an idiot answer like that (how F'ing dumb do you think people are) and THEN a punch in the face again for calling me a dickhead!

                          this is where you fall down, you are so easy to bait and get a ranting irrelevant response from
                          What a wonderful situation you want where you can say anything to anyone and they better not respond to you (ie just cop it) or you win because you can "bait" them, how smart are you. Really? Do you even listen to yourself?

                          it's almost comical!
                          Really? If it's such a laugh why don't you go up to an able bodied stranger about your age and look straight at them and JUST say the word dickhead and see what reaction you get. Then you can come back hare and post what happened. I'm sure all of us will find it most "comical". Go on, give it a try, what have you to loose, it's comical remember?

                          As for Voltron, do you see him claiming any victories? or taking the discussion further?
                          He doesn't need to. How many people on the MTO have you seen post a subsequent boast - 'yeah, I won'. Oh, maybe none, do you think? He can just have a good laugh and show his buddies how monkeydonian you are. You should be ashamed.

                          Now you are really demonstrating your mental retardedness when you rave on about irrelevant matters not pertaining to the point - the point was to show Voltron the error of his thinking in advocating the use of weapons of war in peacetime, when there are are methods available and for the greeks to come up with these other methods instead of waiting for someone else to solve their problems for them
                          That's the point you dickhead - there are NO OTHER METHODS apart from
                          1. Pass them on to the rest of the EU to which every other EU country has already said they don't want them and expect Greece to process them. Greece doesn't know what to do with them - there's overcrowding, street crime, and a sense of being overwhelmed.
                          Some refugees have been in Greece 5 - 10 years WTF is Greece supposed to do with them?

                          Greece: A Harsh Welcome to Europe
                          Mojahed has finally arrived in Greece after a long, perilous journey from his home in Darfur, Sudan. But conditions in Patras are dire.

                          Greece: Asylum-Seekers
                          Greece, buffeted by an economic crisis, is struggling to deal with a significant influx of migrants and asylum-seekers.

                          Greek Gateway to Nowhere
                          Asylum-seekers see Greece as a gateway to Europe, but the reality is quite different.

                          The Long Wait
                          Every week dozens of foreigners queue for hours outside an Athens police building hoping for a chance to apply for asylum.

                          2. Greece gathers them up and pays air/sea trips back to where they came from - can you imagine the outcry from idiot bleeding-heart pricks like you, "you can't send them back to Afghanistan and Iraq!".
                          So what does your F'ed in the head 'makedonce's law' say to do with them? - hang on to them and every extra one that comes every month until there's so many they want "minority rights"? Just look at the FUN RoM is having with 'minority rights'.

                          3. Ask very nicely so people stop coming? (makedonce's law?)

                          4. Block the borders and put up mine fields to stop them coming and then it becomes someone else's problem eg Turkey which in turn would probably do the same and so on.

                          - that's the 3-4th time Iv'e had to explain it to you and you still don't get it,
                          Do you get it????

                          You mean the 3rd or 4th time you've shown you're a dickhead whose lost touch with reality - there's Billions wanting to come over, we don't need nor want them nor can help them! Stay away!

                          yet you go ranting on about humiliation, loss, victory, the
                          To show you're a total dickhead who's lost all touch with reality and lives in a hippie drugged out haze of 'everyone should love everyone' is humiliating to you. To then brand your drug induced 'love plan' "makedonce's law" makes it doubly humiliating for you. Get it now? - probably not.

                          Your lunacy indirectly reflects badly on all Macedonians.

                          greeks laughing
                          Yeah I would laugh at you too.

                          - and any other fantasy that pops into your deluded head!
                          You're the one that's deluded thinking that we can help everyone and that we are obliged to help everyone.

                          You're right I did follow you here, just to prove what a wanker you really are - better still, to give you enough latitude and bait you into proving it for me! What you don't seem to get is that people are baiting you everywhere and like the dumb sucker you are, you keep falling for it and responding exactly how people know you will!
                          The fact that you say "baiting" says you supposedly know what you're doing. I've called you dickhead a number of times in this post, maybe according to your thinking you should just cop it and not respond just in case I'm baiting you. Yeah let's make that the new rule from now on - I'll keep saying any crap I think of about you and let's see you just never respond - sound good to you dickhead???? Can you see what's wrong with your thinking?

                          This was a real beauty, how long did take you to come up with this little gem?

                          When I re-read all my posts I see exactly what I intended to say and do-
                          You're still showing you've lost touch with reality both in your F'ed ideas you post and brand and how you expect people to react. Like I said earlier go find an able bodied person about your age and try looking at them and JUST say the word dickhead and see how they respond - the "makedonche's law" 'lovey dovey' or otherwise. Go on give it a try.

                          when you read them you go off in your own little fantasy world about irrelevant bullshit that has nothing to do with what was written, so yes my satisfaction hit me right in my eye- whatever the fuck that's supposed to insinuate?
                          Yes your poor comprehension skills are noted.
                          It means...
                          Time for you to get a grip on reality and loosen the grip on your other part!
                          Last edited by Brian; 05-23-2012, 11:41 AM.


                          • Brian
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1130

                            Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post

                            Pull your head in - you're being a complete w*nker (even more than usual).
                            So his idiot expectations are Ok?

                            You're right I did follow you here, just to prove what a wanker you really are - better still, to give you enough latitude and bait you into proving it for me! What you don't seem to get is that people are baiting you everywhere and like the dumb sucker you are, you keep falling for it and responding exactly how people know you will!
                            The fact that you say "baiting" says you supposedly know what you're doing. I've called you dickhead a number of times in this post, maybe according to your thinking you should just cop it and not respond just in case I'm baiting you. Yeah let's make that the new rule from now on - I'll keep saying any crap I think of about you and let's see you just never respond - sound good to you dickhead???? Can you see what's wrong with your thinking?

                            this is where you fall down, you are so easy to bait and get a ranting irrelevant response from
                            What a wonderful situation you want where you can say anything to anyone and they better not respond to you (ie just cop it) or you win because you can "bait" them, how smart are you. Really? Do you even listen to yourself?
                            So as a mod instead of insisting on basic common sense, civility and respect are "some animals...more equal than others"? (George Orwell, 'Animal Farm') and one side get's to "pull-their-head-in" no matter what is said to them?

                            How does that ranking order work - who's sleeping with who?
                            Last edited by Brian; 05-23-2012, 11:53 AM.


                            • Brian
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1130

                              Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View Post
                              How old are you Brian?
                              When I was born I was too small at the time to remember.

                              I've noticed you bring up your age in comparison to others quite often.
                              Only about 3 time in total when a member's response has reminded me of speaking with some older Macedonians who hold the belief they are ALWAYS right no matter how much verifiable proof you show them and I don't know how to get through.

                              Since a long time ago I've given up on dealing with older Macedonians - they either get it the first time or 'don't worry about it'.

                              I'm going to guess 24.
                              I'd be near death's door if I was.


                              • Brian
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 1130

                                Originally posted by George S. View Post
                                Remember Sigmund Freud who said that it's all to do with SEX.

                                FREUD's Theory of Psychosexual Development
                                I really don't get Freud, George S.. I think I heard some of his theories have been debunked. In any event Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, was a NWO nut-job who says he used Freud's theories to build on himself to create the modern field of public relations and advertising.

