yeah its not too late to pull out of the name negotiations,It's not too late to reclaim our macedonian sun flag.It;s not too late to tell the albanians to behave.Macedonian govt must realize before it become too late the should ACT & fix things for the better.
Albanianization in Macedonia
This is a sticky topic.
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
It definitely isn't too late, but it needs all Macedonians to act as one. But I fear time will never fix a slave mentality. It would be an interesting experiment if we weren't Macedonians watching from the sidelines.
If any typical moron says "come to Macedonia and show us how its done big man", I would say that I would have no chance because Macedonians who care about their nation and identity never receive support in Macedonia. The people need to rise and demand the changes that Macedonia needs. 1.6 million people can do it overnight.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
It's by the people for the people.People power pure & simple."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Kosovo Instigate Albanians in Macedonia -- Jaferi
Macedonian Vice-President Musa Jaferi sated that Kosovo’s politicians instigate Albanians in Macedonia, online news edition Kirilica announced Monday.
Jaferi has called the politicians to deal North Kosovo and internal issues rather than instigate Albanians in Macedonia. Kosovo’s MPs commented they are unaware who Musa Jaferi has in mind, but all of them back the Ochrid Framework Agreement.
Originally posted by ProMKD View PostIf you think it's too late for anything, then just go kill yourself. What's the point of life if you're not going to try, especially for your own homeland??
Maybe it was a over kill to say "its too late", maybe a better calculation would be 40+ years to get to the same level as countries like Slovenia, Hungary and maybe include Croatia.
FYI in the 80's and early 90's we had countries like romania, bulgaria, albania, hungary, kosovo, montenegroe and bosnia look at macedonia with envy. Most of these countries have over taken macedonia in almost every aspect.
Today macedonia is lumped with chumps like Kosovo,Bosnia and Moldova, the "failed states" of Europe. Even backwards albania has just over taken macedonia.
Its going to be BIG task for macedonia to become the "best country" in the balkans(or one of them), and it needs to start with macedonians changing their mentality and getting with it. But i am concerned when i see macedonians embracing the ventilator like dupes or protesting with shiptars about "police brutality" against shiptar drug dealers.
Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
Kosovo Instigate Albanians in Macedonia -- Jaferi
Macedonian Vice-President Musa Jaferi sated that Kosovo’s politicians instigate Albanians in Macedonia, online news edition Kirilica announced Monday.
Jaferi has called the politicians to deal North Kosovo and internal issues rather than instigate Albanians in Macedonia. Kosovo’s MPs commented they are unaware who Musa Jaferi has in mind, but all of them back the Ochrid Framework Agreement.
What are they actually trying to say?Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
The problem is greater then it looks in Tetovo, where-does one begin to express his disgust as i have now spent nearly 2 months in Tetovo.
Albanization / Islam is expanding with disgust, as mosques are being built almost everywhere. It seems as though, the government can no longer support the Macedonians because the Albanians *have total control of the western region.
Macedonians in Tetovo need major support as there is a major discrepancy in living standards*
- waste management where majority of the Macedonians live are neglected. (over flowing bins in every corner, deliberate disposing of massive waste is noticeable around the areas of Macedonian churches & cemetery's.)
-cafes owned by albanians are some how like rich New York standards which are overwhelmed with young speaking albanians. The macedonian cafes can be located in isolated streets or first floors of communist block apartments.
- the fashion standard is also noticeable (where do they come up with the money)
They buy land and build a new mosque right in the middle of where people are living. ( i wake up to the sound of islam at 4am every day of the week) They don't care if it is a Macedonian area. They*build in the most public places -- in full sight, in the middle of the busy areas - as if they are stamping their authority on a place."
Albanisation*is gaining ground because we are not in a position to offer people physical help, We hardly have the funds for our own credit needs and certainly cannot match the sort of money coming in for the development of albanisation.
P.S - dpmne can go to hell for neglecting the Macedonians in Tetovo.We make war that we may live in peace.
Денот на албанското знаме нема да се слави како државен празник
Собранието на Република Македонија по неклкудневна расправа денеска ја донесе Програмата за одбележување значајни настани и личности за 2012 година.
Стогодишнината од албанското знаме нема да се слави како државен празник и неговиот ден нема да се одбележува ниту од министерствата, ниту од Собранието на Република Македонија. Во Програмата стои дека 100-годишнината од албанското знаме ќе биде одбележана со свечена академија на Институтот за духовно наследство на Албанците.Jас не познавам друг народ кој повеќе страдал од предавствата на своите синови - изроди како македонскиот
Гоце Делчев
aлбанското знаме ќе се слави со државни пари
As if it wasn't bad enough that we gave up our own symbol, now Macedonia will be paying for the celebration of a foreign symbol. Although it has not been granted the status of a national holiday, it is bad enough that the state will be paying for the celebrations as if it was a national holiday.
Niko that's ridiculous if that's the case why not celebrate the other minorities day.It's the stupidest thing.This takes the cake."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by George S. View PostNiko that's ridiculous if that's the case why not celebrate the other minorities day.It's the stupidest thing.This takes the cake.
The problem is greater then it looks in Tetovo, where-does one begin to express his disgust as i have now spent nearly 2 months in Tetovo.
Albanization / Islam is expanding with disgust, as mosques are being built almost everywhere. It seems as though, the government can no longer support the Macedonians because the Albanians *have total control of the western region.
Macedonians in Tetovo need major support as there is a major discrepancy in living standards*
- waste management where majority of the Macedonians live are neglected. (over flowing bins in every corner, deliberate disposing of massive waste is noticeable around the areas of Macedonian churches & cemetery's.)
-cafes owned by albanians are some how like rich New York standards which are overwhelmed with young speaking albanians. The macedonian cafes can be located in isolated streets or first floors of communist block apartments.
- the fashion standard is also noticeable (where do they come up with the money)
They buy land and build a new mosque right in the middle of where people are living. ( i wake up to the sound of islam at 4am every day of the week) They don't care if it is a Macedonian area. They*build in the most public places -- in full sight, in the middle of the busy areas - as if they are stamping their authority on a place."
Albanisation*is gaining ground because we are not in a position to offer people physical help, We hardly have the funds for our own credit needs and certainly cannot match the sort of money coming in for the development of albanisation.
P.S - dpmne can go to hell for neglecting the Macedonians in Tetovo.
enclosed a german text which confirms what you have experienced!
Is Macedonia the new Kosovo!
Indem man ihre Dominanz entlang der Grenzen zu Albanien und dem Kosovo gesichert hatte, ist der gegenwärtige Hauptvorstoß des albanischen ethno-religiösen Anspruchs die Hauptstadt des Landes als wichtigstes Ziel. Es ist heute eine wenig bekannte Tatsache, dass Skopje faktisch eine geteilte Stadt ist, so wie Nikosia oder Jerusalem. Wenn ein Stadtviertel einmal von Albanern dominiert wird, verlässt die slawische nicht-muslimische Bevölkerung ihn schnellstens.
Die im Laufe der Zeit bewährte Technik besteht darin, eine Moschee in einer gemischten Gegend zu bauen, fünf Mal am Tag Gebetsrufe in voller Lautstärke zu versenden und den Eindruck einer sichtbaren und hörbaren Dominanz zu erschaffen, die die Nicht-Muslime einschüchtert (die Ortsansässigen nennen es „akustische Säuberung“).
While they had secured their dominance along the borders with Albania and Kosovo, the main thrust of the current Albanian ethno-religious claim as the capital of the country's most important goal. Today it is a little known fact that Skopje is in fact a divided city, as Nicosia or Jerusalem. If a district once dominated by Albanians, leaving the non-Slavic Muslim population it soon.
The over time proven technique is to build a mosque in a mixed neighborhood, send to five times daily prayer calls at full volume and create the impression of a visible and audible dominance, which call to intimidate non-Muslims (the locals it "acoustic cleansing").
Originally posted by ar_makedon armageddon View PostRaising Self-awarness, and heavly interacting with macedonians in village areas of Tetovo. Im in seek of finding out the truth behind the conflict of
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