Macedonian National Anthem

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  • aleksandrov
    Originally posted by aleksandrov View Post
    For the record, the anthem that the Macedonian partizans used in World War II was "Izgrej Zora na Slobodata (Svobodata)". That was the official anthem used at the first Antifascist Assembly for the People's Liberation of Macedonia ('ASNOM'), on 2 August 1944 ( seeАнтифашистичко_Собрание_за_Народно_Ослободување_на _Македонија ). It was later rejected under Kolishevski's leadership, allegedly on the grounds that it was "Bulgarian", but I see nothing Bulgarian about it at all. Yes, it (or at least the version of it that we know today) was written in a pre-Koneski Macedonian dialect that seems closer to today's official Bulgarian language than the Kolishevski version of the Macedonian literary language does, but that doesn't make it any more 'Bulgarian' than the dialects used by Delchev, Gruev or even Misirkov and the Macedonians in Pirin and Egej are 'Bulgarian'.

    "Izgrej Zora" is a more appropriate anthem for a Macedonian nation that is still to be liberated. "Denes Nad Makedonija" misleadingly states that Macedonia has already been liberated i.e. that it LIVES FREE. "Izgrej Zora" is a more militant anthem, which came about as a march for a war of liberation. The true reason for its abolition may be that, after WWII, it was associated with those fighters who wanted to unify the Egej, Pirin and Vardar regions of Macedonia as a single republic (under a Balkan or Yugoslav Federation).

    Here's a modern recording of Izgrej Zora:

    YouTube - Зора на Свободата - Македонски Марш
    Here is the text in the contemporary Macedonian literary language:


    Изгреј зора на слободата
    Зора на вечната борба
    Изгреј во душите и во срцата
    На сите робови по светот!

    Тирани чудо ќе направиме
    Ние туѓо ропство не трпиме
    Со јуначка крв ќе ве удавиме
    И пак ќе се ослободиме!

    Јунаци смели пак развија
    Окрвавени знамиња
    Комити нови зашетаа
    Низ македонската земја!

    Тирани чудо ќе направиме
    Ние туѓо ропство не трпиме
    Со јуначка крв ќе ве удавиме
    И пак ќе се ослободиме!

    Ечат шуми, полиња, планини
    Од бојни песни и Ура
    Одат борците – великани
    Напред, готови за борба!

    Тирани чудо ќе направиме
    ние туѓо ропство не трпиме
    со јуначка крв ќе ве удавиме
    и пак ќе се ослободиме!

    Нас ништо веќе не ќе не исплаши
    И така живееме ден за ден
    Свети се горите наши
    Во нив слободни ќе умреме!

    Тирани чудо ќе направиме
    ние туѓо ропство не трпиме
    со јуначка крв ќе ве удавиме
    и пак ќе се ослободиме!

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  • Bill77
    i'd vote for this as a National anthem. na ke puknat Grcite

    YouTube - Suzana Spasovska - Alexandar Car Makedonski

    sory, lets get back on topic.
    Last edited by Bill77; 05-03-2010, 08:25 AM.

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  • aleksandrov
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    Prolet, in the Macedonian national anthem, there is mention made of the Krushevo Republic, but the president of that republic, Nikola Karev, is nowhere mentioned. Do you know why? Some sellout disgraces to our nation that were in power during and after WWII did their job well for the Communists....
    With respect to all the Ilinden fighters from Krushevo, I don't think it's appropriate for Krushevo or any town, village or province to be specifically mentioned in the Macedonian NATIONAL anthem, unless you mention all the towns, villages and provinces where Macedonians have taken part in an insurrection.

    For the record, the anthem that the Macedonian partizans used in World War II was "Izgrej Zora na Slobodata (Svobodata)". That was the official anthem used at the first Antifascist Assembly for the People's Liberation of Macedonia ('ASNOM'), on 2 August 1944 ( seeАнтифашистичко_Собрание_за_Народно_Ослободување_на _Македонија ). It was later rejected under Kolishevski's leadership, allegedly on the grounds that it was "Bulgarian", but I see nothing Bulgarian about it at all. Yes, it (or at least the version of it that we know today) was written in a pre-Koneski Macedonian dialect that seems closer to today's official Bulgarian language than the Kolishevski version of the Macedonian literary language does, but that doesn't make it any more 'Bulgarian' than the dialects used by Delchev, Gruev or even Misirkov and the Macedonians in Pirin and Egej are 'Bulgarian'.

    "Izgrej Zora" is a more appropriate anthem for a Macedonian nation that is still to be liberated. "Denes Nad Makedonija" misleadingly states that Macedonia has already been liberated i.e. that it LIVES FREE. "Izgrej Zora" is a more militant anthem, which came about as a march for a war of liberation. The true reason for its abolition may be that, after WWII, it was associated with those fighters who wanted to unify the Egej, Pirin and Vardar regions of Macedonia as a single republic (under a Balkan or Yugoslav Federation).

    Here's a modern recording of Izgrej Zora:

    YouTube - Зора на Свободата - Македонски Марш
    Last edited by aleksandrov; 05-03-2010, 07:51 AM.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    started a topic Macedonian National Anthem

    Macedonian National Anthem

    Prolet, in the Macedonian national anthem, there is mention made of the Krushevo Republic, but the president of that republic, Nikola Karev, is nowhere mentioned. Do you know why? Some sellout disgraces to our nation that were in power during and after WWII did their job well for the Communists.

    They should make a spomenik of Karev in attack stance with a rifle in hand, and put it up in Sveti Nikole next to that dog called Kolishevski (with the rifle obviously aimed at the latter).