"They call themselves Macedonians"

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  • Daskalot
    Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
    Life in the Grave " Strates Miriveles 1917

    „Овие се селани чиј јазик е сличен со оној на Бугарите и Србите. Тие сепак не ги сакаат првите бидејќи им ги земаа нивните деца во армија. Вторите ги мразеа поради нивниот лош третман кон нив како “Бугари“.

    Thank you for reminding us TLWR!
    It has been posted on the forum back in 2011 and with the original pages from the book.
    See here Greek author Stratis Myrivilis 1924 Makedon Ortodox

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Life in the Grave " Strates Miriveles 1917

    „Овие се селани чиј јазик е сличен со оној на Бугарите и Србите. Тие сепак не ги сакаат првите бидејќи им ги земаа нивните деца во армија. Вторите ги мразеа поради нивниот лош третман кон нив како “Бугари“.

    Google Translator:-
    These peasants whose language is similar to that of Bulgaria and Serbia. They still do not like the first because it takes their children in army . The latter hated because of their poor treatment of them as " Bulgarians " . They showed sympathy for the Greeks , because we are truly spiritual representatives of " the Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople " ( ... ) However , they say neither , Bulgari ( Bulgarians) , nor "SRRP" ( Serbs) nor Gkrrts ( Greeks ) , but only " Macedonian Orthodox " ... , - Strates Miriveles writes in the book " Life in the grave ."

    " Life in the Grave " is a war novel in which a Greek sergeant as a journalist report describes life in the trenches during the First World War . It represents one of the most successful and most widely read works of Greek . Since its publication as a book in 1923/1924 , it has sold more than 80,000 copies . Posted in almost a dozen translations, this book has a special literary beauty and more than one type of great literary power .

    In 1917, before entering the trenches , author of " Life in the Grave " Strates Miriveles was only 25 years old and still had not felt the true values of life . The trenches are becoming grave of thousands of soldiers , he daily faced with the horror of war and desperation of soldiers who do not know if it will survive tomorrow .

    Its fate in the trenches of Thessaloniki and the Macedonian Front , Strates Miriveles shares and Macedonians from Aegean Macedonia , who forcibly mobilized by the Greek army and forced to fight with their brothers , fathers or relatives who are on the other side of the front . They Miriveles in 1917 notes:

    " These are peasants whose language is similar to that of Bulgaria and Serbia. They still do not like the first because it takes their children in army . The latter hated because of their poor treatment of them as " Bulgarians " . They showed sympathy for the Greeks , because we are truly spiritual representatives of " the Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople " ( ... ) However , they say neither , Bulgari ( Bulgarians) , nor "SRRP" ( Serbs) nor Gkrrts ( Greeks ) , but only " Macedonian Orthodox " ... ,

    By modern Greek this work during the Metaxas dictatorship and the German occupation was listed censor novels . In fact in 1936 , after coming to power of fascist dictator Ioannis Metaxas for Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia , began one of the most difficult periods . Metaxas strictly prohibited the use of the Macedonian language in everyday life not only outside but also within the family . For each publicly expressed Macedonian word , regardless of where spoken followed by severe penalties . Because a violation of the prohibition on the use of the Macedonian language , more than 5,000 Macedonians were convicted and imprisoned .

    Ioannis Metaxas during the First World War as anti- monarchist was Greece's entry into the war on the Entente side . After dentronizacijata Greek king who was executed by the forces of the Entente , Greece entered the war on their side on 29 June 1917, and as undesirable person Metaxas was driven into exile on Corsica . Such an attitude , and attitude towards negatorskiot Macedonians later after coming to power in 1936 it cause the book " Life in the Grave " to the list of censored novels . The truth of the existence of Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia had to disappear .

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
    Unfortunately,the article doesn't provide the exact dates of the newspapers for verification (it just states it was in the Greek communist newspaper "Rizospastis" in November 1932).............
    Here are some articles from that newspaper which make specific reference to Macedonians, but nothing from November 1932:

    http://www.gate.net/~mango/Rizospastis.htm Letters to "Rizospastis" (Journal of the Greek Communist Party) ELECTION PROGRAM OF THE WORKERS AND PEASANTS' UNITED FRONT, August 1932. The United Front of the Workers and Peasants declares that the struggle for support of the oppressed nationalities: the

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  • DraganOfStip
    I just watched this on a national TV,Greek communists speaking of Macedonians,Macedonia and Macedonian language as well as the ordeal that our people suffered from Greeks,Serbs and Bulgarians in 1930's Greek newspapers.Unfortunately,the article doesn't provide the exact dates of the newspapers for verification (it just states it was in the Greek communist newspaper "Rizospastis" in November 1932),nor the station's webpage has the video of the article included so we can see them.In the video I could clearly see "macedonians" in Greek letters in a Greek newspaper.

    Канал 5 телевизија како една од водечките телевизиски куќи во Македонија, од 1998 година на малите екрани до гледање онлајн денес, известува за најновите вести од Македонија, регионот и светот.
    Last edited by DraganOfStip; 04-13-2013, 05:12 PM.

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  • Pelister
    Confronting the Myths of 'no Macedonians'

    Confronting the myth of 'no Macedonians'

    The Macedonians have literally disappeared from the text of mainstream Greek historiography.

    One of the myths of this historiography is the myth of "no Macedonians" before 1912 and 1913 and before 1944. The official national story argues that Macedonia was a land inhabited by various of foreign nationals, 'Greek nationals', 'Bulgarian nationals', as well as 'Slavs with no nationality', but no Macedonians. These myths have a specific origin. They can be traced to individuals and government authorities of the 19th century. These are all non-Macedonian representations of the Macedonians. [They are all made by foreign individuals in the service of a State, or by authorities with an interest in annexing Macedonian land, seizing it or keeping it.] Another feature of the national story is that it literally writes in 'Greek nationals' and 'Bulgarian nationals' where none ever existed. The history of how writers have done this, through various forms of interpretive and rhetorical mischief, is yet to be written. I would argue that the main reason for this practice is a legal, and a political one. Throughout history all aggressive invaders seeking to seize a foreign land, or exterminate a foreign people have had to come up with 'legitimacy' for their actions. This is usually in the form of a quasi judicial principle around the laws governing international relations. The Romans had to do it, the English have had to do it, the Spanish have had to do it. For example, the English seized Aboriginal land on the legal principle that it was 'uninhabited' (terra nullius). It is no different with Macedonia. The national story has bowdlerized the existence of the Macedonians, and the unprovoked attack on the Macedonian nationality in an effort to make it look as though the land was 'up for grabs'. Of course, the principle of 'no Macedonians' before 1912 and 1913 and before 1944 is a legal fiction. But it dictates how 'history' is written in New Greece.

    Dimitri Lithoxou's book, the Greek anti-Macedonian Struggle is a short but very powerful book. One read of it and we become instantly aware that much of the "history" in the English speaking world on the subject of 'Macedonia' is dominated by the colonial narratives, the foreign discourses and invasion stories of the hostile invaders. We also become aware that much of the official and mainstream Greek 'history' on the subject of Macedonia is borderline fiction.
    Last edited by Pelister; 04-07-2013, 09:11 PM.

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Again not sure if this has been posted before.?

    Извадок од книгата на хрватскиoт oпштeственик Хрвоје Магазиновиќ, "Кроз једно мучно стољече", (Сплит, 2000 г.) …

    Разговор со еден Македонец:

    Магазиновиќ го прашал Македонецот, зошто се определил за комунистите...
    - Тоа е единствена партија што ги признава Македонците како нација со свој јазик и култура и со право на своја држава... Ние сме и сме биле посебна славјанска група, а „територијалниот“ назив сме го прифатиле како народен. Народот се чувствуваат како Македонци... Огромно мнозинство се чувствуваат како Македонци. Јас сум сега Јовановиќ, ама моите родители беа Јовановски. Јас сум со комунистите, но не сум комунист по убедување. Кога ќе се оствари слободата на Македонците, јас повеќе нема да имам причина да бидам комунист

    Google Translation :-
    Excerpt from book hrvatskiot opshtestvenik Hrvoje Magazinovikj, "Inclined considered one muchno stoljeche" (Split, 2000) ...

    Chat with a Macedonian:

    Magazinovikj asked Macedonians, why chose the Communists ...
    - It is the only party that recognizes the Macedonians as a nation with its own language and culture and the right to a state ... We are and have been a separate Slavic group, and "territorial" name are accepted as popular. People feel as Macedonians ... The vast majority feel as Macedonians. I am now Jovanovic, but my parents were Jovanovski. I'm with the Communists, but I'm not a communist by conviction. When we have the freedom of the Macedonians, I no longer have a reason to be communist.

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
    Sorry tlwr I posted this same info a few pages back.
    Don't be, sorry for posting it the second time ...lol
    I tried doing a search on it, to be sure it wasn't already there and couldn't find it...
    tho sometimes it's hard to locate it, if the Author or Title of the book isn't written on text and the info just left on the webpage...

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
    He Declares that the insurgents, calling themselves “Macedonian” 1878 Solun

    Sorry tlwr I posted this same info a few pages back.

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  • makedonche
    Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
    He Declares that the insurgents, calling themselves “Macedonian” 1878 Solun

    Absolutely priceless! Well done!

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  • The LION will ROAR
    He Declares that the insurgents, calling themselves “Macedonian” 1878 Solun

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  • momce
    Very interesting. I suppose people just considered themselves Macedonians without thinking about it. We call ourselves Macedonians because thats what we are.
    Last edited by momce; 02-26-2013, 01:31 AM.

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
    In April 16th 1904, Alexandros Koundoulis compiled a report for the Greek government containing the conclusions of some officers whom ventured into Macedonia with Pavlos Melas. This report remains unpublished.

    The report talks about the Macedonian revolutionary, Jankov, whom Melas made mention in his own writings. The Greek officers would inform their government that Jankov left a great impression on them and they all mention his name with respect. He, in keeping with his teachings, cultivated a Macedonian conscience, without regard to gender and succeeded in sketching out general ideas about autonomy for the Macedonian people.

    Taken from The Greek Anti-Macedonian Struggle pt 1 by Dimitris Lithoxou pages 79-80 (English translation)
    Lithoxous book is loaded with unpublished information that todays grk historian refuses to make public.

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  • Pelister
    Hey, nice to see this thread is still around.

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  • TrueMacedonian
    In April 16th 1904, Alexandros Koundoulis compiled a report for the Greek government containing the conclusions of some officers whom ventured into Macedonia with Pavlos Melas. This report remains unpublished.

    The report talks about the Macedonian revolutionary, Jankov, whom Melas made mention in his own writings. The Greek officers would inform their government that Jankov left a great impression on them and they all mention his name with respect. He, in keeping with his teachings, cultivated a Macedonian conscience, without regard to gender and succeeded in sketching out general ideas about autonomy for the Macedonian people.

    Taken from The Greek Anti-Macedonian Struggle pt 1 by Dimitris Lithoxou pages 79-80 (English translation)

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  • George S.
    definitely ,carlin has got it!

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