it is the same system, "they are primitive", "they are barbarians", "they are unbelievers", "let baptize them or kill them"...
used from the "democratic" Ancient Greeks, up to the nowadays Americans
today they use the word "terrorist" or simply they "want to spread the values of the democracy"
At least Aleksander was honest, he wrote to Darius III Kodoman that he simply wanted to rule with the Persian Empire
Btw, i am also proud on him couse he tried to make fusion between the 2 cultures, without the "primitive" crap.
Only the idiot greeks are still jerking on some idiotic stories that Aleks wanted to destroy Persia couse they were Barbarians, drn drn, bla bla...
In their ignorance, they forget that Aleksandeer received the Persian Ambasadors in his youth, and was enough clever to ask the right questions to make his own conclusions who and what were the Persians.
btw, SOM, you might not like the art how i express myself, but that doesnīt mean i donīt know what i write
i also donīt like the way how you express yourself, but that does not effects the truth and the knowledge in most of yur posts.
used from the "democratic" Ancient Greeks, up to the nowadays Americans
today they use the word "terrorist" or simply they "want to spread the values of the democracy"
At least Aleksander was honest, he wrote to Darius III Kodoman that he simply wanted to rule with the Persian Empire
Btw, i am also proud on him couse he tried to make fusion between the 2 cultures, without the "primitive" crap.
Only the idiot greeks are still jerking on some idiotic stories that Aleks wanted to destroy Persia couse they were Barbarians, drn drn, bla bla...
In their ignorance, they forget that Aleksandeer received the Persian Ambasadors in his youth, and was enough clever to ask the right questions to make his own conclusions who and what were the Persians.
btw, SOM, you might not like the art how i express myself, but that doesnīt mean i donīt know what i write
i also donīt like the way how you express yourself, but that does not effects the truth and the knowledge in most of yur posts.