On the question of 'truth' and the capacity for the New Greek to tell lies there were a number of contemporaries who had observed the ability of the New Greek to lie about the Macedonian demographic.
A contemporary had caught onto the deception at the turn of last century.
Mr. Authur J. Evans, noted in 1903 that:
It was not the first time that English diplomats, officials and gentleman, who were for the most part fervent philhellenes had to comment on the deceiving qualities of the New Greeks in terms of colonial aspirations, and conquest.
Other British ministers had observed the same practices of the New Greeks, who they believed had deliberately published falsehoods about the regions demographic. Sir G. Campbell had said in January 26, 1877, that:
A contemporary had caught onto the deception at the turn of last century.
Mr. Authur J. Evans, noted in 1903 that:
It is an unpleasant duty to have to tell ones friend’s home truths, but the Greek claim to Macedonia, at least the greater part of the country, is a dream...the statistics rest on an artificial basis.
Other British ministers had observed the same practices of the New Greeks, who they believed had deliberately published falsehoods about the regions demographic. Sir G. Campbell had said in January 26, 1877, that:
The Greeks publish unblushing falsehoods, trusting to our ignorance. I cannot answer for the correctness of my ethnological map in every particular, but this I can say, from my own personal knowledge and observations the Greek one is wholly false. ‘Extract from a Speech of Sir G. Campbell at Kirkraldy, delivered January 26, 1877’]