2021 Macedonian Citizenship Law, Census and Local Elections

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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    2021 Macedonian Citizenship Law, Census and Local Elections

    Zaev/SDSM supported the controversial citizenship law and it is now passed/adopted.

    Собранието го донесе Законот за изменување и дополнување на Законот за државјанство. За измените и дополнувањето вкупно гласаа 89 пратеници,...

    Parliament adopts law that enables obtaining citizenship with paid electricity bills

    MACEDONIA 29.07.2021

    The Parliament adopted Thursday the Law on Amendments to the Law on Citizenship. A total of 89 MPs voted for the amendments, with 57 “for” and 32 “against”. The amendments to the law should resolve the status of the people from the former Yugoslav republics who lived in the country until the day of the declaration of independence. They will need to obtain citizenship within three years of the law’s entry into force. Earlier, during the debate on the proposed amendments to the Law, the MP from the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group, Bojan Stojanovski said that this issue should not be seen as an issue that covers ethnicity, but should be seen legally. It is in the interest of all citizens to adopt a legal solution, which will be able to solve the problems of persons affected by this issue and will guarantee all constitutional and legal norms of the country, said Stojanovski. He stressed that the legal solution should be decided by consensus, and not by not accepting the remarks of the opposition.
  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    DPNE Traitors support SDSM in Parliament to give 80,000 passports to Albanians from Kosovo

    No comment is necessary. DPNE's patriots who run on chinese batteries ensured Zaev has enough MPs to vote on the highly illegal citizenship law that would ensure tens of thousands of Albanians from Kosovo receive Macedonian citizenship for as much as having bought a cell phone or visited a doctor...

    No comment is necessary. DPNE’s “patriots” who run on chinese batteries ensured Zaev has enough MPs to vote on the highly illegal citizenship law that would ensure tens of thousands of Albanians from Kosovo receive Macedonian citizenship for as much as having bought a cell phone or visited a doctor in Macedonia.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      The only way to make sense of this treachery is knowing that Albanians can be bought by either of the main Macedonian parties. The only real question is "at what price?"
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
        The only way to make sense of this treachery is knowing that Albanians can be bought by either of the main Macedonian parties. The only real question is "at what price?"
        The price might be "catastrophic census" results which we'll soon witness.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675


          27 July 21 - The coincidence of the census with the election campaign will not change anything, and it is possible that the census will end earlier, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Local elections, however, will be held on October 17. The Prime Minister Zoran Zaev cut about the possible combinatorics and informed that there will be no changes to the date set in the Electoral Code, regarding the holding of the autumn elections. Despite the dilemmas of matching the census with the local election campaign, it has been determined that the date of the elections remains October 17. According to the Prime Minister, the census may end earlier than the deadline. "There were dilemmas due to the three days matching the census with the campaign, but in the end it was decided that the three days do not change anything, the census is an activity that ends during the day, the campaigns are conducted in the evening. The census has always been conducted for 20 days, this time 30 days are determined, and it can really be completed earlier. "There is enough time, there is no need for any changes in the election date," said Zaev.

          Regarding the threshold for submitting independent lists, it has been agreed that it will be two percent of the total number of voters. "If the municipality has 10 thousand voters, it needs 200 signatures to submit an independent list. "If there are 50,000 voters, an independent list should be submitted with a thousand signatures," said Zaev. The negotiations were conducted for more than a month with the participation of all parliamentary political parties, agreeing on the date of the elections, the modalities for open or closed lists, as well as all OSCE / ODIHR recommendations, including the recommendation to unify the threshold of necessary signatures for submitting the lists. Regarding the possibility of a coalition with BESA, Zaev says that they will have some kind of coalition with all coalition partners due to the specifics of the local elections, but in the second round. SDSM previously demanded the consent of the parties to schedule the elections for October 31, in order to avoid their overlap with the autumn census. The opposition did not accept such a proposal and demanded that the elections be held on October 17, as required by the Constitution. The Alliance for Albanians also said it was in favor of the October 17th elections.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            This appears to be Zaev, Mickoski and their Albanian pals making sure they maintain a monopoly over the elections.

            One constituency and an open list of parliamentary elections, not local elections, are sought by some of the non-parliamentary political parties, after the news arrived that the major political parties had reached an agreement on the issue of open lists in the local elections. According to the new election code agreed between SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE - independent advisory groups will have to collect signatures of 2 percent of the total number of voters registered in one municipality. The changes will enter the Assembly. There will be no open councilor lists with a threshold of 3 percent, but unofficially, the government will propose a 2 percent threshold for independent councilor lists. That is, it was agreed between the government and the small parties, that they should ask for that article to be abolished, and for the government to accept it.
            And Pendarovski acting like a saviour.

            The President of the country, Stevo Pendarovski, announced that he will not sign the Electoral Code which requires the signatures of two percent of the voters in the municipality for independent candidates to be able to participate in the local elections. The President is decisive that if the changes are adopted in the Parliament these days, he will not sign them, because it is impossible for other entities to enter the political scene. "There is no logic for me, as president and the highest body in the country, to run with 10,000 signatures, and for that much to also be needed for councilors in the City of Skopje. The OSCE / ODIHR recommendation is up to 1%. "The elections cannot be announced on August 6, and the changes made two days before that," Pendarovski said, answering a journalist question at today's press briefing. Pendarovski says that he would sign changes before the elections only if there is a general consensus for a new one, which does not exist at the moment.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Carlin
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 3332

              There are not enough census workers for upcoming census, but it will still go ahead as planned. It will be more than likely rigged; plus add the new "citizenship laws" which are open to abuse.


              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332

                Поради слабиот одзив, конкурсот за реонски попишувачи е продолжен по трет пат и за уште една недела и ќе трае до 24-25 август. Според директорот на Државниот завод за статистика (ДЗС), Апостол Симовски и по истекувањето на вчерашниот рок за пријавување, ситуацијата е иста како и претходно, пак најслаб одѕив има во скопските општини, во […]

                According to the director of the State Statistical Office, Apostol Simovski, after yesterday's application deadline, the situation is the same as before, with the lowest turnout in Skopje, Strumica, Novo Selo and Albanian-majority areas.


                • Carlin
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 3332

                  The census operations have officially started. B. Osmani said this morning 200,000+ people in the diaspora have been registered.


                  • Carlin
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3332

                    Albanian news website Lajm indulges in an attack on Macedonian census officials in Kumanovo for not speaking Albanian

                    „Многу жители – Албанци од населбата ‘Киро Фетак’ (Орта Бунар) од Куманово се револтирани, бидејќи во нивните семејства доаѓаат само попишувачи – Македонци. Попишувани лица од албанска припадност не знаат ниеден збор на македонски јазик и не ги разбираат попишувачите, што им зборуваат овие во обид да извршат попис. Овие жители – Албанци доаѓањето само […]


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      Interesting fact. In the municipality of Tetovo, 76,000 people have been registered so far (..5 days left).

                      In 2002 there were 86,580 people.

                      Во општина Тетово досега попишани 76 илјади лица, во 2002 имало 86 580


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        A total of 1,695,549 persons, 526,605 households and 752,916 apartments were counted until 8 pm on Monday in Macedonia’s 2021 Population and Housing Census, according to the State Statistical Office on Tuesday.

                        These are the alleged numbers despite the quorum party DPNE extending the census registration by 5 days! Legally, and officially the census ended on September 25th, but they are still “counting”, there is even talks of extending it, again!

                        Keep in mind, there are 1.88m residents who vote, which means over 350,000 residents under the age of 18 are unaccounted for!

                        199,819 citizens who live abroad have submitted their applications online so far.

                        Today is the 24rd day of the 2021 Census and there are still two days of census activities to go.

                        A total of 1,695,549 persons, 526,605 households and 752,916 apartments were counted until 8 pm on Monday in Macedonia’s 2021 Population and Housing Census, according to the State Statistical Office on Tuesday.


                        • Rogi
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 2343

                          I suspect the number is manipulated just enough (low enough) to try and legitimise the referendum on the name.

                          1,832,696 is the final number.
                          Less 204,805 in the Diaspora.

                          So 1,627,891 in country.

                          Taking the likely % of those under voting age (18) as being about 21% (based on last census, Albania's age demographic as the high level and the average of the other neighbouring countries).
                          So less 341,857.

                          That leaves 1,286,033 in country, at voting age.

                          50% of that is 643,016 and with a 667K turnout in the name referendum, they'll argue it was legitimate given the 50% voter turnout.

                          And I think that's the aim of this.

                          Which is why even just 50K adults living in Macedonia who may have been convinced to boycott the census, may have been the difference to keep the referendum officially invalid.

                          Also, lots of reports all around d that they we're not door knocked (intentionally, to keep the number just low enough), etc and therefore not evidenced in the census.
                          Last edited by Rogi; 10-01-2021, 05:16 AM.


                          • Rogi
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 2343

                            What has been unclear to me (and what I'm hoping I've understood incorrectly and therefore makes my previous post all wrong) is whether the 204K in the Diaspora is in addition to the 1.83M figure of the census, or included in that figure.


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332

                              I believe it's not included, but I might be mistaken.

                              On another note, I read a story that around 15,000 people have been registered in the municipality of Debar. In the last census from 20 years ago, the municipality of Debar had 20,000 people.

