According to the average population growth rate, it is estimated that in 2025 Macedonia will have about 3.2 million inhabitants, of which 2 million will be living in towns and 1.2 million in rural areas.
2021 Macedonian Citizenship Law, Census and Local Elections
I was flicking through an old book that I picked up during my 1997 visit to Macedonia the other day when I came across a prediction that was made regarding the expected projected population of Macedonia for the year 2025. The book covers all manner of facts and general information about Macedonia called "The Republic of Macedonia" and was published in 1996 by SIBIS, Skopje. here's the quote on page 142:
If they were offered EU membership, they would be happy to call their country anything. I mean, they know they're Macedonian, right?
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I'm not sure. I think there's a turning tide. National pride is at an all time low, that's for sure, given there's currently nothing to be proud of inside Macedonia and its current state of affairs in the economy, health, education, nothing really other than the soccer results. But national sentiment, I'm not so sure.
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Originally posted by Rogi View PostI wonder what impact, if any, the recent election results in Hungary and Serbia will have on Macedonia.
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I wonder what impact, if any, the recent election results in Hungary and Serbia will have on Macedonia.
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The numbers are perfect for the process of denationalisation. Reducing the claim of the indigenous population within its own state. They are already making every nation a global mongrelised landscape. One of the worst enemies of the new world order are the homogenous nations.
Macedonia is easily manipulated. They would sell their arses for a free ice-cream. But, then again, the covid scam has confirmed that people are easily manipulated and it's painfully all part of human nature. Most people would do the same.
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Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostIf they can lie about a USA election, they can certainly lie about these numbers in Macedonia. Do we have the numbers excluding the diaspora?
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Macedonian census numbers rejected as Fraudulent and Laughable
By Gorazd Velkovski
The fiasco called Macedonian census ended up indeed being a major waste of state funds. The nonsensical result contradict all state institutions, including the State Statistical Office and the Ministry of Interior.
The fiasco called “Macedonian census” ended up indeed being a major waste of state funds. The nonsensical result contradict all state institutions, including the State Statistical Office and the Ministry of Interior.
The census operation started off with the Macedonian diaspora inserting their information into a ‘census application’ built and hosted in Sofia, Bulgaria. The application was marred with huge security flaws, including the fact that anyone could submit their name well over a 100 times, while putting 0s for their unique ID number. No documents of any kind were required in the process. The citizenry was told only people outside Macedonia could access the application, however quickly became evident that thousands of people within Macedonia accessed the application with free VPNs, many filmed themselves doing it.
Once the fraud became evident and was mocked country-wide, the census application was then taken offline. The SSO Director Apostol Simovski admitted “things were not going well“, however was convinced to keep the census operation going thanks to 8,000 euro ‘bonuses’ given to him by the Zaev Government.
Fraudulent Census Numbers
The census result greatly contradicts the SSO and MoI. According to both, there are 2.5m Macedonian citizenships issued. According to the SSO there are 1.85m voters in the country. However, the census result showed there are 1.83m total residents in the country, and no children. There are less people than voters?!? The absurdity doesn’t end there. The Ministry of Interior puts the number of ethnic Albanian IDs issued at 15.2% of the population. The census puts them at 24.7% while it lowered the Macedonians to 59%. The Macedonian diaspora is erased. In Australia, there are over 140,000 Macedonians, however, in the census the number stood at 3,800?
How about this? Kichevo census population: 39,669!! Kichevo registered voters: 50,702!!! If there are 50.7k registered voters, there would be at least 62,000+ population in the census, counting the children. The level of fraud is exponentiated by the fact the US & UK Embassies were the first to “congratulate”.
The SSO Director admitted that if over 100,000 people refuse to register or boycott the census, then the census has failed. Officially, over 132,000 Macedonians boycotted the census. Unofficially, this number is well over 300,000, de facto resulting in an officially failed operation. The author of this text is one of those Macedonians who boycotted the fraudulent census. Not a single member of my extended family was registered! In fact, entire city suburbs refused to be counted. Though it must be noted that no census worker actually appeared on my street.
Our favorite part of the census is the populace being split into “Christians” “Catholics”, “Orthodox”… You can’t be a Christian Orthodox, you can be either or.
The best, the SSO Director Apostol Simovski could do today is claim that the census was “incomplete”. No, Simovski, it is fraudulent, and you should be jailed!
Lastly, most readers do not realize that Apostol Simovski, representing the SDSM, was heavily involved in the first fabricated census back in 2002.Last edited by Carlin; 04-02-2022, 11:50 AM.
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Originally posted by Carlin View PostDefinitely not. 1.6m - 1.8m, at most.
Is it only me or the Macedonian Muslims are missing from the census data? They have probably been
'counted/included' wholesale as "Albanians". By some accounts, the "Torbeshi" are between 40,000 - 100,000.
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Originally posted by Carlin View PostFallout from the census results continues...
With Gostivar and Tetovo as examples, Dimovski shows how inaccurate the census results are
Bosniaks also find the census unacceptable, they even threatened to leave the ruling coalition
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Originally posted by Carlin View PostDefinitely not. 1.6m - 1.8m, at most.
Is it only me or the Macedonian Muslims are missing from the census data? They have probably been
'counted/included' wholesale as "Albanians". By some accounts, the "Torbeshi" are between 40,000 - 100,000.
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Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View PostDoes anyone believe there are actually more than two million people living in that statelet?
Is it only me or the Macedonian Muslims are missing from the census data? They have probably been
'counted/included' wholesale as "Albanians". By some accounts, the "Torbeshi" are between 40,000 - 100,000.Last edited by Carlin; 03-31-2022, 10:14 AM.
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Does anyone believe there are actually more than two million people living in that statelet?
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Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostIf they can lie about a USA election, they can certainly lie about these numbers in Macedonia. Do we have the numbers excluding the diaspora?
"Вкупно резидентно население според изјаснувањето за етничка припадност
Македонци 58, 44%
Албанци 24,30%"
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