Here are transcripts of bugged phone calls from today's press conference:
Political Scandals and Judiciary Corruption in Macedonia
From what I have heard gruevski's numbers seem to be up.He is a very hated and disliked person.People say how much he has deceived them and pulled the rug from under them."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Transcripts from today's press release,showing DPMNE party members "arranging" indictments/acquittals with judges,electing judges and prosecutors etc:
Last edited by DraganOfStip; 03-19-2015, 10:03 AM.”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
― George Orwell
they really have gone mad."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
This whole thing can be solved very quickly. If the recordings are in fact fakes that have taken bits and pieces of real recordings and spliced them together, then its pretty easy to check them. No matter how well they are made, if they were tested by specialists, they can tell by the background noise when two different recordings have been merged into one. If VMRO and co want to absolve themselves then just send out the recordings to and independent 3rd party for testing and see if they are manipulated.
There was one audio recording 1 year ago also the prime minister involved. They did not wanted expertise to be done on the recording in foreign independent institution although the opposition and part of the public asked it to be done . The public prosecutor did nothing even though it is his constitutional and lawful obligation. He is also relative with some of the highest ranked people in the government so it will be foolish to expect that now they will do that. The recordings today were very interesting, anybody interested can hear them if he spend 3 seconds using google search.
Macedonia PM accused of taking USD 22 million bribe
AFP | Skopje
March 27, 2015 Last Updated at 01:02 IST
Macedonian opposition leader Zoran Zaev today accused conservative Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of accepting a USD 22 million bribe from Chinese firms to grant them motorways construction concessions.
"This is one of the biggest corruption scandals not only in our country but in the whole region," Zaev, head of the main opposition SDSM party, told a press conference.
Zaev accused Gruevski of awarding the construction of two highway sections to Chinese firms without a tender.
The total value of works carried out on the western Kicevo-Ohrid highway and the eastern Miladinovci-Stip motorway was estimated at 570 million euros, Zaev said.
The deal was backed by parliament last October.
Recent bitter exchanges between the government and the opposition have pushed the former Yugoslav republic into a deep political crisis this year.
In January, the government filed a complaint against Zaev and several other people for espionage and violence against officials.
The opposition leader rejected the allegations and in turn accused the government of wiretapping at least 20,000 people, including politicians, journalists and religious leaders.
Earlier this month, Zaev called on the prime minister to resign, form an interim government and organise "fair and democratic" early elections.
European Union officials have expressed concern over the "deteriorated political dialogue" in Macedonia, and called for a thorough investigation.
Zaev has previously said the crisis could not be resolved "without interference of the international community".
Meanwhile, local media reported that government and opposition representatives were expected to hold EU-mediated talks on Monday in Brussels to address the crisis.
The Socialists have been boycotting the Macedonian parliament for almost a year, alleging electoral fraud during early polls held in April 2014.
The next parliamentary elections are due in 2018.
The Balkan country obtained EU candidate status in 2005, but is yet to begin accession talks.Macedonian opposition leader Zoran Zaev today accused conservative Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of accepting a USD 22 million bribe from Chinese firms to grant them motorways construction concessions. "This is one of the biggest corruption scandals not only in our country but in the whole region," Zaev, head of the main opposition SDSM party, told a press conference. Zaev accused Gruevski of awarding the construction of two highway sections to Chinese firms without a tender. The total value of works carried out on the western Kicevo-Ohrid highway and the eastern Miladinovci-Stip motorway was estimated at 570 million euros, Zaev said. The deal was backed by parliament last October. Recent bitter exchanges between the government and the opposition have pushed the former Yugoslav republic into a deep political crisis this year. In January, the government filed a complaint against Zaev and several other people for espionage and violence against officials. The opposition leader ...
This is where he loses all credibility for me. The last thing any sane person should want is the "international community" getting involved, the same "International Community" that is waging a dozen wars around the globe all why "helping" some on or the other. No thank you STAY OUT. Even if Gruevski needs to be ousted, we can do it from with in.
Originally posted by Volokin View PostZaev has previously said the crisis could not be resolved "without interference of the international community".
They have a vested interest to destabilize macedonia and bring f own the ruling hook or crook."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
They got a vested interest they want power at any cost.;"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Latest conversations.
Gruevsku made a deal with ali ahmeti for dismissal of the 4 cases where albanian terrorists are convinced about crimes against humanity against macedonian citizens. He pushes the parliament members to vote for the law which protected UCK members from court prosecution, altough some of them did not wanted to. But publicly he pretends that the parliament voted the law and he as prime minister must sign it. sdsm voted against this law.
In 2011 Gruevski is asked in the parliament
"Why did you gave amnesty to the terrorists" on which gruevski replied
"Како и да е, ќе одговорам на првото прашање на кое веќе дадов одговор во деновите кога се формираше Владата. Тука бев во парламентот, од оваа позиција го дадов одговорот на денот на изборот на Влада, кога кажав дека, ќе парафразирам, јас искрено жалам за случувањата што се имаат случено во 2001 година и сочувствувам со семејствата на киднапираните, загинатите и итн., од тој конфликт и дека како човек навистина тешко го примам сето тоа, но како премиер јас морам да се согласам со одлуката на Парламентот која беше заради цели кои парламентот ги образложил."
which clearly shows that he is a big liar and manipulator. It is unclear to me why the people in diaspora still believe him when he is telling nothing but lies in order to get personal gain. He is no patriot at all. He also put minister from UCK as head of ministry of defense.