Prespa Agreement

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  • Niko777
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 1895

    City Hall - Kumanovo

    Look how much time and energy these people are wasting over Macedonian sun stickers on the laptops of some of the municipal councilors.

    I wish they had spent half the effort on combating Albanian expansionism in the region, or on improving conditions in their city.



    • Carlin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 3332

      Erga omnes aspect of Prespes accord put at risk by delay

      The provision included in the Prespes agreement that North Macedonia’s name will be erga omnes – namely, to be used both domestically and internationally – could be undermined if the neighboring country’s accession bid to the European Union is indefinitely postponed, according to legal experts.


      The provision included in the Prespes agreement that North Macedonia’s name will be erga omnes – namely, to be used both domestically and internationally – could be undermined if the neighboring country’s accession bid to the European Union is indefinitely postponed, according to legal experts.

      Practically speaking, the deal stipulates that, in the absence of accession negotiations, the government in Skopje will not be obliged to use its new name of North Macedonia – agreed in the Prespres accord – internally.

      Therefore the name change at home has been linked to the opening of the country’s EU accession talks, which were delayed last week by the European Council due to objections raised by France, Denmark and the Netherlands.

      In short, Skopje is still obliged to call itself North Macedonia abroad, without, however, making any changes internally.

      The issue was first raised by former deputy prime minister and constitutional expert Evangelos Venizelos on Sunday, who said that Article 1, Paragraph 10 of the treaty provides that the transitional period for the use of the composite name (North Macedonia) in internal documents issued by the country depends on the opening of the accession negotiations.

      Therefore, he said, “failure to open accession negotiations entails a delay in the actual internal use of the composite name.”

      “That is, a delay in the use of the name erga omnes,” Venizelos said.

      Given that the main opposition VMRO-DPMNE party has opposed the deal, the Prespes accord will be the dominant issue of the early elections in April called by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        That's a little ray of sunshine I guess.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Carlin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 3332


          Rift between Zaev and Pendarovski on whether to keep implementing the Prespa treaty

          Following the defeat in Brussels, there is a growing rift between Zoran Zaev and Stevo Pendarovski on the issue of the continued implementation of the Prespa treaty.

          Speaking to a Greek TV, Pendarovski said that by denying Macedonia the opening of accession talks, EU will provoke the putting on hold of the further implementation of the treaty. Pendarovski was talking about the article 1(10) of the treaty, which conditions the use of the imposed new name with the opening of accession talks chapters.

          Zaev also hinted at this article in his initial response. But now, he insists that Macedonia will implement the treaty regardless of the EU accession talks.

          We can’t write the State Archive of Macedonia, we have a Constitution and the name needs to be changed, Zaev said, talking about one of the institutions which still use the name Macedonia without the imposed adjective “north”. We need to leave an impression that we are implementing the treaty, and we expect the Greek side to do the same.

          The renaming of institutions and the issuing of official documents with the “new name” is tied with the relevant EU chapters, according to most interpretations of the article. Regardless, Zaev’s Government went full steam ahead to dictate the use of the name “North Macedonia”, even before the accession talks began.
          Last edited by Carlin; 10-27-2019, 12:00 AM.


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            Бајден најави санкции за непочитување на Преспанскиот договор

            Американскиот претседател Џо Бајден издаде нова извршна наредба за конфискација на имот и забрана за влез во САД на лица кои се закана за безбедноста на Западен Балкан. Како што е наведено во одлуката на американскиот претседател, ќе има санкции за оние што ги загрозуваат Преспанскиот договор и О

            Американскиот претседател Џо Бајден издаде нова извршна наредба за конфискација на имот и забрана за влез во САД на лица кои се закана за безбедноста на Западен Балкан.

            Како што е наведено во одлуката на американскиот претседател, ќе има санкции за оние што ги загрозуваат Преспанскиот договор и Охридскиот рамковен договор.

            Станува збор за лица кои:

            > Се одговорни или соучесници, директно или индиректно вклучени во активности или политики што ги загрозуваат мирот, безбедноста, стабилноста или територијалниот интегритет на која било област или држава на Западен Балкан

            > Се одговорни или соучесници во или директно или индиректно вклучени во активности или политики што ги поткопуваат демократските процеси или институции на Западен Балкан

            > Се одговорни или соучесници во или директно или индиректно вклучени во кршење, или дело што го попречува или загрозува спроведувањето, каква било регионална безбедност, мир, соработка или договор или рамка за меѓусебно признавање или механизам за отчетност поврзан со Западен Балкан, вклучувајќи го и Договорот од Преспа од 2018 година, Охридскиот рамковен договор од 2001 година, Резолуцијата на Обединетите нации 1244 или Меѓународниот механизам за кривични судови за поранешна Југославија.


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Rejoice, northadonians, today marks the 3 year anniversary of the signing of the treacherous Prespa Agreement. Time to get drunk on ouzo and celebrate the lie that the Macedonian identity and language were affirmed by this agreement (when in fact the identity was already recognised in most countries and the language was already taught in schools and universities across the world). Celebrate the fact that the agreement neglects Macedonians outside of the Macedonian republic and contributes to the weakening of ties between Macedonians across historical Macedonia (and the rest of the world). Celebrate the fact that the agreement has made it commonplace for international media to refer to the "North Macedonians". Celebrate the fact that you are no longer Macedonians and never have been in spirit. Celebrate your friendship with people who spit in your face and laugh behind your back. Celebrate, on your way to hell, you miserable traitors. Macedonia will rise again.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                One of the betrayals in the treacherous Prespa Agreement.
                ARTICLE 1.3. (b) The nationality of the Second Party shall be Macedonian/citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia, as it will be registered in all travel documents.
                Zaev/northadonian spin on the above:

                MANU's first man, Taki Fiti, believes that the name dispute is a difficult and painful issue. However, he adds that Macedonia now has a historic chance to secure territorial integrity, protection of Macedonian identity and move towards Euro-Atlantic integrations......Prime Minister Zoran Zaev once again, this time before the academics, claimed that the Macedonian identity and language were sealed once and for all.

                Премиерот, Зоран Заев, реагира на обвинувањата на лидерот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ, Христијан Мицкоски, дека македонскиот идентитет е изгубен и дека утре во Софија македонската делегација ќе ги прифати барањата од Бугарија со кои се негира јазикот, идентитетот и историјата на Македонија. Според него, најверојатно изгубен е лидерот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ, Мицкоски. Добивај...

                "Имаше и обвинувања дека преку Преспанскиот договор ќе го изгубиме идентитетот. Ќе прашам јавно, зарем може изгубен идентитет повторно да го изгубиме. Тој ниту бил изгубен, нитy ќе се изгуби.
                The reality, as reflected by international media:

                The North Macedonians have lost two matches in Group C and will finish in fourth place in the group no matter the result of their final match against the Netherlands.

                "Win or lose, Euro 2020 may be the country’s best hope of substantiating a distinct cultural and national profile, and, along with it, a renewed hope in one day joining the EU."

                It is to Pandev, who has represented his nation for twenty years, that North Macedonians issue their gratitude for competing in the Euros.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • sydney
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 390

                  This was inevitable. It’s natural to state North Macedonians. How many say South Koreans when referring to Koreans? And it’s confusing for the layman. The commentary at Euro 2020 is proof, with mentions of the “Macedonians” and also “North Macedonians” when referring to the players as a collective during games.

                  In all seriousness, has any benefit been realised as a result of Prespa?


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by sydney View Post
                    This was inevitable. It’s natural to state North Macedonians. How many say South Koreans when referring to Koreans?
                    You're right, it was inevitable. Everybody knew it, including Zaev, despite the lie he kept repeating to the Macedonian public that the agreement will "secure" the Macedonian identity. He knew that in time, this terminology will be normalised in the same way as the fyrom > northadonian ventilator flag. After all, which commentator or journalist is going to bother saying or writing "the Macedonians/citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia have lost two matches in Group C" or "Macedonians/citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia issue their gratitude for competing in the Euros". For now, they are using "Macedonians" and "North Macedonians" interchangeably, probably due to legacy or laziness. Soon it will just be the latter.
                    In all seriousness, has any benefit been realised as a result of Prespa?
                    None for Macedonia, unless one considers Greece dropping their objection at the EU. But there is more to come from Greece, as indicated by their bitching about the acronyms used at Euro 2020. Greece forced a (political) change of Macedonian identity and a renunciation of the ancient heritage of Macedonia, while Bulgaria trampled nearby like a hyena. Now Greece is the hyena waiting for Bulgaria to dilute the mutated Macedonian identity even further by forcing some imaginary Bulgar roots and a common history from the medieval to modern era. If that succeeds, then they will inevitably come for the church. If Serbia was already in the EU, have no doubt they would be leading the charge on that front. But as they're not, Greece and/or Bulgaria may take advantage instead. Whilst the treacherous concessions with regard to the identity and language haven't been imposed on Macedonians in the diaspora for a variety of reasons (unless there is reference to the country of origin by some outsider, which itself is inaccurate for many of our people), not least because we are too well established and aren't nearly as defeatist and submissive as the Macedonians in the republic, any change to the name of the church (i.e., NMOC-OA or just OA) or its hierarchy (i.e., BOC as the "mother church") will bring the politics of the northadonians in direct confrontation with Macedonian life in the diaspora.

                    There is already a growing disconnect between Macedonia and the diaspora. For example, since the signing of the treacherous Prespa Agreement, how many northadonian politicians have come to visit the Macedonians in Australia, which currently has the largest (recorded) self-identifying Macedonian population outside of Macedonia? The church is essentially the last great institution binding us together. It's already bad enough that some Macedonian priests mention Petar when reciting prayers and blessings. Can you imagine if they start referring to the church as anything other than Macedonian and/or paying homage to some Bulgar archbishop during a ceremony? I can't see that ever being acceptable here. If they tamper with the church in such a manner, any semblance of Macedonian cultural unity (weak as it currently is) across the seas will be over. We will remain as Macedonians over here. Not sure where their journey will take them if they don't start rising up against the perpetual denigration being perpetrated by their northadonian leaders.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      "Стево во Хрватска се утепа од користење с****** Македонија или Скопје, а во исто време Милановиќ користи Македонија за да не ги навреди Македонците"



                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        Leftist activist “cancels” late Macedonian playwright because of his “nationalism”


                        Goran Stefanovski is considered the leading Macedonian playwright of the modern era. Known for the cult classics Tattoed Souls, Wild Flesh, Black Hole and Hi-Fi, Stefanovski dealt with the anguish of his generation and portrayed the misery filled lives of the era of Communist decay. He died in 2018 in England, where he moved with his family to avoid the Yugoslav break-up. Even while abroad, he remained a sought-after voice in Macedonia and generations grew up with his Sesame-street style TV show Fuzzy Alphabeth.

                        And yet that legacy, coupled with the prestige of his brother, legendary guitarist Vlatko Stefanovski, is not enough to save Goran Stefanovski from being posthumously canceled on Twitter. The move came from Nikola Naumoski (@NikolaNaumeaux on Twitter), who is currently chief of staff of Skopje Mayor Petre Silegov. Naumoski, a close relative of outgoing SDSM Vice President Radmila Sekerinska, is a leftist activist known from the days of the Colored Revolution when he attened an improvised choir – “The Singing Skopians” – of like-minded activists who tried to go viral with songs criticizing the conservative VMRO-DPMNE led Government. He then led a group of self-styled “Park Defenders” who camped out on construction sites in a (failed) attempt to prevent the Skopje 2014 urban renewal project. Both projects are now largely defunct after Naumoski and other Singing Skopians and Park Defenders hold comfy jobs in the public administration after SDSM grabbed power in 2017.

                        Stefanovski’s comment that caught Naumoski’s eye is the following, often repeated quote from an interview Stefanovski made in 2008 – the year when Greece blocked Macedonia from joining NATO: “You can’t ask me not to feel as part of the deepest and oldest world, when Heraclea is my home, when Ohrid is my home, when Via Egnatia, the only highway that existed in Europe between the 5th and 15th century, traversed next to my grandmother’s home in Bitola. You can’t say that everything is on your side, and nothing is on our side”. The quote is meant as criticism of Greek nationalism, which blocked Macedonia from joining the European Union and NATO for decades, through the so-called “name issue”. Greece insists that, as Slavic speakers, the Macedonians have nothing to do with the ancient past of the region, and that all of it is the cultural heritage exclusively of Greece.

                        Goran Stefanovski was born in Bitola, built on the ruins of the ancient city of Heraclea Lyncestis, and in his comment he mentions Macedonians chief cultural site – Ohrid and the Roman era highway of Via Egnatia that linked Durres (Dyrrachium) with Solun (Thessaloniki).

                        Nationalism. But healthy nationalism. Typical of a Gastarbeiter who needs to prove that he is older and richer than his hosts. Full of dubious historic facts, said Naumoski, while quoting Stefanovski’s words.

                        The comment prompted a moderate level of criticism, even from Twitter users who normally support SDSM. The comment is typical of a strain of thinking in SDSM, the party which agreed not only to impose a new name on Macedonia, but also to mark monuments to historic figures in Macedonia with the words “belonging to the ancient Hellenic civilization“, to scrape off the Kutlesh Sun from all public spaces in the country, and to in general agree that the cultural and historic heritage of the region belongs to Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia – but not to Macedonia. And the on-going blockade of Macedonia’s EU accession talks by Bulgaria means that the demands for concessions are far from over.

                        Goran Stefanovski’s quote is often understood as criticism of the Greek nationalism, a response to the pressure exerted by Greece for decades against its much weaker neighbor, instead of jingoistic expression of Macedonian pride. But even that is now too much for the ruling party in (North) Macedonia. Stefanovski is seen as a citizen of the world, and of his beloved Debar Maalo part of Skopje, and is certainly not a writer who built a career by promoting Macedonian patriotism like, say, Vojdan Cernodrinski, but even this meekest protestation against the pressure Macedonia is put under seems to be too much for the Young Turks of the ruling party.


                        • Carlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 3332

                          The official language is... Slavic language?

                          Macedonia issues identity cards with new name:
                          Authorities in North Macedonia on Monday started issuing new identity cards to citizens bearing the constitutional name of the state.

                          Authorities in North Macedonia on Monday started issuing identity cards to citizens that incorporate the new constitutional name of the state.

                          The new ID cards state that the citizenship of the holder is “Macedonian/Citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia” in the state’s official Slavic language as well as in English.

                          Details on the cards of ethnic Albanian citizens of the state will be entered automatically in the Albanian language. Citizens of other ethnic groups can also request that their details be entered in the language and script that they use.

                          Last month, North Macedonia starting issuing passports bearing the country’s new name.

                          The issuing of new police ID cards and passports is an obligation of the state under the Prespa Agreement signed in June 2018 with Greece.

