Who would have thought that the US Deep State would have the balls (and power) to roll out the proven Colour Revolution model to unseat the incumbent...?
U.S. Politics, Elections & Culture issues
Originally posted by Phoenix View PostWho would have thought that the US Deep State would have the balls (and power) to roll out the proven Colour Revolution model to unseat the incumbent...?
Originally posted by Karposh View PostYep, looks rigged to me. Trump was leading in about 4-5 key states before I went to bed last night and this morning I wake up to this.
There are some shady things being exposed online, some people are pretty stupid incriminating themselves in voting fraud. W
You cannot blame the Republicans being concerned with postal and the way they can be manipulated.
Liban Mohammed exposes himself on his own snapchat, by showing ballot harvesting for Ilham Omar campaign in the September 2020 elections in Minnesota.
Last edited by VMRO; 11-05-2020, 04:59 PM.Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
Originally posted by Phoenix View PostWho would have thought that the US Deep State would have the balls (and power) to roll out the proven Colour Revolution model to unseat the incumbent...?
In 2016, the losers complained about some purported Russian interference, as if some bloggers or websites could hoodwink half of the population to vote for Trump. They failed miserably in their attempt to prove some sort of collusion between Trump and Russia. What actually happened in that election was they underestimated him and undervalued the people, so the result caught them by surprise. In 2020, the internal political machinery of the U.S. said to the Russians, "here, hold my beer, let me show you how it's done". All of them - the establishment, deep state, pollsters, tech, media - united for a singular purpose. They were supposed to destroy him in this election. They didn't. Now there is this debacle where people aren't allowed to monitor vote counts, mail-in votes are accepted days after the election date and without matching signatures, large margins disappear over night, states are called well before a conclusive outcome, etc. The guy with the enthusiasm of a worm who didn't know which state he was in or what race he was running half of the time and could barely muster a hundred people during a speech, possibly defeating the incumbent who would pull in tens of thousands of people during his rallies? OK. Only in America, I suppose.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostFor the last 4 years, they have tried to drag him through the mud with all sorts of falsehoods and conspiracies. One would think that after such scrutiny they would've found something that would stick. But they haven't. Instead, once all of that failed, they diverted their energy to shielding his opponent from the credible allegations of corruption during his earlier tenure, not to mention his incompetence and senility. Even many former and current republic politicians and party affiliates were/are actively working against the president, despite the fact that he is largely responsible for the party's renewed appeal to Americans of all walks of life. The so-called "racist" shaped policy that won record-high support with Hispanic and African-American voters - something that would not have been achieved if one of the corporatist republican suits was at the helm. They've continually discounted the 'Trump-factor', but they will remember this in years to come.
In 2016, the losers complained about some purported Russian interference, as if some bloggers or websites could hoodwink half of the population to vote for Trump. They failed miserably in their attempt to prove some sort of collusion between Trump and Russia. What actually happened in that election was they underestimated him and undervalued the people, so the result caught them by surprise. In 2020, the internal political machinery of the U.S. said to the Russians, "here, hold my beer, let me show you it's done". All of them - the establishment, deep state, pollsters, tech, media - united for a singular purpose. They were supposed to destroy him in this election. They didn't. Now there is this debacle where people aren't allowed to monitor vote counts, mail-in votes are accepted days after the election date and without matching signatures, large margins disappear over night, states are called well before a conclusive outcome, etc. The guy with the enthusiasm of a worm who didn't know which state he was in or what race he was running half of the time and could barely muster a hundred people during a speech, possibly defeating the incumbent who would pull in tens of thousands of people during his rallies? OK. Only in America, I suppose.
Many media organisations cut short Trump's most recent speech once he alleged voter fraud and that he will be challenging the results in several states.
The media justification for cutting the Trump speech short was to "fact check" his claims.
All of a sudden - "fact checking" matters and the media has now assumed the mantle of supreme arbiter much like what Jack Dorsey is doing over at Twitter.
Where was "fact checking" during the last 4 years of the Russian 'collusion' lie...where was the "fact-checking" when the same media organisations relentlessly went after Trump, his wife and all of his children every day for the last 4 years...everything from Donald jr having dubious connections to Russia based on someone having seen him having lunch with some guy in NYC...or the constant headlines declaring Melania Trump's loveless marriage...or the green-eyed scrutiny of her 'militaristic' wardrobe that somehow proved that she was a fascist, not to mention the investigative journalism that exposed her white supremacist landscaping style in the rose garden ...or the disgusting treatment dished out to Barron Trump, questioning this young kids "happiness" and mental health.
Regarding the polls from 2016 and 2020, the mainstream media in both the USA (and Australia) is at rock bottom in the credibility stakes -the political pundits and talking heads employed by the networks have proven to be useless with their predictions, they can't be that bad at their job unless it has been a deliberate and nefarious strategy to undermine the Trump administration and his base all along...
The highlight for me is the support by the blacks and Hispanics for Trump. Meanwhile BLM with their billion dollar funding had more to do with Biden than black people.
I was kind of disgusted with USA when Trump won. Now I'm disillusioned and furious with a nation that purports to represent the pinnacle of democracy.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostThe highlight for me is the support by the blacks and Hispanics for Trump...
Hispanics, not that they represent a generic bloc but by in large many of them fear socialism and by default the Biden/Harris/Sanders/AOC socialist agenda...amongst many other reasons.
The African American community is slowly waking up to the realisation that support for the Democrats has rarely improved their lot in US life.
Kimberly Klacik made that point about Baltimore that has been run by Democrats for almost 50 years and the city has been run into the ground...
Democrats don’t want you to see this.They’re scared that I’m exposing what life is like in Democrat run cities.That’s why I’m running for CongressBecause All...
She didn't win but she has probably sowed a few seeds...
Originally posted by Phoenix View Post......they can't be that bad at their job unless it has been a deliberate and nefarious strategy to undermine the Trump administration and his base all along...
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostI was kind of disgusted with USA when Trump won. Now I'm disillusioned and furious with a nation that purports to represent the pinnacle of democracy.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostIt's a deliberate and nefarious strategy. They're in cahoots with the media and neither bothers to hide their Leftist agenda. Look at the news coverage and polls from recent elections in Australia, Britain and America. Objectivity was discarded from their list of priorities long ago. Speak the truth or disagree with them and you're a (fill in the blank) -ist. Highlight their hypocrisy and you're silenced or ignored.
The same shit was happening in the US where they were projecting Biden wins after a relatively small sample count but refusing to call Trump states until the very last minute...that represents a clear strategy to manipulate the perception that Biden is winning easily and acts to shape peoples motivation to participate in the voting process across the other side of the country in different time zones...
Even today...ABC tv and radio had assembled their usual unhinged left apologists explaining why Trump's speech today was taken off the air because they wanted to fact check him and some lefty lunatic on ABC radio going on a rant that the mainstream media isn't calling out Trump as a bad loser and that they are somehow enabling his bad behaviour, even though the female presenter on tv had described Trump's speech as "unhinged"...in each case they had discounted every accusation of voter fraud or irregularities - weren't interested in the slightest to investigate the story...similar to the lack of interest in the Hunter Biden story...
I don't believe for a minute the journalism has become that lazy and indifferent...this is without any doubt a unified agenda at play...if they (the mainstream media and big tech) can get away with this against the most powerful office in the world and against 50% of the voters of the most powerful nation in human history, there is no chance for the rest of us.
Originally posted by Phoenix View PostI find myself yelling at the tv or radio anytime I'm watching or listening to the fucking ABC tv or radio...
The same shit was happening in the US where they were projecting Biden wins after a relatively small sample count but refusing to call Trump states until the very last minute...
The New York Times was forced to correct a tweet on Tuesday after the paper initially claimed that “the role of declaring the winner” in the presidential election "falls to the news media." “The role of declaring the winner of a presidential election in the U.S. falls to the news media. The broadcast networks and cable news outlets have vowed to be prudent. He’s how it will work,” The Times’ verified account tweeted to accompany a link to an article about how the media will report election results.....“Correction: We've deleted an earlier tweet that referred imprecisely to the role of the news media in the U.S. presidential election. The news media projects winners and reports results; it does not declare the winner of the election,” The Times wrote Tuesday.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Phoenix View Post...and they told us ad nauseam that Trump was a racist, it was the prevailing narrative during his term in office and it worked to convince enough woke white folks to despise the man for that alone...the litmus test of this was talking to any person in your immediate social or work circle, ask any anti-Trumper why they hate him and they usually lead with - "because he's an idiot" or "because he's a racist"...once either or both of those reasons were ticked off there was never much more on offer as to why they hated the man...
Originally posted by Phoenix View PostI don't believe for a minute the journalism has become that lazy and indifferent...this is without any doubt a unified agenda at play...if they (the mainstream media and big tech) can get away with this against the most powerful office in the world and against 50% of the voters of the most powerful nation in human history, there is no chance for the rest of us.
My workplace experiences are largely the same as yours but without the luxury of being able to work from home.
I’m not in the shy-Trump supporter category, so everyone that I work with knows that I support Trump.
I work with a lot of women who by in large aren’t too interested in talking politics but they seem to have an almost rabid obsession to denigrate Trump on everything.
On mere mention of the poor mans name, it’s like some subliminal switch has been activated in the deepest, darkest recesses of these women’s minds and their fangs sharpen and they get a taste for blood in a Pavlov’s Dog type reaction...whilst automatically regurgitating the anti-Trump media narrative of he’s an...’idiot’, ‘racist’, ‘lunatic’...etc...with mantra like zeal.
I try to bring up Trump as often as I can...just for the reaction alone...
It is interesting as a phenomena alone, that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing...the cult of anti-personality.
The mainstream media and big tech have cultivated that perception and not a single one of those women (and the gays) that I work with can see that, they all actually believe that they’ve come to their own rational conclusion.
That realization is profoundly frightening.
Labor urges Scott Morrison to contact Donald Trump
Labor is piling pressure on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to contact Donald Trump before the US election result is in. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2noaGhv Get ...
The Left in Australia is urging the Prime Minister to call the U.S. President and tell him to call it a day. The nerve of these people. Their sense of self-importance, like they actually matter in global politics, is comical. No doubt similar thoughts are held by leftist politicians all across Europe, not to mention NATO and the EU.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
The media have anointed Biden as the victor even though there is ongoing litigation due to potential irregularities. Like I mentioned earlier, Fox News was supposed to be the only one among the big networks to not be anti-Trump, but it boxed itself into a corner by calling Arizona before any of the other networks, completely changing the perspective of the race for many viewers even though the president had easily won in Florida, which was supposed to be much more difficult (and they took their time calling Florida also). Meanwhile, all of the other networks were shamelessly cheerleading for Biden. The main moron at Fox News to call Arizona early was Arnon Mishkin, who was hired as their decision desk chief. He is a registered Democrat and voted for Clinton back in 2016. Great choice.
Now a number of world leaders that Trump previously supported or had relatively warm relations with, such as Boris Johnson, Scott Morrison and Narendra Modi, are already congratulating Biden. Fickle friendships in the world of politics. Benjamin Netanyahu has remained silent for now. So has PutinNATO countries can breath a sigh of relief and go back to sponging off the U.S taxpayer. China can relax a little also, now that Beijing Biden is likely to be at the helm next year. So much for mitigating the adverse impacts of globalisation. Interesting times ahead.
In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.