Athens to finally get Alexander the Great statue.

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  • VMRO
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1464

    Athens to finally get Alexander the Great statue.


    Athens gets OK for erection of Alexander the Great statue

    The Central Archaeological Council (KAS) has given the City of Athens the green light to erect a bronze statue of Alexander the Great at either of two places proposed by the municipal authorities.

    The statue, which depicts the ancient conqueror at an early age, was crafted by Yiannis Pappas in 1992 but has never gone on public display due to bureaucratic problems.

    Earlier this week, the mayor of Delta, in the northern region of Macedonia, asked the City of Athens, which now owns the statue, to donate the artifact.

    Athens officials said the statue would eventually be installed either on the junction of Vassilissis Olgas and Vassilissis Amalias avenues or at Asomaton Square in Thiseio.
    Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

    Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
  • sydney
    • Sep 2008
    • 390

    Seems bizarre that a statue of the 'greatest Greek hero' would only now grace the capital of the most enlightened country in the world.


    • Dejan
      • Sep 2008
      • 592

      So they erect statues of figures they've been conquered by? Lol
      You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

      A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


      • Stojacanec
        • Dec 2009
        • 809

        Next they should get a statue of Alexander burning Thebes to the ground.

        Also, unfortunatley for Athens they can't have the slogan "Warrior on a horse", it is already taken by the Macedonians.


        • Macedonian_Nationalist
          • Jul 2012
          • 407

          Apparently Israel have followed suit and will now erect a statue of Hitler in Jerusalem


          • Poligiros
            • Mar 2014
            • 121

            Originally posted by Macedonian_Nationalist View Post
            Apparently Israel have followed suit and will now erect a statue of Hitler in Jerusalem
            I believe Alexanders statue can be logically erected as far as the Danube to the north, Egypt to the south, and India to the east!

            Read a biography about Alexander the Great from his early life to becoming a military leader. How did he change the nature of the ancient world?


            • Nikolaj
              • Aug 2014
              • 389

              Originally posted by Poligiros View Post
              I believe Alexanders statue can be logically erected as far as the Danube to the north, Egypt to the south, and India to the east!

              That is true however by that logic why does Greece have issues with their neighbors erecting statues of him?


              • Dejan
                • Sep 2008
                • 592

                Originally posted by Macedonian_Nationalist View Post
                Apparently Israel have followed suit and will now erect a statue of Hitler in Jerusalem
                Lol this is gold
                You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

                A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


                • Poligiros
                  • Mar 2014
                  • 121

                  Originally posted by Nikolaj View Post
                  That is true however by that logic why does Greece have issues with their neighbors erecting statues of him?
                  Well, come on man. Greece's neighbor (Republic of Macedonia) deny the prominent Hellenic component of reputable ancient Macedonian history that is taught in "impartial" prestigious western institutions. I don't want to get into a debate about the ethnicity of Alexanders heritage, but comparing Hitler statue in Israel is nonsensical??

                  Its your forum and your version of history takes precedence, but I think its obvious why our countries have been at odds regarding the Macedonian question, statues, history, tombs, ancient inscriptions etc etc.
                  Last edited by Poligiros; 01-20-2015, 01:10 AM. Reason: missed a word


                  • Nikolaj
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 389

                    Originally posted by Poligiros View Post
                    Well, come on man. Greece's neighbor (Republic of Macedonia) deny the prominent Hellenic component of reputable ancient Macedonian history that is taught in "impartial" prestigious western institutions. I don't want to get into a debate about the ethnicity of Alexanders heritage, but comparing Hitler statue in Israel is nonsensical??

                    Its your forum and your version of history takes precedence, but I think its obvious why our countries have been at odds regarding the Macedonian question, statues, history, tombs, ancient inscriptions etc etc.
                    I understand where you are coming from. However, in reality the Republic of Macedonia has a great portion of prehistoric Macedonia, geographically. This is why it is stupid for Greece to complain about us erecting statues of Alexander the Great regardless of who we are.


                    • Poligiros
                      • Mar 2014
                      • 121

                      Originally posted by Nikolaj View Post
                      I understand where you are coming from. However, in reality the Republic of Macedonia has a great portion of prehistoric Macedonia, geographically. This is why it is stupid for Greece to complain about us erecting statues of Alexander the Great regardless of who we are.
                      Yeah I kind of agree. Current Republic of Macedonia territory comprises about 11-20% of ancient Macedonia territory (pelagonia) from what I have read?? Don't quote me. But once again the issue is about the context of the erected statue.

                      Regardless, we all know there is a lot more at stake between our 2 countries than some irrelevant statues of a bisexual general.


                      • Nikolaj
                        • Aug 2014
                        • 389

                        Originally posted by Poligiros View Post
                        Yeah I kind of agree. Current Republic of Macedonia territory comprises about 11-20% of ancient Macedonia territory (pelagonia) from what I have read?? Don't quote me. But once again the issue is about the context of the erected statue.

                        Regardless, we all know there is a lot more at stake between our 2 countries than some irrelevant statues of a bisexual general.
                        Well in reality boarders change, ethnic groups migrate here and there making whatever the ancient boarders of Macedonia obsolete.

                        That is not to say my Macedonian people were not inhabiting pretty much the majority of the modern Greek Macedonian boarders during the Ottoman period; well according to Dimitris Lithoxou.

                        It is still a very weak argument on behalf of your government.


                        • Stojacanec
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 809

                          Originally posted by Poligiros View Post
                          Well, come on man. Greece's neighbor (Republic of Macedonia) deny the prominent Hellenic component of reputable ancient Macedonian history that is taught in "impartial" prestigious western institutions. I don't want to get into a debate about the ethnicity of Alexanders heritage, but comparing Hitler statue in Israel is nonsensical??

                          Its your forum and your version of history takes precedence, but I think its obvious why our countries have been at odds regarding the Macedonian question, statues, history, tombs, ancient inscriptions etc etc.
                          Now come on Poligiros. Who is denying who? Greece has systematically taken steps to deny Macedonia, the name, flag, membership to institutions, history etc etc.

                          Historically Macedonia has roman, ottoman and hellenistic components. Yet we are still pure Macedonians. No country in the world can claim purity with untouched lineage and yet greece holds Macedonia to ransom for it and not the other way around.


                          • Poligiros
                            • Mar 2014
                            • 121

                            Originally posted by Stojacanec View Post
                            Now come on Poligiros. Who is denying who? Greece has systematically taken steps to deny Macedonia, the name, flag, membership to institutions, history etc etc.

                            Historically Macedonia has roman, ottoman and hellenistic components. Yet we are still pure Macedonians. .
                            Stojacanec, just as I thought we were kind of making progress, you had to toe the party line and hit me with the above.
                            "Yet we are still pure Macedonians"???

                            So you are more pure than my type of Macedonia that is native to the southern Macedonian region, utilizes the same language and culture of the "hellenistic component"?? You omit the "south slavic" component that also makes up an integral part of Macedonia.

                            In regards to the name, I believe Greece is for a compromise geographical identifier (that happens it solves membership issues).

                            As for history - don't blame the Hellenic Republic. Impartial historians, academics and archeologists who clearly disparage us, have been pushing the Hellenistic linkage to Macedonian history since antiquity and nobody can alter what is written in stone.



                            • DedoAleko
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 969

                              This is preposterous! People suggest we give the Athenians a gift-A big Statue of Philip II of Macedon,the father of Alexander III of Macedon. You know, the one that PULVERISED them!

