Largest ancient tomb found of a prominent Macedonian

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  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    I will make them cry they are nothing but liars and thieves.They lie to themselves and to the world what more can you expect from a lowdown life.GREEKS ARE THlowest life forms.
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15658

      It has been a very long time SoutherNeighbour!
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • SoutherNeighbour
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2014
        • 67

        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
        It has been a very long time SoutherNeighbour!
        Its been long time indeed!Happy I am back!


        • makedonche
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2008
          • 3242

          Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
          Thanks mate

          Taking a step back and having a closer look, I reckon a couple of "farkin dickheads" or "arseholes" somewhere in the statement would've painted an even clearer picture, something closer to photorealism to make the point absolute instead of an abstract offering of open ambiguity...

          Nice to see you here more often mate
          I would welcome more colourful descriptions of the platesmashers( to lazy to wash them), I reckon it would add "dignity to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl" quote someone famous!
          Good to be able to post again after an imposed leave of absence!
          On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


          • Niko777
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2010
            • 1895

            New photos


            • Philosopher
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1003

              Originally posted by SoutherNeighbour View Post
              Νταρνάκα ακανέ,όπου γάμος και χαρά η Βασίλω πρώτη βλέπω

              So the Greek propaganda will try its best once again to verify the Greek narrative of Macedonia's non existent ''Greekness''.

              The media in Greece are all over this discovery.Obviously the Greek archaeologists are in close contact with the Samaras government and are turning this discovery into a huge show that somehow is supposed to help Samaras show something positive to the Greeks after the imposing of relentless austerity policies on the people of Greece.

              BS 101 module taught by Samaras and his team.Needless to say that there are no international archaeologists participating in the excavation and this only goes to show how Greece is planning to manipulate the whole discovery.

              Now something interesting in terms of how Greece is taking advantage of the issue is NERIT's (the new national TV broadcasting service) which hints constantly that this might be Alexander's tomb.Especially the past week or so they constantly air the opinion of a marginal Greek historian who said on ANT1 channel that this is Alexander's tomb.

              If you could watch how the Greek media behave on this you would freak out.Each day you have panels of experts discussing the discovery.This goes on all day from all major Greek channels.Its truly unsettling to see how the media are manipulating the public opinion in Greece.

              Btw Agamoi,why dont you explain to our Macedonian friends what your Greek nick means?While you are at it explain to us your reference to the Macedonian Truth Forum here

              Oh and this last one please.Do explain to us what you are saying for the Macedonian users here (before I translate for them that is )
              Thank you SN.


              • SoutherNeighbour
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2014
                • 67

                The newest photos coming from Serres show a truly remarkable tomb/monument.Be wary as I really dont have faith in the Samaras government.I am sure they are gonna try and hellenize the tomb as much as possible.

                It appears that we are talking about a huge tomb and we will discover loads of stuff by the looks of it.Let's hope the Greek authorities will not try to use these Ancient Macedonian discoveries for propaganda purposes.


                • Agamoi Thytai
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 198

                  Originally posted by SoutherNeighbour View Post
                  The newest photos coming from Serres show a truly remarkable tomb/monument.


                  I also read in some Greek sites that archaeologists are about to unearth the entrance of the burial chamber and that Katerina Peristeri who is in charge of the excavation stated she believes the tomb is unlooted.

                  Originally posted by SoutherNeighbour View Post
                  Be wary as I really dont have faith in the Samaras government.I am sure they are gonna try and hellenize the tomb as much as possible.
                  I also mistrust Samaras but not for that reason. Neither the tomb nor its occupant need to be Hellenized. Perhaps there is buried some of Alexander's generals from Amphipolis that were not of Macedonian origin, f.i. Nearchus, Laomedon or Erigyius.
                  Last edited by Agamoi Thytai; 08-22-2014, 07:49 AM.
                  "What high honour do the Macedonians deserve, who throughout nearly their whole lives are ceaselessly engaged in a struggle with the barbarians for the safety of the Greeks?"
                  Polybius, Histories, 9.35


                  • SoutherNeighbour
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 67

                    Τhe fact that the tomb has not been looted is a good sign.In most Greek news sites right now Peristeri's statement is top news.


                    • George S.
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 10116

                      Looting and DOCTORING are the same to me either way the truth is hidden.THere is no way the greek govt that has placed the complete dig under wraps is going to release soimething that will prove a distinctness of macedonians and greeks be let out without doctoring.Sometimes they let things out by mistake.THink about it if the govt found any ANCIENT MACEDONIAN words they would alter them to greek.Examples of that was the virgina and other sites that they tampered with.WE know all about what they got up to there.THe greekness of macedonia was shown.You know poly tarps come in handy to hide things.
                      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                      GOTSE DELCEV


                      • Redsun
                        • Jul 2013
                        • 409

                        Katerina Peristeri who is in charge of the excavation stated she believes the tomb is unlooted.

                        What gave her that confidence; I don’t understand why the sphinxes are headless? The people that were ordered to build it, did they bury it aswell? Why chop off the heads of the sphinx as the final act?

                        Who buried it?

                        And if someone had accidently stumbled upon the site and seen the entrance, why chop off the heads and disregard entering the tomb. It’s kind of senseless, knowing there could be a chance there is gold stored within inside the tomb and being content with chopping off a statues head.

                        I remember reading somewhere that there was a risk of the roof collapsing, how thick is the ceiling of the tomb???

                        Its 2014 a lot of documentaries are recorded whilst excavation is happening. In this modern age I would expect the first archeologist entering the tomb to have a Gopro video camera strapped to their head with the intention to inspire a new generation of Archeologist.

                        George they don’t intend to hide anything because it will always remain a risk to them, they don’t want to be exposed. They must destroy it.

                        Don’t you think it’s odd when smashed pottery is found in Macedonia it is pieced together by a team of experts yet there always seems to be a couple of pieces or more missing, why would anyone that had previously past the site have any interest in the shards. Alot of fine craftsmanship, is initialed and may even have its origin of creation engraved upon it.

                        Archeologist must be thorough they have to sift through the earth moving around every single grain of sand and dirt in an area of discovery. Every time I look at unmarked craftsmanship that has been shattered and there is only the smallest fraction missing I can only wonder was someone not happy with something they refused to agree with? Was it actually found shattered?

                        I don’t understand why the there is no world standards for archeology; it’s the preservation of human history.


                        • Macedonian_Nationalist
                          • Jul 2012
                          • 407

                          They will show the world what they want the world to see. Anything that does not suit will be destroyed.

                          Samara looks like Hitler inspecting the tombs. He's in on it and knows what's about to go down. Top secret !
                          Last edited by Macedonian_Nationalist; 08-22-2014, 09:50 PM.


                          • Constellation
                            • Jul 2014
                            • 217

                            May I ask what exactly do you think will be covered up or destroyed? Do you think non-Greek, possibly a form of Slavic, inscriptions may be found?

                            Or do you think there may be artifacts that expressly speak of a separate Macedonian ethnicity, culture, etc?

                            Archaeology is a highly politicized science. I have no doubt that not only in Greece, but throughout the world, discoveries are made that challenge the status quo on the origins of man and the history of the world.

                            These discoveries are silenced.


                            • George S.
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 10116

                              I dont know if people remmber how the greek govt has changed things to destroy so called slavic writings to greek ones.They changed macedonian to greek headstones.In greece only greek could be spoken and ordered the speaking only greek and no macedonian was ro be spoken.The castor oil was to be given.The various laws etc THe Literary crusade undertaken to change historic texts showing macedonia is greek hundreds of millions of euros spent.Some texts they forgot to change.Changing of toponyms from macedonian to greek ones.The bribing of various newspapers by the greek govt to write about the greekness of macedonia.Remember that offer was available to rom newspapers.Yhere was hundreds of millions of dollars spent on just thatTHey had rewriting and revision of encyclopaedias to reflect macedonia is greece.THe bringing of so called experts to alter finds in archaelogical digs
                              tp reflect the greekness.of macedonia.Make no mistake about it the greek govt will
                              go to any length to change things.ears ago it offered a lot of money to buy a macedonian helmet found on macedonian territory i beleive more than a million and a half marks toi the people who found it on rom teritory,Lucky the Rom govt put a stop to it.
                              Greece would use these finds to say it was found on greek territory for propaganda purposes.Do people doubt that the greek govt doesn't alter things as they go??
                              THe greek govt continuously alters things their way because there is a lot at stake .THink about it it doesn't want to lose northern greece it knows full well whats involved.THey only put greeks on the digs the ones that they can trust.Also why is it on rom teritory the find occassiobally no greek texts but on greek teritory they find only greek texts.Perhaps shows all the altering that goes on.Also occasionally they let people in to write about ONLY the GREEKNESS OF MACEDONIA ONLY PEOPLE THEY CAN TRUST.How many people lived long enough after they blabbermouthed to the press and the western world how macedonia is not hreek.THey get the chop.People simply underestimate the Greek govt.
                              Last edited by George S.; 08-23-2014, 11:47 AM.
                              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                              GOTSE DELCEV


                              • Redsun
                                • Jul 2013
                                • 409

                                Do you think, do you think? What is there to think about, my guess is as good as anyone else’s which is only a guess… until the tomb has been entered. I haven’t wasted a thought on it, who knows what is in the tomb. I still think there is still a chance that the tomb may have already been looted.

                                If troy really did happen what did the victors do? If Greeks did exist BC what have they been doing all this time why hasn’t any other tombs of this size been found. If Greece had existed for over 2000 years I would expect stone buildings right across Greece from sea to sea.

                                How many Greek kings and Heroes have passed, what is to be shown of their feats? How many impressive tombs have been found within modern Greece.

                                I would expect the most visited to be Achilles tomb?

                                Wasn’t Achilles cremated, dusted into a jar and buried under a mound of dirt in Persia. He may not have been a king; he is what you Greeks claim to be your greatest hero, no tomb?

                                How come there are no other tombs of a significant size in Greece, don’t you Greeks boast about your many kings and heroes, where are their tombs?

                                Isn’t a Greek King worthy enough?

                                Did the Archaic people think very little of their rulers?

                                I don’t understand how it has been labeled the “biggest tomb found in Greece,”

                                Can you compare this tomb to anything in Greece?

                                Can you find me an example of that stone work anywhere else?

                                Where is the biggest tomb in Greece? How big is it?

                                Amongst all the negativity and deceit you throw at the Macedonian people, many misinformed Greeks claim that ancient Greece existed and that the Macedonians were Barbarians in comparison to the Greeks.

                                The biggest tomb found in south Eastern Europe was found in Macedonia not Greece.

                                What do you think will be found within the tomb Con?

                                I haven’t given it a great amount of thought such as you have; I think there could be a chance of many different inscriptions engraved on funerary gifts.

                                When I first heard about the tomb, I was entertaining myself with a silly thought that there may be many copies of books that were within the library of Alexandria.

                                Con, you made a thread on Eupedia, you must be interested in the DNA samples that will be take from the bodies.

                                What if it is Alexander’s wife Roxanne is buried under there; I wonder what her people looked like BC. The Muslims and the Mongols would have had a strong impact on the genetics within the area, what did these people look like before the Mongols and Muslims, interesting.
                                Last edited by Redsun; 08-23-2014, 08:08 PM.

