Hondoe you forget about the sizable amount of Macedonians in the diaspora.We number at 2.5 million.I stil say the Albanians are under the 15% you are lying if that's not the case you got caught roughting the census.30 to 35 % that's bullshit you liar.Push the Macedonians too far you will see a blood bath your blood.Very soon we are hoping for a real revolt & you will see what special tasks the special forces do like disemboweling you whils't you are still alive.You don't know how much hate we have for the shiptars.Push us & you will see.
Macedonian Presidential Elections 2014
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
You're verging on intellectual retardedness now. Even if Albanians are 35 per cent of the population, they are still outnumbered 2 to 1. What you are asking for is apartheid, with a belief that Albanians are somehow superhuman and that one should be worth more than other human beings.
I'll ask you one more time to answer WHY you and other Albanians are pushing this racist view. Reply with more statistics and they will be deleted because they are IRRELEVANT to the question which you are squirming around to avoid.If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
you know how you disrespect us & you are just trying to push your way up to grab our land well it won't happen civilians will take up arms agains't you & wipe you off the map.That's what we are hoping will happen.Don't ask for mercy,just cop it sweet.I don't think we hold any love for you except to decimate you like the vermin you are.Next time there won't be any interference & the Albanian minority question will be solved.JUst rember your terrorist are heroes to you & not to us.Vermin is all you are not human beings."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Hondoe you are an imbecile with no brain what does it mean when you were caught roughting the census ststs.Manupilating everything to show there are more of you when they are not.THE 25% is a lie it is only half of that 12%.No use lying you have been caught out.The Macedonian govt should get rid of you where does it say in the minority protection that Macedonia has to forgo land or control just because you are a minority.Also you don't consider yourelves as citizens of Macedonia.So go fuck off somewhere else & stop fantasizing that you are going to get half of Macedonia.I don't think you should be allowed .Next war no mercy just wipe you out you vermin.
Macedonia is not even in nato or the eu & has given you every right under the sun short of outright secession.NOw you want to take the Macedonians homeland away.Where does it say we have to give you more rights than you desrve.You don't respect us all you care is that you steal our land.A good many Macedonians in rom or the diaspora have had enough we wish to wipe vrmin like you outDon't think we are weak we will protect our Macedonia from shiptar morons like you who think they can rob us of our tatkovina.Last edited by George S.; 02-07-2014, 07:34 PM."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Vangelovski View Postxhondoe,
You're verging on intellectual retardedness now. Even if Albanians are 35 per cent of the population, they are still outnumbered 2 to 1. What you are asking for is apartheid, with a belief that Albanians are somehow superhuman and that one should be worth more than other human beings.
I'll ask you one more time to answer WHY you and other Albanians are pushing this racist view. Reply with more statistics and they will be deleted because they are IRRELEVANT to the question which you are squirming around to avoid.
Basically they want to be in control of the county but can not because they are the minority, so they want their votes to count as 2 or 3 so that they can gain control that way but there is one thing they never talk about: If one day they out number Macedonians, will our votes count for 2 or 3 so that we can still be in control or will our still only count as one? I think we know, we have seen what already goes on in Tetovo and Debar, where Macedonians votes dont even count as 1 but get ignored, along with all the other stipulations of the OFA that only seems to apply to places where Macedonians are the majority, but where the Albanians are a majority they rule unconditionally and the OFA has no validity.
They just want to be in power and way they can manage.
Originally posted by Vangelovski View Postxhondoe,
You're verging on intellectual retardedness now. Even if Albanians are 35 per cent of the population, they are still outnumbered 2 to 1. What you are asking for is apartheid, with a belief that Albanians are somehow superhuman and that one should be worth more than other human beings.
I'll ask you one more time to answer WHY you and other Albanians are pushing this racist view. Reply with more statistics and they will be deleted because they are IRRELEVANT to the question which you are squirming around to avoid.
Bring on the census.
What a strange minority the ethnic Albanians of Macedonia are.
xhondoe, you will be banned soon. Do you want your people to remain hillbillies so they can breed more, or would you rather they bring themselves into the 21st century?
Your current beliefs rely on generational peasantry. I'm not sure anyone wants that. But I am not like you.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
hondue only a new census will show the real count You are totally wrong .If Albanians move into Macedonia they will be ejected what possible rights hsave they got except they are not indigenous."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
I noticed that three people have voted for 'other' in this poll - just wondering who that 'other' is?If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
Its obvious this shiptar guy is a troll, he is not here to start normal arguments just flood the forums with meaningless statistics to get people fired up.
From my experience in maccedonia the shiptars like to try give off the image that certain places are shiptar dominated (and it seems like it works) but in reality they are not that great in numbers.
Fancy shiptar propaganda like putting posters of albanian politicians and flags every where makes the uninformed think places like Kumanovo and Kicevo are 'albanian dominated' area's when infacts its the totol opposite, its macedonians who are the majority.
Its these kind of dirty tricks that the shiptars have been using the past 15-20 years to push their propaganda to the uninformed that they make up 35% of the population. I have seen some shiptars quote even 45% LOL
25% seems about right, but when you consider the 50,000 kosovo refugees given macedonian citezen ship and the other dirty tricks used by shiptas to boost the numbers - i think the real number of shiptars is around 20-22% of the population.
Btw macedonia was never created to be like Switzerland or Belgium. It was a home for the macedonians and its minorities.
Whats more hypocritical about the shiptars is that they cry for macedonia to turn into belgium or switzereland but the shiptars in all honestly dont want to mix with other non-albanians and want to eventually form a greater albanian state.
In Switzerland you dont see Italians calling themselves Italian, you dont see french calling them selves french etc - they all call each other Swis.They all wave the swiss flag, all are happy to play in Swiss sports team together. Its the same in belgium.
The shiptars want nothing to do with macedonia, they will never accept being called albanian, they always fly the albanian flag not the macedonian flag and they spit on the graves of macedonian heroes.
Its clear as day what the shiptars in macedonia are trying to achieve and its definantly not more rights or equal standings for a future macedonia. They want total domination and control and then unified albania.
Just look at kosovo, it was meant to be a place for both albanians and serbs but its pretty much just another racist albanian country.
The shiptari in Macedonia are in a very fortunate and privileged position.
Their 'luck' was created by chance and based on nothing that constitutes a democratic or human rights principle.
Macedonia has largely been the victim of the Milosevic years in the former Yugoslavia, the turmoil of the various wars and the ineptitude of the Western powers to remove the Milosevic regime and it's backers.
This period of social upheaval and inter ethnic conflicts has handed the shiptari a power that is way beyond their minority status.
I can't see how this disproportionate or heavily weighted power in favour of the shiptar politicians is something that is sustainable long term in any country based on democratic principles.
My view is that the current political situation whereby all Macedonian parties invite a shiptar party into a wider coalition government will be a relatively fleeting procedure, an idea driven by the Western powers at a time when Macedonia was most vulnerable to ethnically driven destabilization.
Macedonia still needs to mature into a democratic country based on strong political and legal institutions. When that time comes there will be no need to appease minority parties based on ethnic agendas and that's when the shiptari will loose much of their exorbitant power and the bullshit demands it currently props up.
I noticed that Macedonians only insult and insult and insult.They even want to ban me for expressing my own opinion.They cant stand the true facts.Way to go that really shows the culture that u are.Well soon the time for us will come to pay back those years of ethnic cleansing ,deportation,and the funny thing we don't have to lift a finger to win.
The Slavs will destroy themselves seeing how successful we will be cause we are a strong race not a dying one . Anyway i see that this forum is not really a forum cause u don't want any discussion.You just want to know only what u think.Maybe u think that u are in Yugoslavia and u father Tito rules u Since its obvious that he is the father of Macedonian nation since he created the Macedonian concept.A country without identity and without allies without power surrounded by enemies simply cant last long.
Have a nice day.
Originally posted by xhondoe View PostI noticed that Macedonians only insult and insult and insult.They even want to ban me for expressing my own opinion.They cant stand the true facts.Way to go that really shows the culture that u are.Well soon the time for us will come to pay back those years of ethnic cleansing ,deportation,and the funny thing we don't have to lift a finger to win.
The Slavs will destroy themselves seeing how successful we will be cause we are a strong race not a dying one . Anyway i see that this forum is not really a forum cause u don't want any discussion.You just want to know only what u think.Maybe u think that u are in Yugoslavia and u father Tito rules u Since its obvious that he is the father of Macedonian nation since he created the Macedonian concept.A country without identity and without allies without power surrounded by enemies simply cant last long.
Have a nice day.If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
Originally posted by xhondoe View PostI noticed that Macedonians only insult and insult and insult.They even want to ban me for expressing my own opinion.They cant stand the true facts.Way to go that really shows the culture that u are.Well soon the time for us will come to pay back those years of ethnic cleansing ,deportation,and the funny thing we don't have to lift a finger to win.
The Slavs will destroy themselves seeing how successful we will be cause we are a strong race not a dying one . Anyway i see that this forum is not really a forum cause u don't want any discussion.You just want to know only what u think.Maybe u think that u are in Yugoslavia and u father Tito rules u Since its obvious that he is the father of Macedonian nation since he created the Macedonian concept.A country without identity and without allies without power surrounded by enemies simply cant last long.
Have a nice day.
This only confirms what I always thought about Albanians, its not about Albanian vs Macedonian, its about Muslim and Orthodox Christian. He brings up Yugoslavia, Tito, and Serbs yet we suffered just as much as anyone under those people, yet they look at us as the same as the Serbs just because we are both Orthodox. Even in prior posts he quoted statistics that talked about how many Muslims were in Macedonia and basically made it seem as though all the Muslims are Albanian, obviously ignoring the Turkish, Macedonian Muslim, Roma, and eve Bosnian citizens that are all Muslims.
This clown is the typical uneducated brainwashed Albanian. He waves his Albanian flag proudly even those he is disliked by real Albanians, he a Muslim fanatic who looks at all Christians as being one group that is in opposition to his Muslims, he brings up non existent acts of violence to justify his hate. There has never ever been indiscriminate violence against Albanians in Macedonia, and to claim ethnic cleansing is not only a blatant lie without even a shred of proof, but a direct insult our integrity as human beings.
Please ban this typical Gheg stereotype, he is not deserving of all the attention he has gotten.
Keep dreaming my little shiptar friend, the true cowardliness of your ilk will show its face in due time, enjoy it while it lasts.