Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia
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I saw something similar, an american politician was saying how russia simply cant invade a country, redraw borders, annex territory and decide who goes into power.
The yanks must have short memories. I wonder how the serbs feel when the yanks annexed kosovo from them, or how macedonians feel when the yanks pretty much gifted the shiptars control of macedonia.
Its just typical politics. When one super power has the upper hand and exploiting the situation the weaker side takes the moral high ground and acts innocent.
The yanks are just upset that they are getting a taste of their own medicine and are getting scared that instead of being number one in the world they will slowly be number three

Estonia, latvia, lithuania, poland, Romania and moldova would be shitting themselves right now. Maybe selling their souls (and asses) to the EU/NATO and treating russian minorities like shit was perhaps not the smartest choices.