Russia, Ukraine and the West
Moscow City Duma deputy suggested that six more countries - Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia - should be "denazified"
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostAbsolutely agree.
Whilst watching the video, it occurred to me how Macedonia never had a chance against precisely that kind of interference.
I have really enjoyed listening to the views of John Mearsheimer
This video contains only the highlights of John Mearsheimer’s Ukraine-Russia War 2022 Analysis.DisclaimerFor educational purposes only. All credits go to Joh...
Glenn Greenwald is also refreshingly balanced
Another interesting source
Last edited by Phoenix; 03-15-2022, 03:01 AM.
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Originally posted by Phoenix View PostPretty easy to end this conflict...keep Ukraine out of NATO and the Ukraine to be a prosperous neutral some respect to your much larger and nuclear armed other words, stop poking the bear in the eye.
Whilst watching the video, it occurred to me how Macedonia never had a chance against precisely that kind of interference.
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Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostApologies if this is already posted here:
Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black S
This is the documentary "Ukraine on Fire" backed by Oliver Stone. Show it to the simpletons who think there is only black and white (or blue and yellow) in this world.
It has been deleted everywhere lately (funnily enough).
Interesting listening to Victoria Nuland talking about largely peaceful protests (at around - 1 hour 31:52) change a winning formula...
Putin taking the piss out of Saakashvili was pretty funny.
Everything in that documentary should scare the shit out of anyone with half a fucking brain...people have been so dumbed down in recent years that they don't question anything and take everything for granted that they see in the MSM and on social media...the talking heads are speaking with one voice and are increasingly shaping a hawkish narrative that is creating the pretext for false flag operations that could ultimately push Europe and the world to the brink.
I keep hearing that the Russians are bogged down, that troop morale is low, that the Ukrainians are so heroic, that the Russian war machine is not at 'Superpower" level, that the invasion is taking too long to reach its objectives etc...etc...and yet there doesn't seem to be any credible video evidence of any of this shit in the MSM, whilst the map of Russian occupation of Ukraine seems to be increasing each day.
Pretty easy to end this conflict...keep Ukraine out of NATO and the Ukraine to be a prosperous neutral some respect to your much larger and nuclear armed other words, stop poking the bear in the eye.Last edited by Phoenix; 03-15-2022, 12:53 AM.
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