Protection of the Macedonian language spoken by the Greek Macedonians

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  • Daskalot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 4345

    Protection of the Macedonian language spoken by the Greek Macedonians

    Here are some interesting news from our financially bankrupt southern neighbor.


    Заштита на македонскиот јазик кој го зборуваат грчките Македонци !?
    23.11.2011 - 16:15 |

    * Македонија

    Атина да го заштити македонскиот јазик кој го зборуваат грчките Македонци. Со вакво барање граѓански здруженија од Грција почнаа кампања. Македонскиот јазик кој се зборувал во Грција бил различен од јазикот кој го зборувале “Скопјаните”.

    Македонците намерно организирале фестивали во Грција, увезувале песни и ора за да ги претопат двете, според нив, различни култури. Така Грците, кои го зборуваат македонскиот јазик попримиле по некој славјански идиом.

    "Славофонскиот дијалект што го зборуваат во повеќе региони на Македонија нема никаква врска со јазикот што го зборуваат во Скопје. Тоа претставува културно богатство, кое мораме да го зачуваме и мора храбро да го зборуваат Македонците - Грци”, се вели во соопштението испратено од здружението “Ново Петрици”.

    Оваа кампања, славистите оценуваат дека е контрапродуктивна за Грција, бидејки со ова самите го признаваат постоењето на македонскиот јазик.

    Дијалектите од Северна Грција се многу тесно врзани со дијалектите во Македонија,а тие се база на македонскиот литературен јазик. Значи до јазичена гледна точка, македонските дијалекти од Грција се дел од истата целина како дијалектите во Република Македонија, објаснува Виктор Фридман, професор по славистика на Универзитетот во Чикаго.

    Автоголот на Грција, според Фридман оди во прилог на Македонија, како дополнителен аргумент во преговорите за името.

    Доколку се признава дека македонскиот современ јазик се зборува на грчка територија, тоа е чекор напред, вели Фридман.

    На работилницата организирана минатата недела во Серес, здруженијата ја предупредуваат власта дека Скопје ќе се обиде да ги искористи моменталните салбости на грчката држава за да ги исполни своите надворешно политчки цели.

    Побраа офцијална Атина, наместо да молчи да ги заштити грчките Македонци и да ја спречи кражбата на грчкото културно наследство.

    Снежана Јовановска
    Macedonian Truth Organisation
  • Daskalot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 4345

    Here is a quick translation by Google:

    Protection of the Macedonian language spoken by the Greek Macedonians?
    23.11.2011 - 16:15 |

    * Macedonia

    Athens to protect the Macedonian language spoken by Greek Macedonians. With such a request civil society campaign began in Greece. Macedonian language spoken in Greece was different from the language spoken "Skopjans."

    Macedonians deliberately organized festivals in Greece, imported songs and dances are assimilated to two, according to them, different cultures. Thus the Greeks, who speak the Macedonian language acquired after a Slavic idiom.

    "Slavophone dialect spoken in various regions of Macedonia has nothing to do with the language spoken in Skopje. It is a cultural treasure that we must preserve and must boldly speak Macedonians - Greeks," said a statement sent by the association "New Petritsi."

    This campaign, Slavic think that is counterproductive for Greece, because this alone recognize the existence of the Macedonian language.

    Dialects of Northern Greece are very closely related to dialects in Macedonia, and they are based on the Macedonian literary language. So the tab view, Macedonian dialects of Greece are part of the same thing as a Macedonian dialects, explains Victor Friedman, Professor of Slavic at the University of Chicago.

    Greece's own goal, according to Friedman in favor of Macedonia, as an additional argument in the negotiations on the name.

    If it is recognized that contemporary Macedonian language is spoken on Greek territory, it is a step forward, says Friedman.

    The workshop was organized last week in Serres, associations shall warn the authorities that follow will attempt to seize the current salbosti the Greek state to meet its external ignoring political purposes.

    Pobraa ofcijalna Athens rather than to remain silent to protect the Greek Macedonians and prevent theft of Greek cultural heritage.

    Snezana Jovanovska
    Macedonian Truth Organisation


    • Voltron
      • Jan 2011
      • 1362

      Whats a matter Daskalot ? doesnt seem your like your breaking out the champagne bottle.


      • Onur
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2389

        Athens to protect the Macedonian language spoken by Greek Macedonians. With such a request civil society campaign began in Greece. Macedonian language spoken in Greece was different from the language spoken "Skopjans."
        lol, this should be as absurd as saying today`s Cretans and Athenians speaks different language.

        They try to "preserve" Macedonian in Greece but then what they were thinking when philhellenes was dictating whitewashed plastic modern Greek by totally erasing Pontian, Romaika and other dialects??? Why they didn't try to preserve pure Turkish of ~400.000 christians from Anatolia or where is the Romanian language of Vlachs today??? Vlachs had their own church, bibles and autonomy from 1890s to 1913. Where are they now???

        Just don't pay attention to their pathetic actions. They try to do similar shit for the Turks and Pomaks in western Thrace too.


        • Voltron
          • Jan 2011
          • 1362

          I think its important to note that this initiative was started by the Maceonians themselves. If Friedman thinks its good than what else can I say ?

          Onur, I see its a big day for you.
          First time ever apology from Turkey regarding the Dersim Massacres. Well done, it seems like this is just the beginning for you guys. As you were saying ?

          Erdoğan revealed that a total of 13,806 people were killed as a result of military operations that were part of a systematic state policy while tens of thousands of them were forced to leave their homes.


          • Brian
            • Oct 2011
            • 1130

            It is absurd if anybody believes it - the official Macedonia language takes it's form from the Prilep, Bitola and Lerin regions. There is very little difference and people can easily understand each other, either side of the border. It is an interesting tactic as a 'chivia' (wedge/block-splitter) - 'we are Macedonian, but we're Greek so recognise us (but silently, we are the same as Macedonians in RoM).


            • Niko777
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2010
              • 1895

              The association that is advocating this is "Nea Petritsi". Does any one know what that means? It means "New Petrich" after the town of Petrich in Pirin Macedonia. This is a small village in the Serres region made up of pro-Greek Vlach speaking refugees from Petrich who left during the 1920s (I'm not kidding). This is a small village association, what they are saying about the Macedonian language is irrelevant. Of course the media is trying to make it a big thing.


              • slovenec zrinski
                • Sep 2008
                • 385

                And u should put a cork in your champagne bottle Vultu....sorry...Voltron.
                Friedman says it is a step, a step, forward IF IF IF the contemporary Macedonian is recognised in Greece....Is that what this is, or will lead to?


                • Stojacanec
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 809

                  The macedonian language handed down to people from Aegean Macedonia was not taught by the Metaxas government. It was handed down through generations.
                  The Metaxas govt taught the 1.5 million refugees what you refer to today as the "Greek-Macedonian" dialect.


                  • Stojacanec
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 809

                    [QUOTE=Voltron;115109]I think its important to note that this initiative was started by the Maceonians themselves. If Friedman thinks its good than what else can I say ?


                    Which Macedonians use the term Skopjan Voltron. Tell me who are these Macedonians you are referring to ??


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15658

                      Originally posted by Stojacanec View Post
                      Which Macedonians use the term Skopjan Voltron. Tell me who are these Macedonians you are referring to ??
                      Many Macedonians in Greece use this term nowadays. 30 years ago they used to think Bulgarians had one eye as well. They are victims of a nation that instils hate in its citizens.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Mygdon
                        Junior Member
                        • May 2009
                        • 90

                        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                        30 years ago they used to think Bulgarians had one eye as well.
                        fala za nasmevkata


                        • Stojacanec
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 809

                          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                          Many Macedonians in Greece use this term nowadays. 30 years ago they used to think Bulgarians had one eye as well. They are victims of a nation that instils hate in its citizens.
                          I must have missed those terms of refernence when they come over the border to buy at our markets, eat at our restaurants and setup businesses.


                          • Coolski
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 747

                            hmm.. this is a very interesting development indeed. They are trying their damned hardest to weasel out of this whole name debacle that they created, however i'm not sure whether or not it'll backfire in our favour. I am thinking it will.

                            From what i've gathered they're going to try and take ownership of the aegean dialects of the Macedonian language, spoken within their borders, however they will not recognise those languages as being Macedonian. Rather, "slavic". I'm sure this isn't their ideal situation, but they are just trying to save some level of resistance. The rise of the public presence of Macedonians in Greece, especially with the footage that is being broadcast on the web showing Macedonian songs and dances from within Greek borders, is showing that Greece isn't quite so "greek" after all.

                            In this process these Macedonian dialects may actually encounter a revival and gain in popularity (regardless what the greeks call the language), which of course is a good thing.

                            The negative point is mainly that the Greeks are going to try and spin this as hard as possible into these Macedonian dialects being Greek-regional "slavic dialects", while still trying to claim that Greeks in their Macedonia prefectures are the only true Macedonians.

                            As you can see, they are slowly backing themselves into a corner. All I would say to Macedonians is to keep pushing, because the Greek's knickers are truly in a knot.
                            Last edited by Coolski; 11-24-2011, 11:10 PM.
                            - Секој чоек и нација има можност да успеат колку шо си дозволуваат. Нема изговор.
                            - Every human and nation has the ability to be as great or as weak as they allow themselves to be. No excuses.


                            • Stojacanec
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 809

                              I think it would be a foolish act for their cause to try and differentiate the languages between how we speak in ROM vs how Macedonians speak from the Aegean.

                              But if that will be the case, please go ahead....

