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  • Rogi
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2343

    I wasn't questioning any support for anyone or anything, rather I was questioning the purpose, reasoning and angle behind the posts.

    I have no idea who indigen is, nor do I really need to, but I also have no idea whether he/she is religious and/or his/her views and so I have no idea what angle he/she is coming from with articles that go further than harming bishops but go toward discrediting the MOC itself.

    I don't think the way to go about things is to discredit the entire MOC, which is what many Macedonians have as an underlying foundation for expressing their religious belief, and thus, perhaps inadvertently, denigrating their belief and religion.

    Mind you, all that aside, this thread is 4 months old and has been inactive for just as long, so I'm not sure why it was kicked up by you today.
    Last edited by Rogi; 03-28-2010, 09:54 PM.


    • indigen
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 1558

      Originally posted by Rogi View Post
      I wasn't questioning any support for anyone or anything, rather I was questioning the purpose, reasoning and angle behind the posts.
      Well, there is a topic title and the posts a clearly related to it. The purpose, as should be obvious to anyone without conspiracy theories and "angles", is to provide information and raise awareness amongst Macedonians, especially those that missed the event as they were growing up, about this historical church scandal that, had it not been averted by popular reaction, including these media articles you and P. find objectionable, almost placed MPC under Serbian jurisdiction.

      I have no idea who indigen is, nor do I really need to, but I also have no idea whether he/she is religious and/or his/her views and so I have no idea what angle he/she is coming from with articles that go further than harming bishops but go toward discrediting the MOC itself.
      I am a he and A. should not be making too many assumptions about who I may be because you know the old saying about assuming...:-)

      Instead of generalising, can you please quote the objectionable parts of the articles and explain what is incorrect and objectionable?

      Mind you, all that aside, this thread is 4 months old and has been inactive for just as long, so I'm not sure why it was kicked up by you today.
      Perhaps because people continue to read it and A. thought it needs his response to correct misconceptions. That is my analysis on it.


      • indigen
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 1558



        ГОСПОДО ВЛАДИЦИ, дали сте свесни кон што ја водите нашата Македонска православна црква? Дали тоа несвесно го правите (досега никој не се посомневал во вашето ментално здравје), или пак тоа свесно го правите, но претходно продавајќи си ја вашата душа на душманите на Македонската православна црква т.е. на самиот ѓавол. Објаснувањата кои стасуваат дека привременото губење на автокефалноста (самостојноста) на МПЦ и враќањето кон автономија, би била само чекор назад за да се појде два чекори напред кон конечна самостојност, се лаги на владиците Петар, Наум, Тимотеј и Јован под покровителство на Поглаварот Стефан (за кого сите знаеме дека беше неканонски избран со притисоци и фалсификати). Тие лаги, за среќа, навреме беа откриени и од македонскиот народ, но и од владиците Кирил и Агатангел (фала му на Бога што имаме и такви) кои заеднички и многу гласно ги искажаа своите несогласувања со ставовите (лагите) на просрпските владици Петар (кој скоро успеа да ја уништи и Австралиско-новозеландската епархија) и заблудениот Тимотеј, како и на се погласните гркомански платеници Наум и Јован уфрлени во МПЦ за да го растурат канонскиот сојуз на македонските владици и македонскиот народ кој со години успешно се спротивставуваше на нападите на душманските комшиски (НЕ)православни цркви.

        Со години не им успеваше намерата да ја уништат МПЦ, си до денешен ден кога на власт во Македонија се наоѓаат немакедонски предавници кои во договор со комшиските непријатели сакаат да ја уништат и МПЦ, но и македонската држава.

        И бидејќи на македонскиот народ му е преку глава од предавства како во државата, така сега и во Црквата, наскоро ќе мора да расчисти со сите вакви ненародни елементи и конечно да го добие она за што со векови се борел, Вистинска самостојна македонска држава, но и вековита самостојна Македонска православна црква.

        Ѓорѓија - Џорџ Атанасоски
        03.6. 2002 година*
        С К О П Ј Е*


        • Komita
          • May 2009
          • 243

          Supported by the Russian Patriarchate for the recognition of the MOC

          Supported by the Russian Patriarchate for the recognition of the MOC
          A Mile. Risteski Comments (7)

          08/05/2010 13:52
          Inter-religious Conference - Ohrid

          Communication with strong support from the Russian Archbishop Kirill, the Russian Orthodox Church will strive to resolve the problem that has MOC Ohrid Archbishopric in terms of its recognition of the sister Orthodox Churches.

          In Ohrid came with the blessing of the Russian Patriarch and between our churches there is no problem, emphasize Jaroslavskiot Archbishop Cyril.

          "I can not be indifferent to the Slavic brothers, who are in isolation outside of communion with other Orthodox churches," said Russian Archbishop Cyril.

          In Ohrid on inter-religious conference attended by the monk Peter vodnichko-Tuzla Eparchy of SOC. The dispute thereof of the MOC and SOC. Do not know where the talks, but stresses need for dialogue.

          "Of course we support any action to build goodwill and peace and welfare, citing his words of our late patriarch blessed Paul, that evil and war can not bring good to anybody," said the monk Peter.

          The conference was called and Efendi Rexhepi, IRC. After meeting with the prime minister and president with a humble tone, says the problems are beyond the dialogue, and Macedonia to serve as a positive example to others. Denies ultimatum to build mosques in Prilep and Lazec. Expected up to three months mosques to begin to build.

          "Absolutely I have no ultimatum, but were aimed at resolving some outstanding issues that had the Islamic community and has probably in the future. For some questions that we have completed, locked, "said Rexhepi Efendi.

          Macedonia live in a world of razlichitostite. Life is not taught in co-existence and tolerance. In Macedonia properly understood razlichitostite world and we respect it, "said Djordje Ivanov.

          In inter-religious conference in Ohrid at the last minute canceled their participation former UN Secretary-General, Boutros Ghali and representatives of churches in the Orthodox world are visiting the monasteries and St. Rajcica. John Bigorski.

          А1 Македонија е член на Групацијата А1 Телеком Австрија, водечки провајдер за комуникациски и дигитални решенија во Централна и Источна Европа.
          Слава му на Бога за се


          • Bratot
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 2855

            I don't see support in recognition of the MOC but in disolving the dispute, without saying in which way.
            The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


            • Frank
              • Mar 2010
              • 687

              The ROC would if it lent its support then need to resolve its status with thier Ukranian foes

              In my view the MOC are criminaly intent cowards why is thier need for dialogue the MOC is what it is and nobody can take that away.

              Especially the filthy Serbs who owe thair very spoken lanuage to us.


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                No, I did not see support for the MOC.
                What gave you that impression Komita?
                It certainly was not any of the text above, nor has it been one single time in Macedonia's history.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  As soon as I read the title I knew it was the same rhetoric, because there have been many similar articles and all play the same useless tune.

                  The ROC has proven itself to be useless in this dispute. It's not a chess game for Christ's sake, it's simple, the SOC and the Constantinople Patriarchate need to come to terms with reality and acknowledge the MOC.

                  Or, we can remain autonomous in the spirit of the historical Archbishopric of Ohrid in Macedonia. Even if we were accepted "in the family" tomorrow, Macedonians will look at the other neighbouring OC's with reserve for a long time, because this has to be one of the most pathetic disputes caused by the SOC's arrogance and the ROC's and CP's cowardice.

                  Komita, what exactly is the problem with these OC's recognising the MOC? Why are they doing this? And they want our respect?
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Mastika
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 503

                    Komita can I ask why you have Nicholas II as your avatar? Thanks.


                    • Big Bad Sven
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 1528

                      zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz boring....................

                      I have been reading statements like these for the past 10 years (maybe more) with stupid little empty promises of the church issue being resolved or that its "close" to being finished, or that the russians will eventually "save us".......... then we wait untill next year when the same useless message appears again.

                      Honestly it feels like a annual PR stunt by the ROC just to make the macedonians settle.

                      In my dreams i picture the ROC, along with the other churches uniting to help macedonia and standing up to bullies like the GOC and SOC but that will never happen. The ROC is too guttless to do anything that goes against their serbian and "greek" pets and the Orthodox church is too politically corrupt.



                      • Big Bad Sven
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 1528

                        Originally posted by Mastika View Post
                        Komita can I ask why you have Nicholas II as your avatar? Thanks.
                        Nicholas II, the Danish homo who moonlighted as a Russian. He was also related to another Danish homo, George I of Grease (modern creator of Grease and the "greeks")



                        • Mastika
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 503

                          Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
                          Nicholas II, the Danish homo who moonlighted as a Russian. He was also related to another Danish homo, George I of Grease (modern creator of Grease and the "greeks")

                          lol. I just wonder why anyone would want to have that man as their Avatar, especially after what he did to Russia and the Russian people.


                          • Komita
                            • May 2009
                            • 243

                            Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
                            Nicholas II, the Danish homo who moonlighted as a Russian. He was also related to another Danish homo, George I of Grease (modern creator of Grease and the "greeks")

                            What you just did tells what kind of person you are, it's pure blasphemy Nicholas II is a recognised saint in the orthodox church.
                            Слава му на Бога за се


                            • Komita
                              • May 2009
                              • 243

                              Originally posted by Mastika View Post
                              lol. I just wonder why anyone would want to have that man as their Avatar, especially after what he did to Russia and the Russian people.
                              Please enlighten us.
                              Слава му на Бога за се


                              • Komita
                                • May 2009
                                • 243

                                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                                No, I did not see support for the MOC.
                                What gave you that impression Komita?
                                It certainly was not any of the text above, nor has it been one single time in Macedonia's history.
                                Feel free and delete it. I wont post any news articles anymore.
                                Слава му на Бога за се

